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Guest Nevermortal

RoH 3/15

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Guest Nevermortal

I'm so psyched to see RoH on the 15th, it'll be my second ROH show because I missed the November one.


The Red/Slim J match intrigues me a lot, and I can't wait to see Raven in person.


But....I'm worried about them selling out, and me driving 2 hours for nothing. Do they usually have an abundance of tickets at the door?

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire
I'm so psyched to see RoH on the 15th, it'll be my second ROH show because I missed the November one.


The Red/Slim J match intrigues me a lot, and I can't wait to see Raven in person.


But....I'm worried about them selling out, and me driving 2 hours for nothing. Do they usually have an abundance of tickets at the door?

last roh show i went to there were plenty of seats at the door - you won't get first row but who cares

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Guest Nevermortal
I'm so psyched to see RoH on the 15th, it'll be my second ROH show because I missed the November one.


The Red/Slim J match intrigues me a lot, and I can't wait to see Raven in person.


But....I'm worried about them selling out, and me driving 2 hours for nothing. Do they usually have an abundance of tickets at the door?

last roh show i went to there were plenty of seats at the door - you won't get first row but who cares

Yeah, the distance between front and GA at the first Boston show was like a grand total of 10 feet.

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Guest ShooterJay

Just been confirmed that Paul London will NOT be at the show due to the intestinal virus mentioned on TNA. He originally was going to try to make it, but it got worse and he needed emergency surgery.


FUCK! Not only does this royally screw up ROH's booking plans for this show (No doubt they were going to win the tag straps tonight) but London is my favorite ROH wrestler.


Feel better Paul!

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Guest Nevermortal

Dammit....who do you think replaces him?


I say take Ki out of the Hit Squad match and team him with Styles to face Daniels & X (upon winning the Scramble).


That's kick fuckin' ass.

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Guest ShooterJay

That would make sense. Plus AJ and Ki have teamed before.


This screws over London badly, because these were long-term plans for him (Styles/London vs. Briscoes on 3/22 was probably going to be a title match)


Although you could always keep the belts on the Prophecy via screwjob and save the title change for Philly.


Maybe the Backseats could go over in the scramble, as a show of good faith to CZW, who knows.

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Guest j.o.b. squad
Maybe the Backseats could go over in the scramble, as a show of good faith to CZW, who knows.

yeah that coude possibly happen. in the past roh has booked for "dream matches". so i coude see gabe wanting to do the champions vs champions match with the roh champions the prophacy vs the czw champs the backseat boys match.


as for who replases london it will IMO probably be one of the members of special k since they are trying to elevate them with the ki hitsquad match

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Guest Nevermortal

Chad Collyer d. Matt Stryker


Red d. Slim J


AJ Styles d. Backseat Boyz, Carnage Crew, and SAT


Alex Arion d. Hotstuff Hernandez


Low Ki/Hit Squad d. Special K


CM Punk d. Raven


Samoa Joe d. EZ Money, BJ Whitmer, and Homicide


A gigantic fucking riot happened. It was nutso.


AJ Styles & Red (his mystery partner) d. Prophecy to win the Tag Straps.


Great show. They return in June.

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Guest Miss Indy Queen

Yeah it was another work just like the NY show. The riot looks really good on tape but they can't expect to do this at every show, it just wouldn't make any sense. The guys acting up in Boston were doghouse (LIWF) people again along with a valet that works in the Indies in NY.

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