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Guest Blackston

WWE on In Demand

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Guest Blackston

The last that I heard, the WWE was foregoing thier plans to do a 24 hour wrestling channel, instead possibly offering an On Demand wrestling channel (meaning that you could choose to watch a wrestling show whenever you choose, a fairly new cable television technology). I was just wondering what subscription plan you all think that the WWE should go with.


1. $50 dollars a month; offers several classic Raw's and Smackdown's. Allows people to watch "what happens after the camera goes off" on Raw and Smackdown. Offers the Pay Per View of the month, along with pregame and other things with it. Offers several classic Supercards put on by the WWF, WCW, ECW and the AWA.


2. $15 dollars a month; Unlimited access to about six different major cards a month, along with other classic shows from all major federations.


3. Free/Pay charge; Offers classic television shows for free. Offer Supercards for about 5 dollars a pop.


What do you all think would be the way to go?

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Guest El Satanico

They should charge whatever HBO, Showtime, Cinemax etc. charges a month.


Paying $50 for the monthly PPV and an unlimited month of classic programming would be a great option. However they'd need to have a $10-15 price just for the classic programming so the people who aren't interested in the new PPVs could still have access.



Oh yeah and no damn commercials...if it's a commercial channel I wouldn't pay a dime.

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Guest razazteca

I agree about the channel not having commercials, if they need sponsors then just have them pay to put the logo on the corner of the screen, like they do for soccer games.

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Guest Coffey

Dude, if the channel plays shit from my childhood all day long...like early 90's WWF/WCW... Rude, Warrior, Hogan, Beefcake, Flair, Muta, Sting, Lugar, Jake The Snake, Rick Martel, Honky Tonk, etc...I'd pay whatever I fucking had...

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Guest Lightning Flik
I agree about the channel not having commercials, if they need sponsors then just have them pay to put the logo on the corner of the screen, like they do for soccer games.

Could you elaborate for those of us who do not watch soccer?


As for the channel, I'd so pay for it.

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Guest j.o.b. squad

basicaly in soccer they dont have commercials.


to pay the bills a company woude pay for a set amount of time in the game durring that time their logo woude appear in the corner of the screen

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Guest JHawk

They should just do the regular 24-hour channel.


They could run it with commercials if they're showing something that had commercial breaks, and when they're showing classic PPVs then they could replace the Shopzone ads or "buy your program now" ad with commercials for upcoming programming.


Besides, if they charged for the channel, they couldn't show the Attitude era stuff, right?


Or is that too logical for WWE?

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Guest Steviekick

If they did start a WWE channel, i would propably seriously considering being unemployed for a while. So much good stuff that they could show.


Maybe they could make it a pro-wrestling/boxing channel? That way they would propably get more advertising and it would propably be more profitable for them. An all wrestling channel seems a little risky, but still amazing as hell at the same time.

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Guest bravesfan
Besides, if they charged for the channel, they couldn't show the Attitude era stuff, right?


They could, if it's U.S.-exclusive programming.

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