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Guest BobBacklundRules

Possible Brock Opponent

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Guest BobBacklundRules

Bill Goldberg v. Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania


By Jonathan Siderman

WrestlingInc.com Staff

March 10, 2003


According to various sources (including 1wrestling.com), Bill Goldberg will indeed be signing with World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) very soon. The original plan for him was a huge The Rock vs. Goldberg main event for WrestleMania. Now that Kurt Angle will be leaving the WWE for a year in order to undergo neck surgery and rehabilitate, the WWE is looking to get Bill Goldberg signed quickly in order for him to start a program with Brock Lesnar.


A WWE World Championship match between the champion Brock Lesnar and Bill Goldberg for WrestleMania would most likely have top billing, as Lesnar was WWE''s version of Goldberg. A match like this would definitely help out the ratings and buyrate for the huge pay-per-view.


With the pay-per-view apparently costing fans $49.95 to watch, a match like this would entice people to order. The card so far looks very solid, and with the possibility of Bill Goldberg making his in-ring wrestling debut for the WWE, it could be one of the best selling WrestleManias in the past few years.

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Guest HartFan86

If Goldberg wins the title, then I'll be so fucking BULLSHIT.


And 50 fucking dollars? Mother fucke.r

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Guest Lightning Flik

If Goldberg so much as wins that title in his debut match, then I swear to forsake the WWE.


...at least till either Benoit becomes Smackdown's Champion, or Hurricane becomes Raw's Champion. I hint on impossibilities at this time.

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Guest Redhawk

Brock can't afford to lose his big Wrestlemania debut, and Goldberg should not lose his first WWE match. So unless they're going to do a DQ, which would REALLY suck, I say keep these two apart for now.

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Guest Coffey

I'll believe it when I see it. When Goldberg is on the T.V., I'll believe he's been signed.

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Guest Nevermortal



Holy F. I'm so going to my friend with a Black Box's house.

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Guest JHawk

50 bucks?


If anybody but Benoit or Eddy replaces Angle, I think the whole show's a ripoff at this point.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

There's nothing there that isn't mere speculation. This is basically an editorial on an unknown site. I've never even heard of WrestlingInc.com before now.

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Guest Redhawk

As much as it is a foregone conclusion that Brock will win the match against whoever the opponent is, there is no way ANYONE would buy Eddy Guerrero as a credible challenger. I could *maybe* see Benoit, Angle, or even 'Taker beating Brock. Eddy would have no shot and the fans -- even the marks -- would know it right off the bat.

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Guest Crux

Goldberg doesnt deserve to be on Heat much less main-eventing WM. Such silly rumors...

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff



Thank GOD for Hooters and a black box.

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Guest Redhawk
Goldberg doesnt deserve to be on Heat much less main-eventing WM. Such silly rumors...

What's so bad about Goldberg? He's better than a lot of guys on the roster now and he's over.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
Goldberg doesnt deserve to be on Heat much less main-eventing WM.  Such silly rumors...

What's so bad about Goldberg? He's better than a lot of guys on the roster now and he's over.

Test is better than Goldberg. Fucking Test!!!

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Guest Redhawk
Goldberg doesnt deserve to be on Heat much less main-eventing WM.  Such silly rumors...

What's so bad about Goldberg? He's better than a lot of guys on the roster now and he's over.

Test is better than Goldberg. Fucking Test!!!

Explain how Test is better than Goldberg

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
Goldberg doesnt deserve to be on Heat much less main-eventing WM.  Such silly rumors...

What's so bad about Goldberg? He's better than a lot of guys on the roster now and he's over.

Test is better than Goldberg. Fucking Test!!!

Explain how Test is better than Goldberg

Test is horrible, but at least he doesn't send his opponents home on a stretcher most of the time, plus he has a certain amount of respect for the business.

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