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Guest Sandman9000

OAOAST IntenseZone - 3/10/03

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Guest Sandman9000

::We are inside a musty old gym, with no sound but that of someone punching a heavy bag. We see a shadowy figure punching at the bag.::


"You said I was too small."


::The punching gets faster and harder::


"You said it wasn't my time."


::The figure starts wailing away at the bag::


"You said to just give up."


::Suddenly, the scene changes. Clips are shown of the figure running up and down stairs, jumping rope, doing pushups, and, finally, puching the heavy bag off of its holding. The figure walks up to the camera, and light is shown on his face::


"You said I would never make it. But here I am."


::Fade to black, with the following words appearing on the screen::



Debuting this Saturday, Road to Anglemania

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Guest Sandman9000


WHITE AMERICA blares over the speakers Sandman9000 emerges from the back and makes his way down the ramp. He's clinging to the single tag title he holds as if it's his first born child, and he doesn't appear very willing to part with it. Whomever his challenger is tonight, they're probably going to have one hell of a battle on their hands to wrench it away from him. Sandman hits the ring and he backs to the ropes, facing the ramp. He appears poised and ready, and very, very pissed off tonight.


WHITE AMERICA slowly fades from the speakers and we get a peek backstage, where Spider Poet and Black Widow are watching a monitor, no doubt wondering who has a change at having the other tag title tonight.


Back in the arena, a murmur can be heard from the crowd, themselves no doubt wondering who challenges tonight.










HELLS BELLS comes over the house system, and the crowd pop in surprise to EL DANDY~! emerging from the back. He makes his way down the ramp, shaking out any last minute stiffness. He hits the ring and it's ON, as Sandman immediately starts laying in kicks and right hands. He backs Dandy into the ropes before shooting him off. On his return, however, Dandy turns, twists, and hits a quick spinkick. Sandman is down but right back up, and he blocks a right hand from Dandy before booting him in the gut and dragging him into a quick DDT. Sandy mounts Dandy and starts punching away, until the ref breaks it up. On his feet, Sandman lays the boots into Dandy now before picking him up off the mat. He leaves Dandy on his knees and backs up a few steps. Sandman runs forward, going for a dropkick to the face, but Dandy yanks the ref in front of him and rolls out of the way. Sandman dropkicks the back of the Ref's knees, sending the ref onto his back. He promptly rolls out of the ring, and so does Dandy.


In the ring, Sandman is fuming. He's screaming at Dandy, who seems to be talking to one of the ring announcers. He backs towards the ring, where Sandman is leaning over the ropes, yelling. Dandy whirls and HE HAD A CHAIR. BLAM, he nails Sandman right between the eyes and he was SWINGING FOR THE FENCES on that one. Sandman stumbles backwards and falls flat on his BUTT in a sitting position, blood tricking down from a spot opened on his forehead, probably an old scar. He looks seriously dazed, as Dandy slides in under the ropes. Trying to regain his wits, Sandman gets to his knees, and tries to get up, but Dandy comes off the ropes -- SHINING WIZARD! With the faintest of smiles, Dandy boots Sandman in the chest a couple times before pulling him to his feet. Dandy hoists him up onto his shoulders -- EL DANDYNATOR as the ref, limping, pulls himself back into the ring. Dandy makes the cover, kicks his legs up onto the ropes for leverage, and it's barely enough but the ref counts THREE.


Winner: El Dandy via Nefarious Tactics and an El Dandynator at 3:14


Dandy rolls out of the ring and snatches the belt from the official and makes his way quickly up the ramp as Sandman glares at him from inside the ring, leaning against the second rope. The people backstage, and El Dandy in particular, had better steer clear of Sandman for a while.


BPP stands on the Entrance way after Sandman's second title loss in as many weeks. The former HardKore aWo'er looks up as the crowd cheers for BPP's entrance music. His video fires up, but after 30 seconds, there's no BPP. Sandman laughs it off at first, and then he is suprised by the crowd cheering...He turns around, and there stands Big Poppa Popick, mic in hand.


::BPP wipes sweat from his forehead and flicks it at Sandman, who sneers in contempt. BPP walks back a step and brings the mic to his lips::


BPP: Remember me Sandman? Remember this?


::The AngleTron lights up, and a scene from WarGames plays, followed by a scene from IntenseZone the day after.


>>Zero Hour


Zack Malibu walks out, slapping fans and yelling...leading to Allison coming out to a big hug for Zackie...Evenflow walks by and stares...points at Zack and mouthing "Big Mistake" Zack doesn't have a clue whats going on, and EF is taken away by officials...


JR: That's it for the show tonight...The OaOasT Has finally won...the aWo is no more.

JESSE: Hey JR...something's wrong

JR: Everything's right with the world!

JESSE: No...where's Sandman...or BPP?




Reject leaves with BPP holding a steel chair and a microphone.


BPP: Sandman, you want to play mind games…you want to unleash something in me? You sick FUCK! ::BAM! Unprotected Chairshot to Kotz. You think you can manipulate me, put fear in me? ::Zorin stands up…bloodied…BAM~! Chairshot sends Zorin down::


BPP: Damn you to hell Sandman! Next week, outside, parking lot…lights out…YOU and ME…got it? The Lord looks upon me with favor

Have mercy on your soul…


::Back in the ring, Sandman stares into BPP's eyes, and both have looks that could murder. BPP raises the mic back to his lips.


BPP: You wanted Glory. Now all you have to show for it are two ::BPP holds up two fingers:: losses. Twice, you have been shown your path is not righteous...And yet you persist in walking it.


::Sandman scowls and makes for the mic, but BPP ducks away with it, walking around Sandman, again with the mic on his lips.


BPP: You said your plan would work. You said you'd corrupt me. You said he would come again. And three times, you are wrong. Three times Sandman. Let me drive home this point for you. Next week, I won't be waiting for you to show here. I'll be in church Sandman. And, if you want to prove myself wrong, Enter My "House of God", your "House of Pain", and face me where you fear yourself the most. 'Ye though I walk through the valley in the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for God is with me...


::Fans are heard murmuring...Sandman walks towards BPP again menacingly. BPP pulls the mic back to his lips, and the two men are close that both can use it.


BPP: And just who Sandman, just who, is with you?


::Sandman begins to laugh, slow at first, building to a crescendo. And then, at its height, the lights turn off. Flashes light up, and then when the lights come back on, Sandman is gone, and BPP lies in the ring, a crown of thorns adorning his head, a small pool of blood trickling from those wounds.


We now go to commercial

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Guest Sandman9000

(Big Poppa Popick is seen walking down a corridor in the bowels of the arena, bandage on his head. He comes across an intern by a catering table.)


BPP: Hey there, you know where the Boogie Knights’ dressing room is?


Intern(while spitting food as he talks): Mmrph ow oom rugh.


(Popick wipes the donut fragments from his face)


BPP: One more try. Swallow this time.


Intern(after swallowing and pointing in a direction): Mmrph ow oom rugh.


BPP: Remind me to have you fired.


(he goes in the direction the intern directed, and hears faint music)


“Jitterbug... Jitterbug...”


BPP: What the hell?


(the music grows louder as he gets closer to a door labeled “BOOGIE KNIGHTS 2K3”)


BPP: Oh no...


(he opens the door, and we all see Kotzenjunge and Zorin dancing in their underwear together singing along to Wham!’s “Wake me Up Before You Go-Go.” This goes on for a few more seconds before they realize they’ve been discovered. Zorin and Kotzenjunge stop immediately and Zorin turns the music off while him and Kotzenjunge look like they were caught, well, dancing in their underwear together listening to Wham!.)


(Popick has a very puzzled look on his face)


BPP: I just wanted to let you guys know our match is up after this, so get... um, ready, whatever...


(he trails off as the awkwardness of the situation becomes too much to bear and he walks quickly away, then begins running. The camera swings back to Kotzenjunge and Zorin, still staring at the space where Popick was)


Mystery Eskimo is backstage, talking to an OAOAST worker. He appears to be offering him a fish.

Zsasz suddenly turns a corner, bumping into Eskimo and knocking the fish all over his shirt. This is far worse than a cup of coffee. Eskimo (probably) looks furious (underneath his mask), and slaps Zasaz, who responds by throwing Eskimo into the wall.

Zasaz smiles.

"I really hate fish. See you in the ring, my out cold friend."


One fall, 10 minute challenge

Zsasz vs Mystery Eskimo


Zsasz walks out to the ring calmly, getting a mixed reaction from the OAOAST fans. Reject awaits Zsasz at AMII, but here tonite he looks to pick up momentum with a win over Eskimo, whose lack of singles wrestling in recent times could prove a disadvantage.

"Ice Ice Baby" plays and Mystery Eskimo appears through his wall of white fire, getting a decent pop. Eskimo is carrying the spoilt shirt, and appears to be demanding that Zsasz pays the laundry bill.


ME slides into the ring and throws the shirt into Zsasz's face, following it with a dropkick as we get underway with the bell.

Eskimo tries for a Blizzard Bomb, but Zsasz, the bigger and stronger man, powers out. He rips the shirt in two, getting a Hulk pop, and clotheslines Eskimo down. Zsasz goes to work on the right shoulder of ME, perhaps planning to weaken him sufficently so that the Frostbite Facelock is no longer a threat. Z stomps away, before scooping Eskimo up and planting him with a shoulderbreaker. An arm bar, and ME is already feeling the pain. He tries to roll out but Zsasz holds on, wrenching back on Eskimo's arm.

At last Eskimo manages to roll over and get a foot onto the ropes.


Zsasz breaks clean and lets ME up, before going for the arm again, but Eskimo reverses and gets an Igloo DDT for a two count. ME hurt his arm on the impact and stays down, allowing Zsasz time to get up and nail a belly to back suplex that gets two. Zsasz tries for another suplex but Eskimo flips out and chops away with his left arm, forcing Z back. Eskimo whips Z off the ropes and drills him with a Penguin Kick. ME gets the Frostbite Facelock~! He wrenches back on Zsasz but suddenly releases the hold, clutching his arm. Zsasz picks himself up, smiling quietly, and grabs Eskimo...POWERBOMB! POWERBOMB! POWERBOMB! Triple powerbomb from Zsasz! The cover, 1, 2, Eskimo kicks out at 2.99!


Zsasz shrugs and signals for the square driver when suddenly Reject runs down to the ring! He tries to leap into the ring, but our referee blocks him. Zsasz goes over and pushes Reject off the apron, only to turn round into a cradle from Eskimo, 1, 2, NO! Zsasz reverses it, 1, 2, 3! Zsasz takes it!


Winner in 4.34, ZSASZ!


Zsasz takes no time to celebrate, instead sliding out of the ring to brawl with Reject. Eskimo, looking angry, can only watch as security attempts to seperate the two men.

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Guest Sandman9000

"Simply Ravishing" hits as Tony "The Body" heads to the ring, still wearing a bandage on his head.


Tony: You know, sometimes in life you meet people you think are there to help, only to find out there lying backstabbing sons of bitches. That's exactly what Superstar is. He's brought in to join team OAOAST for War Games, then the guy gets a big head. Instead of being a team player, he starts to believe the spotlight is on him. His actions could of cost us all a job.


Two weeks ago on the Intense Zone, I arrive at the arena, and I get attacked by him in the parking lot. Then, last week, Superstar goes to one of my manison he knows I'm not at, and burns the damn place down. That's the last straw right there. If somebody would of been inside that house, they would of died. Yeah, that could of created a "Kane" like character, but you crossed a line no man should.


Superstar, it's time to end this, once and for all. On the Road to AngleMania two nights ago, not only did you sneak-attack me again, but you challenge me to put my career on the line. Well, guess what...bitch? I accept. AngleMania II: Superstar vs. Tony; career vs. respect match.


Tony drops the mic and leaves.


"Sex Sells" blast over the speakers as the anti-Christ of wrestling, Vince Russo, heads to the ring through the crowd.



Get that has-been (Tony) out of the ring. Your promo made me sick to my stomach. This isn't 1980, pal.


Last week, I went to Japan to bring two of the top puro stars to America to accept my P.I.S.S. challenge. At this time, I would like to bring them out.


Cheesy Japanese music plays.



Being lead to the ring by Loves Dixz, from the Dojo, Ireally Suckhard and Ihave-a Hardon - the team of Suckhard's.


The Japanese bouncer or whatever the hell he was, his overweight partner and his wife, are all dressed geisha girls.



Alright, guys, I know you're top puro stars, so take it easy on me.


Ring the bell.


* DING *


Oddly enough, Russo and Hardon start off with a collor-and-elbow tie up. That all changes when Russo delivers a low blow. He then challenges Suckhard to enter the ring.


Russo grabs the mic.



I promised a handicap match, and I'll be damned if these people don't get what the paid for. Get your ass in this ring.


Suckhard charges towards Russo, but he ducks and whacks Suckhard over the head with a baseball bat.



I guess I forgot to tell ya... this is a no DQ match. Anything goes, baybee!


Russo continues to whack the puro stars, but all of a sudden the manager of the 'Suckhard's' jumps on Russo's back. Russo grabs her and slams her into the mat.



You Goddamn, bitch! You wanna get some of Vince Russo? Well, you dirty whore, Vince Russo you're gonna get.


Russo picks up Loves Dixz by her breasts.



Have you visited your gynecologist recently? No? Well, you're in luck, I happen to know a thing or two about that.


Russo grabs the bat and well, uh... shoves it where the sun don't shine.


Crowd gasps.



Gee, miss. I hate to break the newz to ya, but there appears to be wood up your ass. But I have a match to finish.


Russo gets his two opponents, who are out cold, and puts them on top on Dixz. Russo then puts his foot on Suckhard's back. 1-2-3!





The winner of the P.I.S.S., Vince Russo!


The Purist and Jim Cornette head to the ring.



Vince Russo... you little piece of...



Shut the fuck up! You're just like all those assholes on the internet who think pure mat 'rasslin is the way to go. While you were booking the WWF with shit like T.L. Hopper, H.O.G., P.I.G., Hillbilly Jim, Who, and all those other cartoony characters... I would go on to become the greatest writer in WWF history. You and the wannbe's can't stand the fact S.E.X. sells!



Goddamnit, Russo! You're right. I bow to your greatest.



You should.



I can't believe how wrong I've been. Peace?



I don't like you, so, no, but I accept your admitted failure.


Russo leaves.



Alrighty, on to more important things. You punks in the OAOAST still haven't accepted the challenge the Purist issued for AngleMania II. Today is March 10th, everybody in the OAOAST has around three weeks to accept the challenge. If nobody does, well, I guess it's a free pay day.

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Guest Sandman9000

"The Devil is a DJ" blares over the speakers and the Boogie Knights make their way to ring. The crowd gives them a mixed reaction but can't help but be impressed by Kotzenjunge's intricate twirling of his glow sticks. The duo step into the ring and Max Zorin hands his robe to the referee.


After a brief pause "The Wreckoning" by Boomkat begins to play and the Dream Machines emerge from the back. They're treated to a chorus of boos from the crowd who don't appreciate their arrogant ways. The Parka rips up a sign being held by a fan while Shattered Dreams kisses a woman in the front row on the cheek. Peter Knight simply walks to the ring


Zorin and Shattered Dreams start off. Zorin offers to shake SD's hand but SD just spits his gum at him. Zorin clotheslines him and proceeds to beat the holy hell out of him drawing a big pop in the process. Zorin bust out a robo dance as SD staggers around like a drunken sailor. Zorin tries a flawless bomb but SD low blows him and runs to make the tag to Peter Knight. The Parka distracts the ref as Knight and SD double team Zorin. The ref realizes what's going on and kicks SD out of the ring.


Knight whips Zorin into the corner and proceeds to lay in some viscous chops. He attempts a turnbuckle clothesline but Zorin moves out of the way and takes Knight down with a side-russian leg sweep. Zorin hits a series of vertical suplexes before finally making the tag to Kotzenjunge. Knight reaches to SD for a tag but SD is to busy talking on his cell phone to notice.


Kotz begins to kick the piss out of Knight. Knight hits an over head belly to belly suplex but Kotz goes right back to the kicking! Kotz hits a double arm DDT but it only gets a two count. Knight tries to stand up but Kotz kicks him square in the jaw. Kotz begins to dance much to the delight of the crowd. Knight is able to recover and sneaks over to tag The Parka!


The Parka rushes to Kotz but is met with even stiffer kicks. The Parka catches Kotz's right leg and clotheslines him. Parka bounces off of the ropes and hits Kotz with a leg drop. The Parka flexes his muscles and then drops an elbow on Kotz. The Parka makes a cocky cover but it only gets a one count. Go figure. Parka destroys Kotz with a brainbuster. Shattered Dreams is off the phone and is begging for a tag so Parka obliges him. Crowd isn't exactly thrilled to see SD's less than triumphant return to the match.


SD throws off his candy-cane scarf and does some sort of chicken dance but is met with a roundhouse kick by Kotz. That draws a big pop. Kotz makes the hot tag to Zorin which draws an even bigger pop. Zorin hits the flawless bomb but The Parka runs in and nails him with a flying forearm. Kotz runs in to help his partner but is attacked by Knight and Parka. Knight tosses Kotz to the outside and hits a Knightmare onto the exposed floor. The ref forces Parka back into his own corner. Looks like its a three on one handicap match from now on.


SD rolls over to cover Zorin and gets a 2 count. SD throws a temper tantrum and kicks Zorin in the balls out of frustration. The ref threatens to call for a DQ, causing SD to cry! Zorin tries a roll up, but it doesn't even get a one count. SD hits Zorin with a mega-magical tiger driver and uses the ref's shirt to wipe away his tears. Lots of choking by SD. SD leans over the ropes to taunt the injured Kotz, giving Zorin the chance for another roll up. This attempt actually gets a one count. SD gives Zorin a mega-magical flashback. He makes the tag to Knight.


Knight stomps away at Zorin, and then irish whips him in order to powerslam him. That gets a two count as the crowd appreciates how tough Zorin is. Knight yells at the ref for counting to slow. He powerbombs Zorin into the turnbuckle. A short arm clothesline is followed by a quick tag to Parka. They double team Zorin hitting him with a variety of suplexes until Knight leaves the ring.


Parka goes for a pin which gets two. Parka locks on the Dragon Sleeper. Suddenly the crowd starts to murmur as Big Poppa Popick makes his way to ringside. He checks on Kotz and helps him to his feet. Kotz climbs back to his corner but he's also joined by BPP. BPP is going to be the BK3's tag team partner for the rest of the match!

In unrelated news, Parka makes the tag to SD.


Zorin gets to his feet but is met with a missile drop-kick from SD! Zorin tries to get up and fight back but SD gives him a mega-magical Breakdown and locks on the sharpshooter. Zorin's partners and the fans are encouraging him to get to the ropes but SD is yelling at him to submit. Zorin finally makes the ropes and the crowd lets out a collective sigh of relief! SD lifts Zorin up and tries the Rodeo Driver. Zorin blocks it and counters with a german suplex. Both men are down! Both men are crawling to their respective corners, looking for a tag. SD tags Parka! Zorin tags BPP! The roof explodes!


BPP clotheslines Parka! He clotheslines Knight! He gorilla press slams SD and tosses him into the crowd! Hell hath no fury like a pissed off Popick! Parka fights back with some powerful right hands but BPP CRUSHES him with a jack hammer! And another! And ANOTHER! GOOD GOD LOOK AT THE POWER!!!! BPP lets Parka crawl over to tag in Knight. Knight storms into the ring. BPP and Knight chop each other, Knight goes for an eye rake. Overhead belly to belly suplex by Knight. Knight gets cocky and tries to super kick BPP but BPP spins him around and DESTROYS him with a full nelson slam. BPP makes the tag to Kotz and the crowd is LOVING it! Kotz hits the Last Record and tags in Zorin who goes to top rope and hits the moonsault on Knight. Zorin gets the un-deux-trois a.k.a. the 1-2-3 and the BK3 and BPP have picked up a victory. The fans roar in approval and jubilation!


BPP raises the BK3's hands in victory and declares them the tag team of the future! They all dance to pulsating beat of the BK3's entrance music! You can bet the war between the BK3 and the Dream Machines isn't over.

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Guest Sandman9000



::Open on the office of BILL WATTS. He looks up as SPIDERPOET enters the room, followed by BLACK WIDOW and EL DANDY.::


Watts looks up from his desk and spies the three walking in. With a sigh that betrays his thought that he already knows how this is going to turn out, he puts his pen down on his desk and leans back in his chair. "Evenin', ladies."


SP and Dandy nod, but the tension between them is thick.


Watts decides to get straight to business. "Well you've both got a tag title. Are you going to team up or are you going to take up my time with other options?"


SP shakes his head with a sneer. "I'm not teaming with him. You can hang that up."


Watts looks to Dandy, who merely crosses his arms. "Not much to say?"


Dandy narrows his eyes in respsonse.


"Fine." Watts mulls this over for a second before clasping his hands together in front of him and shrugging. "If the two of you have any ideas, now's the time to present 'em, because you won't like the major option that I'm thinking of right now."


SP wastes no time. "Tag Titles Reunification match at AngleMania. Give us time to find partners."


Watts thinks about that before shaking his head. "Son, have you lost your mind? I refuse to litter our Superbowl with a couple of cry babies that refuse to team because of a few disagreements. I do, however, like the idea of a Reunification match. Only it'll take place . . . tonight."


SP's jaw drops before he composes himself. He looks very, very, displeased. "TONIGHT? It's my ngiht off, Watts!"


"That's 'Mister' Watts to you, kiddo." Watts is on his feet and he comes around his desk with a few quick steps. "I'd suggest you," and he looks over to Dandy, "and you go find partners. You've got Fifteen minutes before your music hits. Hop to it."


Not without a few nasty looks, SP storms out of the frame, leaving Dandy to stand with a stony face for a few moments before leaving himself.

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Guest Sandman9000

(They go backstage as The Mad Cappa and Vince Rusco talk about the upcoming open challenge.)


The Mad Cappa: "So who do you think will answer the open challenge."


Vince Rusco: "Hmmmm, let's see. Maybe Anglesault? Tony the Body? Maybe Zack Malibu? EvenflowDDT? Superstar? BPP?"


TMC: "Maybe we should be more realistic?"


VR: "Maybe Kotzenjunge? The Parka? Zorin? Brock Ausstin? SpiderPoet? El Dandy? Hell, maybe even Mario Logan or Sandman?"


Both: (At the same time) "Nah!"


TMC: "Maybe someone like Josie or Black Widow?" (Raises eyebrows up)


VR: "Get your mind of the gutta'!"


TMC: "Maybe someone who hasn't been on for a while? Such as BifEverchad? Alfdogg? Mike Van Siclen? BigMcLargeHuge? Treble Charger? NazMistry?"


(Both start laughing uncontrollably at the mention of NazMistry.)


VR: "NazMistry? The dumbest, so called "fighteningest" luchador in history! The one who's only accomplishment is being Positevly Caboose and Positevly GenerationNever? That is a joke! Well, it's time to go see who will answer!"


(Camera fades as The Mad Cappa and Vince Rusco leave.)

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Sitting alone in his dressing room this week, is Zack Malibu. Zack is relaxing, watching a DVD, when there is a knock at the door.




Voice:"Mr. Malibu, I'm here for the interview."


ZM:"Come on in."


Malibu's door enters to reveal Tony Schiavone~! wielding a mic.


ZM:"Schiavone? They dug you out of mothballs, huh?"


TS:"Well, after my appearance on NWA:TNA, I was in high demand."


Zack raises an eyebrow, doubting Tony.


TS:"All right, not really. But Watts offered me $20 and a Whopper if I fill in for Cole this week."


ZM:"That's what I thought."


TS:"So Zack, what are your thoughts on everything that has gone down lately, between EvenflowDDT, with Anglesault...it just seems like there is a lot on your plate."


ZM:"Tony, I don't think that a substitue interview can understand. See, Cole, for as much abuse as he took, is a friend. And that poor man is laying at home, recuperating, because that bastard Anglesault is getting worried. He's got a match with a guy who knows him better than anyone, even me. He's taken this aWo thing for granted. They're over and done with, thanks to me. It was bound to happen. So now he takes out his insecurities not on me, or Angle-Plex...hell, anyone as long as it's in the ring. He does it to Michael Cole. MICHAEL COLE, Schiavone. AS is a big man, ain't he? I..."


Just then, Zack's cell phone rings.


ZM:"Excuse me for a second. Hello? Ali, what's up girl? Right, yeah they got Schiavone to do it. Haha, that's what I said. Seriously though, everything cool? Listen, I don't want you to be mad about this, OK. I'm just watching out...I know, I know. Just work with me on this, OK. I promise it'll be OK soon. OK, catch you later chica."


Zack hangs up.


ZM:"See, that call right there, that's exactly what I'm talking about, Tony. I had to send Alison, that poor girl who's been through so much, she's my best friend, and she has to go into hiding. I had to get her away from it all. Between Evenflow and Anglesault, let's face it, she wasn't safe. I had to get her away from the ring, at least for now."


TS:"And what of Evenflow? Obviously last week was not the final chapter in that story."


ZM:"Final chapter? Tony, sadly we're not even past the first page. Last week, Evenflow said that he revealed the true me. That I came out and beat the pulp out of who everyone thought was him, just to get a title shot. The fact is, don't you think I can tell? All the time we hung out together, teamed together...and he tries to pass off some impostor just to try and mindfuck me? I won't go down like that. I'm not playing games with him. He thinks he's in my head, you know what, he's right. But I won't let him. I can't. I've got AngleMania coming up. A shot at the gold, and it could very well be my last. Let's face it, if I'm not totally prepared for Anglesault, I'm going down, and I'm going down hard."


TS:"Sounds like you're a little less confident than usual, Zack."


ZM:"I'm not, Tony. Let's just say I'm more aware of my surroundings. There is a time and a place for everything. Now is the time for focus. I've lost too much in the last year. Superstar turns...getting passed over, screwed over when it comes to title shots...Evenflow goes mental, AS targets me...every man has his breaking point. And the glass has begun to crack. But I will not, I can not, let these people shatter my dreams, my world. Zack Malibu isn't going out like that."


The camera closes in on Zack's face, a look of frustration and determination combined. Zack lets out a sigh and looks down at the floor, as we fade out.

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Guest Sandman9000

Eskimo and JINGUS are in the MWC-mobile in the parking lot.


Eskimo: Do you think we can trust them?

JINGUS: Maybe if we murder them before the match.

Eskimo: Um, tempting, but no.

JINGUS: Then we have to go along with this. I dont want to fight you, but this is a big opportunity. WE made this what it is today. We deserve to impact it now.

Eskimo: You're right. Tonite, may the best freak win. Good luck.


JINGUS & Eskimo shake, nod solemnly and leave the car.

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Guest Sandman9000

(They return from commercial break as Final Audition plays up on the arena speakers. A couple of seconds later, the song is changed to Ode to Joy as The Mad Cappa and Vince Rusco come out to boos! Vince Rusco jaws at the crowd on his way down to the ring! Rusco has the mic.)


Vince Rusco: "Oh my god, not you too! Look, I'm gettin' sick and tired of your relentless booing! I want respect! No, I DEMAND respect! Now, everybody rise and cheer ME on! (More boos from crowd!) Enough of ya' already! Now it's time for the OPEN CHALLENGE! So OAOAST, it's put up or shut up time! Bring out the best for The Mad Cappa! So, whoever you are, just come on out!"


(Suddeny, the lights turn off as the arena turns dark. A lightning bolt hits the set as the pyro goes off. "Bulls on Parade" by Rage Against the Machine begins. Puerto Rican Lightning comes out with Mr. Boricua. PR Lightning walks down to the ring with a cool and cocky attitude as he swats his gum to the crowd! He sneers to the crowd before entering the ring. He gets in and poses on the turnbuckle. The lights turn back on to a hushed crowd. Vince Rusco and The Mad Cappa laugh!


Rusco: "You! Hahahahaha! This has got to be a joke! This is the best that you can come up with! Look kid, why don't you go back with that galoot and bring out somebody! Tell them it was not that funny what they pulled! Bring out the true opponent! Maybe it's Anglesault or Tony or Zack or hell, maybe it's Kotzenjunge or anybody else! Just bring out someone with talent! Let's face it kid, you are not in his (Pointing at Cappa) league!"


(P.R. Lightning grabs the microphone from Vince Rusco. He stares at the crowd and gives them a sneer as the crowd stares at P.R. Lightning)


P.R.: "Now I know I'm not AngleSault. I know I'm not Kotzenjunge. I'm not Zack or Tony or La Parka. I know I'm not even Naz Mistry or you, Mad Cappa. But, I'll tell you just who the hell I am! I am Puerto Rican Lightning! And I came to the OAOAST for one reason, and one reason only! To become the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion! I will do whatever it takes, no matter how hard it is, no matter how far I must travel I will be champion! I was expecting to make my debut against a world class athlete here in the OAOAST like Reject, Gladiator, or even Jingus. But instead I got....you. HA! Beating you will be easier than crossing the street. Now normally, I wouldn't even bother to be in the same ring as you. But seeing as this is my first match and I want to show all these idiots here why I got what it takes to be champion! (The crowd boos) I'll settle for what I got even if it is a no good jobber like you! So, good luck tonight, you'll need. Come on Mr. Boricua, let's go."


(P.R. Lightning begins to leave but suddenly stops)


Lightning: "On second thought, why don't we do this match right here right now!"


(The crowd cheers)


Lightning: "Come on, Cappa, go for it! Here take the first shot! Come on! I dare ya! Come on! Go for it! HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!"


Cappa hits P.R. Lightning in the face.


Lightning: "Okay, now you asked for it!!!"


P.R. Lightning shoves Cappa who shoves back and the two engage in a slugfest.




They start clubbing away at each other as the bell sounds! The ref runs out from the backstage to make this an official contest! They make it over to a corner as they trade chops! The chops get louder as the crowd WOOOS every single one of them! They are not holding anything back with the force! Puerto Rican Lightning Irish whips The Mad Cappa off the ropes. When Cappa bounces back, PR Lightning leapfrogs over Cappa! When Cappa bounces off the other side, PR Lightning does an no looking leapfrog over Cappa! Cappa uses his momentum to go off the other side of the ring to bounce off, but PR Lightning armdrags Cappa! Cappa quickly recovers and tries to clothesline PR Lightning, but he ducks and counters with a spinning wheel kick! PR Lightning goes for the cover, but Cappa kicks out at one. PR Lightning tries to run off to the ropes, but Cappa grabs hold of him to do a reverse DDT! Cappa legdrops to PR Lightning's neck! Rusco tells him to keep attacking him. So, Cappa kicks PR Lightning's neck a couple of more times! PR Lightning gets up and dropkicks Cappa! Cappa gets up on his knees. PR Lightning tries to go for the shining wizard, but Cappa ducks to grab hold for the Fall From Grace! Cappa goes for the pin attempt, but PR Lightning gets up at two. Cappa holds onto PR Lightning as he does a final cut! Cappa climbs the turnbuckle since they are close by and does a legdrop from the top turnbuckle! Cappa wipes his hands off and goes for an another pin attempt.


However, Puerto Rican Lightning's right foot is under the rope! Getting frustrated, The Mad Cappa leashes a fury of kicks on PR Lightning! However, PR Lightning gets up in a quick motion and does a cut throat motion! Cappa is shocked and throws a couple of punches! PR Lightning no sells the punches! Cappa rolls out to talk to Vince Rusco, but PR Lightning runs off the ropes and does a tope suicida on Cappa! The crowd pops for the move! PR Lightning rolls Cappa back in as he bounces off the ropes again and attempts a huracarana, but Cappa turns it into a sitdown powerbomb! However, PR Lightning's left arm is under the rope so Cappa has to let go! Getting more frustrated, Cappa sets PR Lightning up. Cappa bounces off the ropes for an IMPACT! Cappa goes for the cover in what should've been an easy finish, but PR Lightning kicks out at two! Rusco tosses a chair into the ring! PR Lightning kips up, stomps his feet a couple of times to get the crowd into it more, and does a Sweet Chin Music on Cappa! PR Lightning goes for the cover, but Cappa kicks out at two! There is now a sense of fury in both competitors. PR Lightning flips the bird, throws his right armpad to the crowd, and proceeds with the F U elbow drop! He runs to the turnbuckle, climbs it, and attempts a moonsault! However, Cappa rolls out of the way as PR Lightning slams the mat full force! Cappa gets up, drags PR Lightning to the turnbuckle, and sets him up there. Cappa then goes to set up the chair as Rusco distracts the ref! Cappa gets back on the turnbuckle and yells out, "It's over!" Cappa sets up PR Lightning for IT'S SHOWTIME!, but Mr. Boricua clubs Cappa on his back and pushes to crash on the chair! The crowd is getting more exicted! Cappa gets knocked down to the mat! PR Lightning poses to the crowd as the crowd is getting more livelier and does a Shooting Star Press! Cappa is out! The ref counts the pin attempt, but Rusco gets Cappa's right leg on the ropes! Rusco alerts the ref that Cappa's leg is on the rope so PR Lightining has to break up the count! PR Lightning gets Cappa back up and sets him up for the Annexation of Puerto Rico, but Rusco runs in and smacks PR Lightining on his back with his cane to cause the disqualification in 5:14!


All hell breaks loose as Mr. Boricua comes in and they all get into a huge brawl to a crazed audience! Everybody starts throwing punches at each other! Puerto Rican Lightning grabs the messed up chair and smacks The Mad Cappa alot on the head! This goes on for a minute as the crowd goes crazy! Eventually, the security forces run in and they try to break it up! The arena turns dark as "Chop Suey" by System of a Down plays on the arena speakers to a still excited crowd! After a couple of seconds, the lights turn back on as NazMistry is on the top turnbuckle! The announcers are in shock as they thought he was in retirement! Then, NazMistry proceeds to a moonsault onto The Mad Cappa, Vince Rusco, Puerto Rican Lightning, Mr. Boricua, the ref, and the security forces! The crowd gets even more crazier as NazMistry poses! The segment ends as the camera zooms on NazMistry posing!



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Guest Sandman9000




JR: Well ladies and gentleman, what a night it's been for the Tag Divison!


Jesse: Yeah Ross, it's not every day we see people wanting the belts so bad they'll wrestle in singles matches or even twice in one ngiht.


JR: The big question, of course, is who have Poet and Dandy found as partners?


Jesse: No, the real question is whether or not you'll have a heart attack when we find out.


JR: Shut up and finish your water, Jesse.


Jesse: That's a low blow, Ross.


The opening notes of SHORT STORIES WITH TRAGIC ENDINGS come over the speakers and SPIDERPOET emerges with BLACK WIDOW at his side. The two stand on the stage and smile at one another before they make their way down the ramp to the ring.


JR: Fans, tonight's episode of IZ is brought to you by ANGLE-MANIA TWO. Three Arenas, and the biggest night of this business!


Jesse: That's the best shill job you can do, Ross? And we're sponsoring ourselves now?


JR: Gotta sell tickets somehow. The fans here tonight are about to get more than they bargained for with this last minute addition to tonight's card, Jesse! WHO is gonna team up with Spider Poet?


In answer to JR's query, ICE, ICE BABY erupts over the speakers!




Jesse: Keep at it, Ross. There's a pool in the back that says you go out in an ambulance when Dandy unveils his partner.


JR: But, Bah Gawd, Eskimo's already wrestled once tonight! How important is Tag Gold to these men?!


Jesse: It's gold, JR. This is what they're in the ring for. If a shot comes, you take it.


Eskimo makes his way down to the ring. He slides under the ropes and seems to have formed an uneasy alliance with SpiderPoet. He also looks a little tired, no doubt after his match with Zsasz earlier in the evening. The two face the entrance ramp, as Black Widow exits the ring and heads over to the Officials corner.


HELLS BELLS comes over the speakers, and El DANDY comes out to the stage. He stops at the edge of the ramp and his music dies down. A murmur swells in the crowd much like earlier, as anticipation grips them.


VERDI'S REQUIEM hits. The Monster known as JINGUS emerges from behind the curtain and walks right past Dandy, who follows him down towards the ring. The crowd goes insane, seeing the strange pairing of old enemies right before their eyes.




Jesse: I bet, Ross. For the hospital. Keep at it, buddy.


JINGUS hits the ring, followed by El Dandy, and they head to their corner. Dandy and Poet pause beside one another and a brief staredown occours. The bell rings and it's on. In his corner, Eskimo looks over his shoulder to see Black Widow, who has seated herself in a steel chair she borrowed from the timekeeper to watch the match. She set it up on the floor behind SP and Eskimo's corner, and she raises a brow as Eskimo eyes her.


In the ring, SpiderPoet and El Dandy are set to square off. Lock up and Dandy turns it into a headlock, which SP quickly turns into shooting Dandy into the ropes. Dandy on the return, SP looks to try and finish it early with a tildeBANG, but Dandy sidesteps him, catches his arm, and turns it into a quick stretch. SP fights his way out and Dandy goes for a clothesline. SP ducks and whips Dandy into the ropes. SP himself comes off the opposite ropes and they both CLOTHESLINE one another.


Both men sell it like they mean it and begin the crawl towards their respective corners, though how they're so hurt so fast seems a little odd. HOT TAGS to Jingus and Eskimo, who are in the ring with the quickness. The two lock up and don't notice Black Widow handing SPIDERPOET her CHAIR. SP takes it and creeps in, but JINGUS spies him and breaks the lockup. He and Eskimo both turn to SP, who looks like a deer in headlights. He throws up his hands, still holding the chair, and begs off.


JINGUS, focused on SP, never sees El Dandy come up behind him with a chair of his own. WHAM, and the big man stumbles forward into the ropes. Eskimo looks at Dandy, and SP NAILS him with his own chair, effectively laying him out. The ref is frantically signalling for belt and ends the match in a DQ


Winners: SP and Eskimo as Dandy fired off first in 2:10


SP and Dandy are out of the ring, and both snag their belts from the officials. They back up the ramp together, smirking at Eskimo and Jingus, who are trying to gather their wits in the ring. The two teas stare at one another. They back to the stage and SP has a mic.


SP: (Laughing) Ha ha ha, That was so great. You know, we were gonna wait until AngleMania to lay you both out and get back together as Champiosn, but when the opportunity presented itself tonight, we just couldn't resist. Oh well! Thanks for playing, kids, seriously, but LOS INFERNALES outdid you all. We outdid the locker room, we outdid Watts, we outdid Sandman, but we took our greatest satisfaction in outsmarting JINGUS and ESKIMO. You two blocked our way to the tag titles long enough, so we figured a way around the rules when the opportunity presented itself to us Maybe one day, you'll realize the genius you're dealing with when you screw with the Infernales!


JINGUS has heard enough and he's out of the ring, heading up the ramp now, with Eskimo in tow. The crowd is going nuts.




"Now hold on just a damn minute!" Bill Watts is out from behind the curtain and he has inserted himself between the two teams on the ramp. Black Widow has situated herself in front of SP and Dandy as well, though with JINGUS on the other side of Watts that probably isn't the brightest move in her career.


Watts turns to face SP. "Poet, I'll hand it to you. You saw a loophole and you went right through it, and I'll even admit that orchestrating a match just to screw with the Connection . . . those were nice plays. But I'm not gonna let the titles get reunited through such a display of foul play. No. Effective immediately, the Tag Team Championship is declared VACANT."




Jesse: I think you're turning purple, Ross.


Watts: Over the next two weeks, a mini-tournament is going to take place. Four teams will have a shot at a Tag Team Championship match going into AngleMania II. Los Infernales, The Dream Machines, Miracle Weirdness Connection, and the Boogie Kngihts. I'd suggest both of cool off. Spidey, Dandy, hand over the belts . . . "


Poet and Dandy slowly hand over their belts, glaring between Watts and the MWC, who are all glaring back.


JR: Well the next few weeks are going to be very innarestin'. Looks like we wont know who is going into AngleMania for the Tag Titles until the final IntenseZone, Jesse!


Jesse: Aren't you going to yell and scream some more, Ross? I was pretty close to winning the pool.


JR: I wouldn't give you the satisfaction, Jesse.


Poet, Dandy, and Widow all back towards the curtain as we fade out, eyes locked with the MWC. One day, these two teams will tear one another apart.

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Guest Sandman9000

Sandman is preparing to leave the arena, when Tony Schiavone catches up to him.


Tony: "Sandman, Sandman. Sandman, you were perhaps the greatest OAOAST Tag Team Champion in the his..."


Sandman kicks Tony in the stomach and throws him face-first into the wall, as Tony slumps to the ground. Sandman grabs the mic and looks into the camera.


Sandman: "Two weeks ago, I had TWO BELT~! Now, I have none. Someone is going to pay. Someone is going to get hurt badly next week. Someone is going to fucking DIE come AngleMania 2."


Sandman throws the mic down and leaves.




“Iron Man” plays, the Taskmaster steps out, with the Phantom, and the Metalli-Posse.


Fact #1: Mario used to be very rich at one time.

Fact #2: Mario puts Hot Sauce on everything, including Ice Cream.


They enter the ring, Mario grabs the microphone.


Mario: I am here for a few reasons:

#1. Mourn the loss of the monsters that Jingus killed.

#2. Make life easier.

#3. To play St. Anger, for you all.


Fans get upset at #3. “Asshole” chants are heard.


Mario: Now, now, my simple ones, I do not mean to harm anyone today.


Fans laugh.


Mario: After the mourning, I will make life easier, for myself, and the OAOAST.


Fan: You Suck!

Fan: Metallica Sucks!

Fan: Ban Agnes!

Mario: I am trying my best.

Fan: You blow Lars!


Lars Ulrich gets pissed and grabs the microphone from Mario.


Lars: No you suck! If you don’t shut the fuck up, I am personally going to go out there and sue each and every one of you, so shut up!


Louder “asshole” chants are heard and are now directed at Lars. Mario gets a big pop when he takes away the microphone, and then shoves a football in Lars’ mouth.


Mario: Now as I was saying, life will be easier, but first instead of the mourning, we will play “St. Anger” so you can decide if you want to buy and/or download it.


Lars is furious, and spits out the football.


Lars: Don’t do it! I’ll sue you and the OAOAST, then I’ll sue the fans, and the Smartmarks forums. St. Anger is our last chance at greatness.


Fans laugh. Suddenly Elvis takes Lars out with a martial arts kick, causing a massive pop.


Elvis: That’s why I’m the King.


Bigger pop.


Elvis: Thank you! Thank you very much!


Mario: All right lets play St. Anger!


Album plays, fans boo. Elvis pulls out a gun, and points it at the back of Mario’s head. Elvis looks behind him, and leaves the ring.


Jingus is in the ring, he clotheslines every one. Robert Trujillo leaves the ring.


Jingus takes out everyone with a serious of Hell Busters, and then goes over to Mario.


Sub-Zero then freezes Jingus, and takes him out with a martial arts kick. Everybody runs back in, and stomps Jingus.


After a while, Fat Bastard comes in, while the Metalliposse hold his feet. Fat Bastard repeatedly leg drops his face. Then he hits five big splashes on Jingus.


Mario gets a weird look in his eyes, and orders everyone back.


Mario electrocutes Jingus with his lightning, until the OAOAST officials get Mario out. The EMTs takes Jingus out.

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Guest Sandman9000

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is set for one fall, and it is for the OAOAST Championship!


"Simply Ravishing" hits as the legend himself, Tony "The Body" walks towards the ring, still wearing the bandage from War Games and the attacks by The Superstar, but the fans are behind him all the way.


Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the challenger, from San Antonio, Texas -- Tony "The Body"~!


JR: What a main event we have hear tonight -- Tony "The Body" vs. Anglesault, for the OAOAST championship. It should be a dandy, Jess.


Jesse: Can you believe out of all the years Tony has been active in the sport this is only he second title shot.


JR: That is incredible. Of course, his first shot at the big gold belt came at last year's "Breakdown" pay-per-view, during the 6-Pack Challenge match where Anglesault pinned him, thanks in large part to Big Poppa Popick of all people.


Jesse: I remember that, "Breakdown" was my first OAOAST pay-per-view.


JR: But tonight, it's one-on-one. And it could be his last title shot, since he's going to put his career on the line at AngleMania II, March 30th, live, only on pay-per-view, against the Superstar in a respect vs. career match.


Jesse: Who knows, we could see Tony vs. Superstar for the OAOAST championship at AngleMania II, if Tony wins tonight.


JR: Could happen.


Ring Announcer: His opponent, from New York, New York, the OAOAST Champion, Anglesault!


The crowd let's their disapproval be heard as the theme music of the champion hits.


JR: The former leader of the aWo, and the man who many believe is the greatest OAOAST champion of all time -- the only two-time OAOAST champion, Anglesault.


AS grabs the mic.


Jesse: The champ has somethin' to say.


AS: There's not going to be a OAOAST title match tonight.


Crowd boos.


JR: What? Where did that come from?


Jesse: Let him finish speaking.


AS: Oh, don't worry. There will be a match tonight, but not for my title. You see, all OAOAST titleholders have clauses in their contracts that state you must defend your title once every 30 days or run the risk of being stripped of the title. Some of you may say Reject & Thunderkid still hold their titles despite the fact they're never around and send their drones to do their work, but those guys have political asylum with "the office." The OAOAST can't stand the fact I'm their champion, even though the fed is named after me. The "office" did everything in their power to make sure I don't carry around the 30 pounds of gold. They tried everyway to get rid and/or screw the aWo at any chance they could get. Now there's no more aWo.


JR: Come on, he sounds like a Kliq member.


Jesse: It's true! It's true!


JR: I know it is.


AS (CONT'D): But I've already defend my title at least once during the last 30 days. Oh, I have.


"Cowboy" hits. It's the Chairman of the OAOAST Boar of Directors, "Cowboy" Bill Watts.


Jesse: Oh, great. Old man Watts is here.


Bill Watts: Now hold on just a minute. You're right.


AS nods.


AS: I know I'm right. That's why I'm the only two-time OAOAST champion, pops.


Bill (CONT'D): You've defend the OAOAST World's championship at least once in the past 30 days, but the contract you signed for tonight's match is for the OAOAST World's title.


Big pop from crowd.


Jesse: This isn't fair!


JR: The hell it is. He has a written contract stating it.


Bill (CONT'D): So, right now, you two are going to wrestle for the World's title. So let's hook 'em up!


AS: I'm the champion! I'm a public icon! You're violating my consititutional rights!


JR: Cry me a river, you baby.


AS (CONT'D): But I'll go through with this match because Tony "The Body" is a lot like the French...


Jesse: uh-oh.


AS: When it comes to the big one, they both roll over.


JR: Wow. That's stretching it in my opinion.


Tony spears~! AS and throws punches at him. Kicking and stomping the champion of the OAOAST.


JR: He's stomping a mudhole in AS and walking it dry.


Jesse: It's been a long time since I've seen Tony with this much intensity.


JR: He may very well be thinking AS is Superstar.


Irish-whip into a back bodydrop by Tony, AS has been caught off guard by. Clothesline...1-2-kickout. Hip-toss into a front-facelock.


Jesse: I wonder if AS has his mind on this match. I know this is no longer for the OAOAST title, but going into the biggest event of the year, you need to look strong. AS looks like he's paying more attention towards his possible matches at AngleMania.


JR: Could be. AS has a OAOAST title match set with his former aWoer, Angle-Plex. If AS gets by that, he'll then face the winner of Zack Malibu/EvenflowDDT. Two friends, turn enemies. They trained together; they partied together... no more. They'll hook 'em up at AngleMania II.


AS manages to turn the front-facelock into a side-headlock, elbow's to the gut of Tony, AS runs the ropes, leapfrog by Tony, Tony tries it again, but AS stops before he goes underneath and nails SWEET EMOTION~!


JR: This could be it. 1-2-NO! Tony kicked out at 2 1/2.


AS whips Tony hard into the turnbuckles. Knife-edge chops delivered in the corner, the sound of flesh against flesh echoing throughout the arena. Tony's chest starting to look like ground meat.


JR: Man, oh, man, what impact by those knife-edge chops.


Snapmare by AS, who follows it up with a need right into the upper back area, followed by a dropkick to the head. 1-2-Tony kicks out. AS drives his forearm into Tony's face and tries another pin... 1-2-NO, Tony kicks out again. AS is starting to show signs of frustration.


AS: (to the referee) Come on, count faster!


Jesse: If AS had his mind elsewhere before the match, no don't now. He wants to end this.


While AS is getting on the ref's case, Tony recovers and attempts a big boot to the face, but AS sees this out of the corner of his eye and chop-blocks Tony's exposed (leg he has all the weight on) knee.


JR: What a cheap shot! AS just clipped Tony's knee, that could break a leg or tear...


Jesse: Shut up, Ross. Even though I'm a huge Tony fan, he left an opening and Anglesault took advantage. That's why he's the World heavyweight champion... he's a thinking man's wrestler.


AS begins to work over the knee/ankle area by dropping three big time elbow drops in the knee arena. AS then slides Tony to the ring post, heads outside and smashes Tony's ankle into the ring post. Tony screams in pain.


JR: My God! That wasn't the leg he smashed, that was the ankle. After getting clipped, one can only imagine the pain running through his body.


Jesse: No doubt setting up for the ankle lock.


All of a sudden the crowd begins to boo. The camera get a shot of Angle-Plex making

his way to the ring.


JR: He has no business here. What is Angle-Plex up too?


Jesse: Probably scouting his opponent for AngleMania. People like to joke on the guy, but he ain't stupid.


JR: No Jesse, he ain't.


Jesse: Don't you dare go down that road, little man.


The ref sees AP and asks him what he's doing here. AP appears to say he's only here to watch the match up close.


Angle-Plex: Don't worry. I'm not here to start trouble.


AP grabs a chair and sits down ringside.


AS sees AP but tries not to let that get in his way. AS picks Tony up in a side suplex position, only grabbing his leg instead, and drops Tony's shin right accross his knee... A move made famous by "Nature Boy" Ric Flair. AS then locks on the figure-four.


JR: Look at this.


Jesse: AS normally uses the ankle-lock, but he's decided to use the figure-four. That's what makes a champion great, everybody knows AS loves to his the ankle-lock, so he goes with the figure-four. That's the thinking man's wrestler I was talking about earlier.


Tony is in all sort of pain. The referee is asking if he wants to give it up.


Crowd chanting TONY~!


Referee: You wanna quit? All you gonna do is tap or say yes.


Tony: Noooooooo!


AS: Quit, you son of a bitch!


The crowd starts the boo-birds again as The Superstar is making his way to the ring.


JR: Now what?


Jesse: We have the challengers to both of the men wrestling right now ringside.


AS: Tap, motherfucker! I'm going to break your fucking ankle if you don't tap!


JR: My God! Such language coming out of the mouth of the champion.


Jesse: He senses victory, Ross.


Tony sees SS and locks eyes with him. Tony looks upset at the sight of SS ringside.


JR: Tony has seen Superstar at ringside.


Tony begins to counter the figure-four.


AS: No. No. No. Quit!

Tony reverses it! AS is now the one screaming in pain. AS releases the hold. Both men struggle getting up. Tony has a noticeable limp, due to the punishment AS gave to his knee/ankle.


JR: Tony is running on adrenaline now.


AS chops Tony in the chest, but he no-sells it. Rights and lefts have no effect on "The Body." AS runs the ropes and kicks Tony in the knee, but still NO EFFECT. Tony pounds his chest like a gorilla saying no pain. The crowd is going crazy!


JR: I wish you folks at home could be here. The atmosphere is amazing, much like it will be on March 30th, live, only on pay-per-view at AngleMania II.

Right hand is blocked by Tony, who then irish-whips AS into the ropes and delivers a gorilla presslam. Tony clutches his knee. The presslam applied pressure to the wounded knee/ankle.


AS quickly tries to cash-in by applying the SCREAMS OF NO REPLY. Tony is screaming in pain. The cameras show SS digging into his pants. He pulls out a tiny bag and jumps onto the apron... AP pulls SS down. AP has the bag, SS gets into the ring and ends up right in front of AS. SS turns around, but AP is right in front of him... White powder is thrown into the eyes of AS, who releases the hold as he tries to remove the powder from his eyes. Tony clotheslines both AP & SS over the top rope. Crowd pops!


JR: Angle-Plex took the poweder out of the hands of Superstar, then accidentally threw the powder into Anglesault's eyes. The crowd is going crazy. But what the hell was SS trying to do?


Jesse: I think it was pretty damn clear... he wanted to help Tony win so he could get the OAOAST title shot at AngleMania.


JR: Excellent point. We talked about that earlier during the match.


While trying to clear his vision, AS walks right into the OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE!

Huge pop!




Massive pop! Tony starts celebrating.




Jesse: Unbelieveable.


JR: For the first time in his career, Tony has finally tasted OAOAST championship gold.... wait a minute. The referee is waving the pin off.


The camera cuts to AS on the mat with his foot under the ropes.


Jesse: There's no new champion. AS's foot is under the ropes. The match should be restarted.


JR: What a break for AS, and what a bad break for Tony.


Tony grabs AS by the hair...


Ring Announcer: Due to Anglesault having his foot under the ropes, this match MUST continue!


AS thumbs Tony in the eye and whips Tony to the turnbuckle who does a FLAIR FLOP~! goes to the other corner, climbs the ropes, but AS charges towards the turnbuckle, leaps to the top rope and hits the SALT SHAKER! 1......2......3!




JR: GOOD GOD! GOOD GOD! GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY! What a move. And what a match!


Ring Announcer: The winner of this match, and STILL OAOAST Champion, Anglesault!


AS and AP lock eyes. AS has a WTF where you doing look on his face.


JR: Those two men will go at it in 20 days at AngleMania II for the OAOAST title.


Jesse: There's some questions that need to be answered here. When Tony clotheslined AP & SS over the top, why didn't AP try to break the pin after Tony nailed AS with the Out of Body Experience?


AS gets a mic.


AngleSault: Angle-Plex, what the fuck where you thinking?! You almost cost me my fucking title! I'm sick of you screwing up everything!


Plex lowers his head in shame. AS throws down the mic and SLAPS~ AP. AP looks up at him with a crazy look on his face. Sault pushes AP out of his way, and starts walking up the ramp with his OAOAST World Title over his shoulder. AP picks up the mic.


Angle-Plex: You know what I'm sick of? I'm sick of you!


Crowd pops.


Angle-Plex: Every since I've entered this company, you've treated me like a piece of shit! You've NEVER thought I was on your level. Well come Anglemania II, I'm going to prove to you that I'm not only as good as you, but that I'm BETTER than you......


Anglesault starts to walk back toward the ring, but stops himself from entering.


Angle-Plex: .....because at Anglemania II, not only am I going to kick your ass, but I'm also going to become the NEW OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion!


"Woohoo" by Blur hits as AS and AP start yelling at each other. Refs and Road Agents run out to prevent any type of physical confrontation as the show fades to black.

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Guest Sandman9000

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