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Guest NoCalMike

Has the popularization of porn influenced the.....

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Guest NoCalMike

Ok, whenever you see Aguilera, Spears, or anyone for that matter, whether it be actresses, musicians whatever....they are ALWAYS dolled up like porn stars. Now, I understand that if you are going out to a dance club, you might want to get kind of slutty looking, but most of these girls get whored up even if they are going to church. I must question if this is due to the adult industry becoming much more of a mainstream entity. Jenna Jameson for one has her fingerprints all over projects, no one is to shy to use her for anything they want. It isn't really "dirty" to watch porn anymore. Even women are admitting to liking porn nowadays. Now when you look at the way female porn stars are dolled up and then you look at the you female r&b stars.....there really isn't much of a difference, and a lot of their lyrical content could serve as a play by play for a porn movie. When you look at Christina Aguilera's makeup style(her in particular) you could easily see her in a Vivid video. I think in a way I feel sorry for females in Movies & Music industry because I no doubt believe there is immense pressure to market themselves as sluts. That must be why Britney Spears and her company seem to ALWAYS have to be wearing something skimpy. Thoughts?

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Guest NoCalMike

Oh the point of this post was me trying to throw out one possible theory as to why the Music/Movie industry is so sexed out, which I am attributing to the mainstream acceptance of the Adult Industry, therefore when people(especially males) see porn stars, they start to expect females in other industries to look like that and carry the same appeal.......

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Guest red_file

I think it has less to do with expectations and more to do with we as a culture becoming more comfortable with our sexuality. Women (and men) dressing more provacatively and dealing with sexuality in their art are the effects of this comfort. I don't think porn has unduly effected perception of how a woman should act or dress.


Is heightened awareness and expression of sexuality a bad thing? That would be the gist I got from your post. I'd disagree but am not entire sure that's what you meant.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

I think non-celebrity women are being exploited, while the celebrities are just using their overly sexed clothing to sell movies/music/etc. What I wouldn't give to tell all these celebrity sluts off.

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Guest Maven's Eyebrows

Well, you have to remember that porno has always been an influence on our culture, starting in the 1930's with the film "The Pubic Enemy" (you know, the one where James Cagney inserts a grapefruit in Mae Clarke's vagina).

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

There has always been overt sexuality in music and entertainment and it changes with the times. As you push the evelope, it goes back further and you have to push it even more. There was a time when Elvis swiveling his hips and Tom Jones with his shirt open were the dirtiest things going. Even Madonna's clothing and videos of little more than ten years ago are considered tame today, but that's because she was one of the people who pushed things back then. Hell, porn of the 70's isn't as raunchy as porn today. It's just the changing times reflecting the age old axiom that sex sells. The "porn star look" in the mainstream, however, is a fad like anything else and you can already see signs of it and the people who riding its wave fading out. The ascension of Norah Jones for one and the declining intrest and sales for the likes of Aguilera and Spears.

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Guest razazteca

Its all MTV and VH1! faught for this over sex main stream acceptance. VH1 is doing shows about groupies and Rock stars who party with Porn stars and the Porn stars who wish they were musicians. Even having Extra or Entertainment Tonight doing shows about Playboy photo shoots also contribute to the decline of civilization. And who can forget the constant GGW commercials on cable tv, you can't change the channel and not find Snoop Dogg pimping the videos late night.


Is heightened awareness and expression of sexuality a bad thing?

Yes it is when you have Maury Povish or Jenny Jones having talk shows about 12 year old girls running wild having sex and partying hard every day.


Whatever I do What I want has become the new battle cry for womens lib today, its sad but true.

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Guest Sturgis
The ascension of Norah Jones for one and the declining intrest and sales for the likes of Aguilera and Spears.

That's for now, Norah will be gone in 2 yrs.


Yes it is when you have Maury Povish or Jenny Jones having talk shows about 12 year old girls running wild having sex and partying hard every day.

Whatever I do What I want has become the new battle cry for womens lib today, its sad but true.


That's mostly their parents fault and Maury and Jenny need ratings so they will throw fake girls on their to get them.

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Guest J*ingus
the film "The Pubic Enemy" (you know, the one where James Cagney inserts a grapefruit in Mae Clarke's vagina).

Um, actually he squashed it into her face. Were you making a joke that I didn't get or something?

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Guest WrestlingDeacon
The ascension of Norah Jones for one and the declining intrest and sales for the likes of Aguilera and Spears.


That's for now, Norah will be gone in 2 yrs.


Well, of course, that's why Britney and Christina are on their way out now, everything is a cycle. But Norah is the hot thing now, so more artists coming out in the future time period will be more like her than like Britney Spears and those who embrace porn star chic. I was just pointing Norah out as the example of what the next flavor of the month will be.

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Guest NoCalMike

Well see my thing is. I have no problem with porn. I have no problem with girls wearing skimpy clothes if that is what they want, however when girls like Spears/Aguilera are never seen in public without loads of makeup(and not much else) and then they ALWAYS say, "oh, I'm just being me" and never fully explain exactly what that is, it kind of makes me think there is pressure from the labels to ALWAYS look sexy.

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Guest Crazy Dan

Sex definately sells. If Brittney was not good looking, then she wouldn't even get into the door of her music lablel. A problem with today's music industry is that now it's not enough to be just musically talented. You must be good looking and have a "rock-hard" body.


I don't know if I like the "over sexing" or not. I don't mind seeing Bittney shaking her thang, but I don't like the crap that passes as music hogging all the air time.


As for Norah Jones, I think that she has enough musical talent to be around for many years. Sure she won't sell as many records, but she still will have enough of a following who like her for her music. Her Grammy winning album was very good, mixing many different styles of music. It honestly sounded like nothing that is out here right now. Many people bought that album because it is like nothing you would hear from other female singers. And she did it without MTV or VH1 help or much air play on the radio (even though this one station was playing her music out by where I live).

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho
Whatever I do What I want has become the new battle cry for womens lib today, its sad but true.

I ran for congress, won, had sex with an intern, then killed her and hid her body! Whatever! I can do what I want! [/Cartman]


Anyways, mainstream songs have never been just about the music. They've always had something like sex, violence, drugs, or just plain rebeliousness to go along with it. Elvis, Kiss, Madonna, Britney. I could go on and on. It's more about the image than the actual music, and that's a shame.

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Guest Sturgis

I think the Recording Industry s just putting out these "real" musicians to keep "music smart marks" happy or entertained while they get more crap lined up to shove down or throats.


As for Britney and Christna, well Christina has pretty much flushed her carrer down the toliet, the crap is just waiting to go down, and she'll be in Playboy or more than likley Hustler to try to get back on track until she's doing porno to sell records(hey it worked for tha guy in Naughty By Nature). She took te whole "sex sells" thing the wrong way and now she looks like a crack whore instead of a beautiful, classy women which WAS and always will be sexy. Britney has yet to come full circle. She's finally letting that "innocent" image go, good start, BUT she seems to be heading down the road of Christina, which is not good, Britney is still a beautiful women and she has a few more years until that goes away so she should flaunt it til' then. Britney still has class when she dresses.

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Guest Lethargic

What amazes me is that we live in a era that is completely too PC. The amount of political correctness in this day and age is sickening. Nobody can say or do anything without some nutcase coming out of the woodwork to proclaim that it hurts their feelings. Can't even say the pledge of allegiance without some asshole trying to shut it down. But yet, the completely out of control sex that is rampant throughout every piece of media there is just keeps getting worse and worse and nobody complains. A guy can grab a video camera, go to Mardi Gras, sell a few tapes of drunk college girls dyking out and become a famous millionaire. To me he's just a pimp. Oh, pimps. Let's not forget them. How many documentaries are out there now that do nothing but glorify the life of a pimp? How does a drug supporting, porn star and self proclaimed pimp like Snoop Dogg get his own show? Is he funny? Yes. Entertaining? Yes. A criminal? Yes. Somebody like Sharon Stone can flash her twat in a movie and it somehow turns her into a "respectable" actress. To me it makes her a whore. Britney can dress like a slut and that somehow makes her cool. I just see another whore. Christina used to be a really pretty girl with some decent pop songs. Now she's a complete tramp that evidently doesn't believe in her voice anymore so she markets herself as being "dirty". It goes on and on and on. It amazes me to look back at stuff Madonna and remember how shocking it was back then. Then I look at today. Just how much farther can it go? What will it be like in the NEXT decade? It can't get any worse can it? Puma has advertisements out right now depicting oral sex complete with the moneyshot. When is it going to end?


I don't want some sparkling clean world or anything. But there is such a thing as going too far and I think we're inching towards it. Why does Christina's Dirty video get played around the clock, but Disturbed's video based on a bible story gets banned because it had some rubble in it? Why is MTV too busy wondering if Fred Durst and Britney Spears screwed to cover 100 people dying at a rock concert? Once again, I'm not against sex and nudity and whatever. It has it's place. To me a horror movie ain't a horror without one set of tits, but please keep it in it's place. I'm sick of turning on TLC and seeing Girls Gone Wild infomercials.

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Guest red_file
Puma has advertisements out right now depicting oral sex complete with the moneyshot. When is it going to end?

I was under the impression that those ads had been proven as fakes already. The come in the picture is a pretty good giveaway. Though if they do turn up outside of the web...


But yet, the completely out of control sex that is rampant throughout every piece of media there is just keeps getting worse and worse and nobody complains.


You're kidding, right? Complaints are always being made about the growing sexuality in media. Most conservative groups seem to have such complaints and promises to do something about it as part of their agenda. Standards and Practices committees are held in check by complaints from viewers. Groups are always trying to see legislation passes that will in some way limit the amount of sexuality that can be expressed in media.


There's an annoying amount of complaining going on. Thankfully it's not being taken very seriously.


Somebody like Sharon Stone can flash her twat in a movie and it somehow turns her into a "respectable" actress.  To me it makes her a whore.


What, if anything, does having shown her twat have to do with her being a "respectable actress?" Is Jennifer Connelly a whore for having done certain scenes for Requiem? Why is someone a "whore" and cannot respectable if they choose to do a role that is very sexual? By extense, why is an entertainment not taken as seriously if it's subject deals someway with sex?


Once again, I'm not against sex and nudity and whatever.  It has it's place.  To me a horror movie ain't a horror without one set of tits, but please keep it in it's place.


And what place is that, exactly? An exploitive form of cheap titilation? Something only whores do? Something that should be kept out of respectable entertainment?


What's interesting to me is that this expressive sexuality in popular media is only viewed as threatening when it's coming from young women. When young men are the source, it somehow seems less wrong, less threatening. When the Backstreet Boys base their dance routines around pelvic thrusts and crotch grabs, it's not that big of a deal. Having Leif Cassidy practically naked in Tiger Beat was never seen as a problem. Is overt male sexuality somehow safer, less dangerously imitatable, than overt female sexuality?


I don't know. It just seems to me that sex and sexual interaction makes up a good part of who we are as humans, and it's good that entertainments are becoming more allowed to explore that. I have a lot of trouble understanding the oposing viewpoint.

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Guest Maven's Eyebrows
the film "The Pubic Enemy" (you know, the one where James Cagney inserts a grapefruit in Mae Clarke's vagina).

Um, actually he squashed it into her face. Were you making a joke that I didn't get or something?

Well, yes, it was a joke. "Pubic" is "public" spelled without an L, so removing the L from "The Public Enemy" makes it sound like a porn title. Hence the grapefruit going in the cunt rather than the face.

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Guest C.H.U.D.

This whole PC thing really ticks me off as well. People have to be so careful about EVERYTHING. 9/11 happens, so any refernce to the WTC have to be erased from EVERYTHING, cuz god forbid if someone see's an image of them and get's upset. The 9/11 incident also led to every movie depicting war or destruction delayed as well. Yeah, well all know a WWII movie about Native codetalkers would really stir up images of 9/11.


Then the Washington sniper does his thing, so any mention of a sniper or guns is offensive. Phone Booth of course is pushed back 6 months.


Then we have the idiotic Great White fire, and now there is pressure for people to never use pyro in performances. I'm suprised the trailer for Head of State hasn't been taken off the air, since it has Chris Rock saying "The roof is on fire" and everyone starts to panic. I guess it's only a matter of time.

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