Guest The Superstar Report post Posted March 12, 2003 Alright, so this is basically listing the top 10 personalities in the OAOAST from year one. Put the reason WHY they're in that position, and this can be one happy ego-blowjob. 1) CWM (The man who actually started the thread. He took part in the most memorable angle in OAOAST history thus far, with The Sole Survivor. Not to mention, he spent a month as Hardcore Champion, a month as Intercontinental Champion, and a month as OAOAST WORLD CHAMPION. He also created HeldDOWN and wrote it for about a month until it merged with IntenseZone. An all around great guy, and it's a shame that he had to leave us.) 2) Anglesault (Well, duh. Despite the fact that he never contributes to shows, he's the one who made this thread what it is [OBVIOUSLY~~~~] and, by the way, is a 2 Time 2 Time Champion for a combined title reign of 6 months. His never-ending feud with Treble Charged will always be remembered, from the Emoticon War, to the NAMBLA~ references, to TC FINALLY~ pinning AS. It's all good.) 3) Caboose (Another prime member in the early stages of the OAOAST. Caboose was the first to SWERVE~ into joining the aWo, as well as providing other priceless memories. Took part in the "masterplan" with BBP at AngleSlam, and got a month-long World Title reign out of it. He then pulled the GREATEST SWERE OF ALL~ when he told us he "had to move to India", when in fact he wanted to control a new character, Naz Mistry. Who knows where Caboose would be now if he remained an active part of the OAOAST.) 4) Zack Malibu (At the early stages of the OAOAST, his gimmick seemed like that of a destined-midcarder. A prep? In the main event? Ha! After forming the hip and cool In Crowd, Zack went into a high-profile World Title feud with Caboose. Despite being announced as the Champion, Zack was screwed over in the forthcoming months many, many, many times in his quest for the World Championship. However, Zack persisted, continuing to write outstanding promos and even BETTER matches, en route to becoming the OAOAST's top babyface. With the main event slot at AngleMania II, Zack may finally get what's been waiting for him for almost a year.) 5) Sandman9000 (He started out as a towel boy. Yes, a towel boy. And oh yeah, he carried a mop. Who knew that Sandman would be one of the top OAOAST superstars of the year? Being the deathcore freak he is, Sandman wrote the most brutal, vicious, and outstanding matches in the OAOAST. In fact, his no rope, barbed wire ladder match against EvenflowDDT in late May won an Angle Award for match of the year. No matter what the style, Sandman always BRINGS THE CONTENT~, whether it be a barbed wire, thumbtack, exploding C4 bat deathmatch, or the 20 man Royal Rumble. His contributions will continue to benefit the OAOAST into year 2.) 6) ANGLE-PLEX~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (This man deserves a lifetime achievement award. While he was originally slated to win his first match at AngleMania, Mario never came through, and what we got was loss...after loss...after loss...after get the idea. It wasn't until JULY~ that Angle-plex finally got a win, in a fluke match against none other than BBP. He was buried the next month. But oh yes, don't worry. AP FINALLY developed a winning streak of SOME sort, and was, and is, always entertaining. He started the OAOMEF~ with Superstar and Eskimo, and won every single title in the federation before it closed. He remains to be my FAVORITE~ and MOST POPULAR~ OAOAST SUPERSTAR EVAAAAAA.) 7) Small Poppa Popick (The HHH of the OAOAST. But is that a good thing? NO~! HE SUX~~~~!!! HE ALWAYS HOLDS PEEPZ DOWN AND HE SUX!!~~!!~ HE CREATED AND WROTE INTENSEZONE every week BUT HE SUX~~~! HE BURIED AGNES IN THEIR 3 MONTH FEUD BUT HE SUX~~!~!~~! Seriously, Popick went from stealing Booker T catchphrases (*Crowd echoes it*) to completing the master plan with Caboose at AngleSlam, to putting on some damn entertaining matches throughout the year, including a great 60 minute Last man standing match at BBB. He will continue to help the OAOAST grow, whether it's putting newbies over or just being a ZOOT SUIT RIOT~.) 8) Treble Charged (The guy who started everything off with ::spears Anglesault::. How could you NOT like this man? He put up with Anglesault's 'childish games' for a record 4 months. Not to integral part of the OAOAST itself. He put on high profile matches with Anglesault at AnglePalooza, Beach Brawl, and Ashes II Ashes. Not to mention, he had the longest reign as OAOAST WOMEN'S CHAMPION~~!, defeating Queen Molly every week and putting up with things like having to wear a bikini for Anglesault's peverse pleasure. In the end, TC was a great addition to the OAOAST, and here's hoping he comes back soon.) 9) Tony "The Body" ("We should just make an Anglesault thread." With those [paraphrased] words, Tony started the revolution that became the OAOAST. Besides that, Tony added insightful and hilarious commentary to matches, had a great, but short lived World Championship Wrestling, which was eventually revitalized as Road to Anglemania, and became OAOAST Executive Producer. He had a lot of great ideas along the way, and despite stepping down as "OAOAST Head", still contributes a hell of a lot and makes everything in the OAOAST a fun experience.) 10) EvenflowDDT (OmG CoOcHi SnOrChEr~~! Ever since defeating ZACK~ in his OAOAST ppv debut, Evenflow has shown just how damn entertaining he can be. Not only can he write a good match, but his promos and skits are some of the best this entire fed has to offer. Not to metion, Evenflow was a great Hardcore champion, and put on the most brutal, bloody, and amazing WARS with Sandman that anyone has ever seen. Whether it was a 200 lightbulb deathmatch, a Deathcore tables match, or the I Quit match that made ME squirm, Evenflow brought it all. The best part? He's even better UNDER THE INFLUENCE~~.) Honorable Mention: Mystery Eskimo, Alfdogg, JINGUS, Some Guy, The Sole Survivor, Mario~. So now add your OWN~! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Superstar Report post Posted March 12, 2003 I edited it so the man who DESERVES IT, CWM, got the Number One spot~~~! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted March 12, 2003 I'd just like to remind everyone that I did get that win back from Cleft. (BTW, we only had three PPV matches?) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angle-plex Report post Posted March 12, 2003 6) ANGLE-PLEX~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (This man deserves a lifetime achievement award. While he was originally slated to win his first match at AngleMania, Mario never came through, and what we got was loss...after loss...after loss...after get the idea. It wasn't until JULY~ that Angle-plex finally got a win, in a fluke match against none other than BBP. He was buried the next month. But oh yes, don't worry. AP FINALLY developed a winning streak of SOME sort, and was, and is, always entertaining. He started the OAOMEF~ with Superstar and Eskimo, and won every single title in the federation before it closed. He remains to be my FAVORITE~ and MOST POPULAR~ OAOAST SUPERSTAR EVAAAAAA.) I just realized something: OAOMEF > OAOAST Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Superstar Report post Posted March 12, 2003 I'd just like to remind everyone that I did get that win back from Cleft. (BTW, we only had three PPV matches?) Well, there was AnglePalooza, then Cleft had the Miss OAOAST Competition at GAB, then he beat you at Beach Brawl, then you beat him and CWM at Ashes II Ashes, and then you were suspended, and TC was written out of storylines. So yeah. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted March 12, 2003 He also had that match at Anglemania that I ordered. And I love the sig. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Superstar Report post Posted March 12, 2003 He also had that match at Anglemania that I ordered. Duane Gill EYELASH LOCK~! And I love the sig. It makes me feel proud and enraged at the same time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angle-plex Report post Posted March 12, 2003 And I love the sig. Sault, the funny thing about that is I DID pick up on your little clues. I even asked CWM if something was going on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted March 12, 2003 And I love the sig. Sault, the funny thing about that is I DID pick up on your little clues. I even asked CWM if something was going on. I had a feeling you did. You mentioned something early, and I think I had to shoot you down. Plus, you've seen enough AS to catch my hints better than SS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Superstar Report post Posted March 12, 2003 And I love the sig. Sault, the funny thing about that is I DID pick up on your little clues. I even asked CWM if something was going on. I had a feeling you did. You mentioned something early, and I think I had to shoot you down. Plus, you've seen enough AS to catch my hints better than SS. What were the hints, anyway? ...and I guess that shows how much I know Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted March 12, 2003 As a general rule, if I EVER utter the words "If you(they/he/she/it) only knew..." I'm referring to some sort of huge shake up. Take in in the context to figure out who or what its about. (Sometimes I'll say it WWF related, sometimes sports, sometimes OAOAST) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest treble charged Report post Posted March 12, 2003 I'd just like to remind everyone that I did get that win back from Cleft. (BTW, we only had three PPV matches?) Well, there was AnglePalooza, then Cleft had the Miss OAOAST Competition at GAB, then he beat you at Beach Brawl, then you beat him and CWM at Ashes II Ashes, and then you were suspended, and TC was written out of storylines. So yeah. Is Beach Brawl where he did the Montreal finish? I liked that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest caboose Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Third on the list? ::Cries tears of joy:: I actually thought i'd be behind everyone beneath me on the list. I mean I was only around for a total of four months. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mystery Eskimo Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Good work SS. I appreciate my mention Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cobainwasmurdered Report post Posted March 14, 2003 well you got No. 1 right Share this post Link to post Share on other sites