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Guest FeArHaVoC

Hopefully the end of Tough Enough?

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Guest FeArHaVoC

MTV executives have yet to make a decision regarding Tough Enough's future on their network. The contract for the show states that MTV has four months after the end of the previous season to decide if they want to air the show for another season. If they decide not to or if the four-month window expires, WWE are free to market the show to other networks.


Credit: The Torch



How long ago was the TE3 Finale?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I still like TE. Season 2 blew but I enjoyed season 3.


The problem is that since it isn't one male and one female winner anymore...they should only give ONE contract.


That alone makes the show better IMO.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
WWE are free to market the show to other networks.

"Tonight on UPN after Smackdown....."

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Guest Steviekick

The end of TE is a good thing...not a bad thing. The only problem is that the WWE seems that they are obligated to put TE winners actually on TV. I would much rather them get win the contract and developmental deal and be sent off to OVW to never be seen or heard from again.

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Guest Human Fly
The only problem is that the WWE seems that they are obligated to put TE winners actually on TV. I would much rather them get win the contract and developmental deal and be sent off to OVW to never be seen or heard from again.

It would kind of defeat the purpose of the show if you never saw them on TV. No one would watch.


Watch TE 4 and see people battle it out for a contract too never be seen again!

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Guest FeArHaVoC

I say get rid of it. It's only a matter of time before MTV executives convince Kevin Dunn into a Survivor theme, when the Cast votes each other off every week.

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Guest Steviekick
It would kind of defeat the purpose of the show if you never saw them on TV. No one would watch.


Watch TE 4 and see people battle it out for a contract too never be seen again!

I know...it just never gets mentioned that they will never be seen again...like what happened with the Tough Enough II winners, but without the shitty match.

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Guest buffybeast

The UPN network is having some financial difficulties right now. I don't think they'd be interested in the TE series. I could see TNN jumping on the show, however.

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Guest notJames
I say get rid of it. It's only a matter of time before MTV executives convince Kevin Dunn into a Survivor theme, when the Cast votes each other off every week.

I really hope Kevin Dunn doesn't read these forums…

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Guest JHawk
I say get rid of it. It's only a matter of time before MTV executives convince Kevin Dunn into a Survivor theme, when the Cast votes each other off every week.

I really hope Kevin Dunn doesn't read these forums…

Why? It's not like he's ever listened to our suggestions before.

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Guest notJames

That's because most of them are well-thought out, articulate and logical.

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Guest HartFan86

I say just drop TE...Jackie and Linda are disasters...Matt and John are MIA, and Maven & Nidia are the only worthwhile competitors.


Just drop the show.

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Guest AndrewTS
I say just drop TE...Jackie and Linda are disasters...Matt and John are MIA, and Maven & Nidia are the only worthwhile competitors.


Just drop the show.

You forgot Harvard Chris.

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Guest treble charged

I think they HAVE to end Tough Enough, since there's no place now for them to hold the finale.

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Guest notJames

I think it has its moments, but only when they concentrate on the actual wrestling and not the usual eMpTy-V Real World crap that's become more ubiquitous with every season since it debuted.


Contrary to popular belief, I don't want to see the contestants fucking each other, pulling pranks on each other, conducting pissing/eating/gross-out contests, or whining about how they miss their girlfriends while some lame-ass nu-metal ballad is playing in the background.


But that's just me…

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Guest JMA
I think it has its moments, but only when they concentrate on the actual wrestling and not the usual eMpTy-V Real World crap that's become more ubiquitous with every season since it debuted.


Contrary to popular belief, I don't want to see the contestants fucking each other, pulling pranks on each other, conducting pissing/eating/gross-out contests, or whining about how they miss their girlfriends while some lame-ass nu-metal ballad is playing in the background.


But that's just me…


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Guest CoreyLazarus416

In another thread regarding ways to improve TE, I posted a series of ways I thought that the show could both garner more respect from the marks (in the sense that they're not smarks) and smarks alike. I'll edit them in a little bit later, when I find them, but it mostly revolved around the cast training their asses off, working indy shows with promotions that WWE has a good relationship with (ie. OVW or UPW), and having to learn more advanced moves as well (how many fucking people can use dropkicks?!).


On semi-related topics...

Maven/Storm on Heat last night was a nice little match. Maven's improving, and it didn't appear as a blatant Storm carry-job.

Jonah was pretty good for somebody so green in his TNA match a few weeks back, too. His powerslam is a thing of beauty (he actually jumps with his opponent, and gets some nice sky). REP YO MASSHOLES~!!!~!~!~


EDIT: Found the list. It's in the thread "Tough Enough: Good or Bad?" started by Kid Kablam (found on Page 3 if you search for "Tough Enough," FYI).

It could be a lot better. Meaning:
  • The winners get a WWE Developmental deal for 6 months, and that's it (unless, of course, WWE wants to keep 'em on board for a bit).
  • Instead of a plush mansion, they should have all had to share a studio apartment. Most indy wrestlers have to live in less-than-great conditions, so the trainees should have to as well.
  • While training, the contestants should also have to be shipped to local indy shows to help set up the ring, get tickets, help out the entire crew, etc. so they have a better understanding and appreciation for different aspects of the business.
  • Instead of a pair of super-sporty SUVs, they should have travelled by van or station wagon (cars that indy workers could probably afford).
  • A lesson in blading would be fun too
Those are just my personal thoughts on how to improve the show, but I did find the show entertaining, and TE3's two winners, John and Matt, look like they could be really, really good one day

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Guest Kotzenjunge
I think it has its moments, but only when they concentrate on the actual wrestling and not the usual eMpTy-V Real World crap that's become more ubiquitous with every season since it debuted.


Contrary to popular belief, I don't want to see the contestants fucking each other, pulling pranks on each other, conducting pissing/eating/gross-out contests, or whining about how they miss their girlfriends while some lame-ass nu-metal ballad is playing in the background.


But that's just me…

What will get more ratings, a pure wrestling show, a pure Real World-style show (which they already have anyway), or one that has elements of both? It's smart business and marketing to focus on both parts, and much more profitable in the long run.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I hope they off the show...should've been a one shot and out show. I'm tired of spots being filled by nobodies who couldn't cut it in the business otherwise, instead of indy guys who bust their asses every weekend trying to get a break.

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Guest Steviekick
I hope they off the show...should've been a one shot and out show. I'm tired of spots being filled by nobodies who couldn't cut it in the business otherwise, instead of indy guys who bust their asses every weekend trying to get a break.

Preach on :headbang:

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