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David Blazenwing

No Time In Hell

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Well, I'm sorry to say, but I have to drop out of the SJL. Wioth everything going on, I just don't have the time to write matches. I might be able to continue again in the summer when there's no school, though, so just write me into having an injury or something, okay?


If you really want to, you can just drop me too. Sorry for wasting everyone's time... I wish I could continue, but I just don't have the time to do so. Thanx for the time though, I had alot of fun. :D

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Guest Chuck Woolery

Later on, D to the B. I was starting to get into your character... shame you have to leave.


Oh well. I have the #1 post on all three boards to comfort me.

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I'll still be on the boards from time to time, just not writing matches.


(BTW, if my character isn't deleted, I may still make promos from time to time ala Randy Orton with his shoulder injury)


And Antipop... sorry man. Didn't mean to anger you! :D

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Guest Ace309

The Antipop is Mr. Galatea. Please pay him the respect he deserves and sacrifice six virgins to him.


Actually, just leave them outside his door. He'll take care of them.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

I do hope you come back Blazenwing. The summer is always a ripe time. Best of luck.

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Guest Powerplay

Feel free to keep Blazenwing fresh with promos. And come back quickly, man.

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