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News on the Rock's backstage demeanor

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Has Hollywood success swelled the head of the Great One?


The Rock is reportedly the same man in the locker room as he was in previous WWE stints.


He is described as being sure of himself, but he was always known as a confident individual, and his Hollywood success has not gone to his head.


credit: Pro Wrestling Torch Newsletter


Now guy's give me a good reason why should i boo this man?

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Guest HartFan86

He's such a professional, and a great preformer.


But he still sucks :)

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Guest Youth N Asia

I hate posts like this.


"Has something something made something something do something?


Answer: No


What's the basis for posting?

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Sucks what?Breast ? I guess so.If you mean in the ring, he is ok in the ring and 100 times better than Booker, as an entertainer he is the best, even better than Austin and most of all he is still one of the boys backstage, in other words he is the total opposite of HHH.

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Guest HartFan86

I was saying "He Sucks" as in "Rocky Sucks". Nothing more.


Hey, I respect a guy a who will hang out with anyone he wants too (I remember reading about in 2001 how he would hang out with Tommy Dreamer backstage. Nothing wrong with that, but it shows to everyone that he may be a huge star, but he can still relates to the lowr card preformers.)

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Guest evilhomer
Now guy's give me a good reason why should i boo this man?

Because sheep, the WWE and The Rock tell you to ;)

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Guest TheGame2705
Has Hollywood success swelled the head of the Great One?


The Rock is reportedly the same man in the locker room as he was in previous WWE stints.


He is described as being sure of himself, but he was always known as a confident individual, and his Hollywood success has not gone to his head.


credit: Pro Wrestling Torch Newsletter


Now guy's give me a good reason why should i boo this man?

Thank you Torch for providing us with the information we figured out his first night back about a week or two later.

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Guest TheGame2705

Nonetheless it still wasn't anything we didn't already know. I wish they'd stop making up stuff or putting down the obvious just to have something.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Rock is much on the mic then in the ring.

I've never been to excited seeing the guy wrestle.

I'm a lil pumped about the match on Raw cause it's a chance for Booker to finally get his revenge.

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Guest Trivia247

We have all made our previous complaints on the Rock before his return, some had forgotten it and went all in a markish frenzy over him.


but to balance it out.... The Rock's good points is that he appears Crisp in the ring, Knows how to work the Mic and will Make Anyone Look Good. Think HHH would ever give Hurricane even that one segment where Hurricane was able to make Rock bounce back from Punches? Naw HHh would block a Punch, Pedigree and grab the Sledgehammer and Smash his face in.

and him coming back does bring back some excitement to the crowd.


But come on folks, are we forgetting the screaming sharpshooter and the Armpit suplexes? He gets sloopy when he wants to look fast.

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Guest Steviekick

Rocky may be sloppy at times, but he is entertaining. So the armpit suplexes can be forgiven.

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Guest notJames
Rocky may be sloppy at times, but he is entertaining. So the armpit suplexes can be forgiven.

You mean his "barely-to-belly" suplex?


Rock's latest heel incarnation is good enough to make me forget how he wrestles.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

He's expanded his moveset and improved on his selling MUCH more ever since his Summer of 2002 title reign forced him to perform at a higher level than he had been. I wasn't an actual fan of his ringwork until July of 2000. To me, he's just below Angle on the Total Package list.

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Guest Zero_Cool

You think that maybe Rock will step aside and let Storm exclusively use the Sharpshooter? I mean, two heels using the move..with only Storm actually kinda needing it?


But yeah, I read that news at school today and was like, "No way! I coulda sworn he had his own dressing room and his own ring door that would let him enter from underneath!"

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Guest Youth N Asia
You think that maybe Rock will step aside and let Storm exclusively use the Sharpshooter? I mean, two heels using the move..with only Storm actually kinda needing it?

I don't think it should be given to Lance cause he needs it. I think it should be given to Lance cause he actually knows how to put it on.

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