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Anyone else like the show

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I know it's cheesy, shitty and all(according to most) but I love watching old re-runs of this. I don't know why maybe it's the predictability or the good guys always winning or the comaradarie but for some reason I've always liked this show.


Any other fans here?

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Guest Vern Gagne

It was harmless fun the first view seasons, but than it got sappy and always had a message. That and the DA lady would always get kidnapped.

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Guest red_file

While I've always liked Chuck Norris, I never could get into the show. Though I could certainly see where others could enjoy it.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

I watched that and Nash Bridges like their first seasons and found them both to be fun, but they couldn't keep my interest. It's a good vehicle for Norris these days and never tries to be more than it is. See the episode with Hogan on there as a reformed gangbanger running a youth center?

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Guest razazteca

Its a good show, Chuck Norris took a show with a basic plot and made it last about 6 years.

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Yah I saw the Hogan one. It was interesting to say the least. Pretty decent actually but hogan's no Roddy Piper acting wise.


But I agree wihth others that my main problem with Walker is it's way too preachy and I liked it less when the Gage and Nia Peeples joined the crew in like second last season.

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Guest razazteca

Was Frank Shamrock on this show or was it Nash Bridges. The episode had Shamrock in underground prison fights.

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Guest Vern Gagne

Stone Cold was on a couple episodes of Nash Bridges. He played Jake Cage a Bounty Hunter. He did a pretty good job.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

The Black dude that was on Matlock and movies like Top Gun and Karate Kid Part 2 ruined that show for me. I mean a BLACK COWBOY?

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

That was the trick with him, he wasn't a cowboy. He was a by the book college grad who knew dick about real police work in the field. Walker taught him how to kick ass and he taught Walker how to use modern detective techniques. He wore a cowboy hat, because that's like regulation uniform for a Texas ranger. Seriously.

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Deacon is right. In the very first episode he's a straight by the book cop who came form the big city and doesn't use kung fu or trust Walker's instincts but gradually learns too. He's also an ex-football player who got drafted by the Cowboys but messed up his knee so became a cop.


And yah it is standard uniform for Rangers to wear cowboy hats. I think everybody on that show does.

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