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Guest dpac

Smackdown Results

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The report doesn't make sense


Here is the result from Dave Meltzer.


The change in plans seem to be to do the Lesnar-Angle title change at Wrestlemania and cancel Angle's surgery for a few weeks.


Angle pinned Lesnar in a non-match. Eric Angle came down in one of Kurt's hooded robes and Lesnar F-5'd him in 15 seconds. Team Angle attacked Lesnar and Kurt came from under the ring (where he had been hiding all night) and rolled-up Lesnar to retain the title.


Chris Benoit & Rhyno were officially announced for the originally planned three-way at Mania with Los Guerreros and Team Angle for the tag titles. Billy Kidman turned on Rey Mysterio and went heel in an earlier tag bout.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

Angle does have a bad neck. They could have just been playing off that fact, and swerved everyone.

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Guest Mad Dog

I have to give credit to the WWF.


They really go that extra mile to screw over the fans anyway they can.

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Guest Zero_Cool

Well, at least I have my Thursday night planned out..high school hockey game, baby!


But yeah, this is uber-ridiculous.

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Guest EternallyLazy

okay... so they strip him of the title for this... but how will it explain his one year absence?

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Guest Showstoppa Icon
Billy Kidman turned on Rey Mysterio and went heel in an earlier tag bout.


What the hell?

Dont u rememebr those great heel promos Kidman did against Hogan in WCW. hes a natural in that role. /sarcasm

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Guest RedJed
Is Kurt actually injured here or what? Or are they just being incredibly stupid and having him wrestle at wrestlemania after all?

I don't think its that stupid, a hell of a lot smarter than wasting the match on Smackdown for free.


If Angle demanded to give Brock the rub before he leaves, he might as well do it the right way and at the right place. Plus you give Angle 3 and a half weeks here to totally heal up himself and condition himself as much as he possibly can and I don't see the problem here. HBK wrestled Austin at Mania 14 with a horrible back, whats the difference?

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Guest teke184

I'm still not paying $40 for Angle-Lesnar if Angle's fucked up, so screw them.

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I guess... Like I said, I'm just anxious about Angle's safety. It seems incredibly stupid to even take the chance by wrestling with a bad neck, and that goes for any wrestler.

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Guest RedJed
okay... so they strip him of the title for this... but how will it explain his one year absence?

LOL why would they strip the title away from him for that? They never did the first time it happened.

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Guest RedJed
I'm still not paying $40 for Angle-Lesnar if Angle's fucked up, so screw them.

How do you know this will even affect the quality of the match? Angle shootwrestled with a damn broken neck in 96


I might be in the minority here but I really like that they pulled the swerve and will have Angle-Lesnar at Mania after all. They've been building this match up for months (regardless of the quality of that buildup) and if Angle wants to do it, they might as well do this the right way and not how we all thought it was going to be, with Angle jobbing the belt out in his hometown on free TV.

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Guest candie45



Me thinks the creative team needed some ideas so they came to the smarks forum. Heh... ah hell I can't even laugh right now. I'm speechless.


No Goldberg. Yay!?

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Why'd they do this? Because they won't sacrifice Vince's golden boy for anything..even Angle's health and well-being.

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Guest Retro Rob
Is Kurt actually injured here or what?  Or are they just being incredibly stupid and having him wrestle at wrestlemania after all?

I don't think its that stupid, a hell of a lot smarter than wasting the match on Smackdown for free.


If Angle demanded to give Brock the rub before he leaves, he might as well do it the right way and at the right place. Plus you give Angle 3 and a half weeks here to totally heal up himself and condition himself as much as he possibly can and I don't see the problem here. HBK wrestled Austin at Mania 14 with a horrible back, whats the difference?

Are you fucking out of your mind? If the report of Angle needing neck surgery is true, his neck is extremely weak and vulnerable. He can condition all he wants leading up to WrestleMania, but one bad bump can easily end the man's career. They should save the match. It will mean a hell of a lot more next year anyway. One match is not worth the rest of a man's career and maybe even livelihood.


Hey, maybe we have been swerved since day one and Angle really isn't hurt. They may have figured adding the injury aspect would add intrigue to the match. At this point, that's what I'm hoping for.

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Guest RedJed
Why'd they do this? Because they won't sacrifice Vince's golden boy for anything..even Angle's health and well-being.

There have been reports that Angle has been really distraught about the injury happening and demanded putting over Lesnar......its highly doubtful anyone is making him, if they did thats room for a lawsuit by Angle.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

The reason they don't care about pissing fans off, is because as the only real game in town, people will either stay with them because there is no other promotion they want to watch, or they'll come back in five minutes, after suffering from withdrawl.

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Guest WukenBloodstar

Oh yes, Lesnar's Title Reign is more important than Angle's health, silly me. Serious, why didn't they have the title stripped and hold a one night tourny at WM? INstead of Brock winning, I would like to see Benoit win..just for somebody like Benoit to hold the title..

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Screw Lesnar, he's not worth it. I haven't liked Lesnar since day one and I sure as hell don't want to see my favorite wrestler end his career or considerably shorten it just to get Lesnar over.


Maybe this whole injury thing is just a work. It's all I can hope for now.

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Guest RedJed
Is Kurt actually injured here or what?  Or are they just being incredibly stupid and having him wrestle at wrestlemania after all?

I don't think its that stupid, a hell of a lot smarter than wasting the match on Smackdown for free.


If Angle demanded to give Brock the rub before he leaves, he might as well do it the right way and at the right place. Plus you give Angle 3 and a half weeks here to totally heal up himself and condition himself as much as he possibly can and I don't see the problem here. HBK wrestled Austin at Mania 14 with a horrible back, whats the difference?

Are you fucking out of your mind? If the report of Angle needing neck surgery is true, his neck is extremely weak and vulnerable. He can condition all he wants leading up to WrestleMania, but one bad bump can easily end the man's career. They should save the match. It will mean a hell of a lot more next year anyway. One match is not worth the rest of a man's career and maybe even livelihood.


Hey, maybe we have been swerved since day one and Angle really isn't hurt. They may have figured adding the injury aspect would add intrigue to the match. At this point, that's what I'm hoping for.

Benoit wrestled at KOTR 2001 with a neck injury as bad as this, even took a fucking back drop (albeit a totally safe one) for the finish.


Austin went through god knows how many matches after the Owen injury with a bad neck


Michaels had a horrible back that for the longest time was said to be career ending in that match with Austin.


There are a ton other examples I can think of that are in the same line as the above mentioned AND Angles situation. He's obviously able enough to still go out there and put on a good match or else there wouldn't even be a thought of waiting til after Mania for the surgery. Yes he will be out for a year, but obviously this injury isn't anything in a career ending mode or else this wouldn't be happening. I'm sure he will be protected rather heavily as well, just basically no major head drops.


Just watch too, Angle will fucking bust his ass and make the match live up to the hype.

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Guest Retro Rob
Is Kurt actually injured here or what?  Or are they just being incredibly stupid and having him wrestle at wrestlemania after all?

I don't think its that stupid, a hell of a lot smarter than wasting the match on Smackdown for free.


If Angle demanded to give Brock the rub before he leaves, he might as well do it the right way and at the right place. Plus you give Angle 3 and a half weeks here to totally heal up himself and condition himself as much as he possibly can and I don't see the problem here. HBK wrestled Austin at Mania 14 with a horrible back, whats the difference?

Are you fucking out of your mind? If the report of Angle needing neck surgery is true, his neck is extremely weak and vulnerable. He can condition all he wants leading up to WrestleMania, but one bad bump can easily end the man's career. They should save the match. It will mean a hell of a lot more next year anyway. One match is not worth the rest of a man's career and maybe even livelihood.


Hey, maybe we have been swerved since day one and Angle really isn't hurt. They may have figured adding the injury aspect would add intrigue to the match. At this point, that's what I'm hoping for.

Benoit wrestled at KOTR 2001 with a neck injury as bad as this, even took a fucking back drop (albeit a totally safe one) for the finish.


Austin went through god knows how many matches after the Owen injury with a bad neck


Michaels had a horrible back that for the longest time was said to be career ending in that match with Austin.


There are a ton other examples I can think of that are in the same line as the above mentioned AND Angles situation. He's obviously able enough to still go out there and put on a good match or else there wouldn't even be a thought of waiting til after Mania for the surgery. Yes he will be out for a year, but obviously this injury isn't anything in a career ending mode or else this wouldn't be happening. I'm sure he will be protected rather heavily as well, just basically no major head drops.


Just watch too, Angle will fucking bust his ass and make the match live up to the hype.

Do you seriously think that it is worth the risk? If something does happen to Angle at WrestleMania the company will never live it down.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Austin was deathly afraid of losing his spot, though..


;) Some things never change.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
Fucking hell, way to make the new FBI group credible, just as they'd gotten a win for themselves.

Oh, it's Johnny the Bull and Chuckie. Cry me a river.

Why bother putting the three guys together with a new gimmick and making new music and video for them? To help Rikishi look stronger? HE NEVER LOSES!!!


I think I'm more upset about Rikishi going over someone again than FBI being the victims.

Really, what the fuck? And Funaki beats Stamboli? Jesus Christ, Funaki loses to *everybody*, but gets to go over Stamboli? What the fuck's the point in that?

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Just because others have gone through it in the past and been okay doesn't automatically mean Angle will be okay. ONE mistake and it could utterly ruin Angle's life. And he's in there with The Green Giant remember, who's not exactly well known for being a safe worker.

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Guest XdojimeX

"If Angle demanded to give Brock the rub before he leaves, he might as well do it the right way and at the right place. Plus you give Angle 3 and a half weeks here to totally heal up himself and condition himself as much as he possibly can and I don't see the problem here."


This isn't a sprain. He's getting his spinal cord fused. 2 weeks on the bench ain't going to do shit. All this talk about easing up in the ring and letting their workers heal up...I mean I'm sure he can still go despite the pain, Benoit was still working damn near a month full schedule from the point he started losing feeling in his right arm to getting the MRI after KOTR. Hell he worked a MOTY with Austin basically with one arm. These guys are ungodly tough no doubt, but how much more damage could be caused? Is it worth it?


"HBK wrestled Austin at Mania 14 with a horrible back, whats the difference?"


Why do I keep seeing this comparison? HBK was on his last legs. Angle's still got a career ahead of him.


Remembering that Bret Hart quote about circus animals...

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Guest ViciousFish

I kinda hope they strip Angle of the title. I mean I totally marked when I read that Angle pinned Lesnar, no matter how cheezy and lame it was. I was so set up for Kurt losing and I was swerved, even if it was a bad swerve. However, I don't want to see Kurt wrestle in a match that could endanger his career. Next year is WM 20 anyways, Kurt should go over Lesnar at that one. Have the surgery, rehab and come back. Does that not seem like a better idea?

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Guest Sakura

If Kurt feels he can do it and is worth whatever risk there may be then I don't see a problem with it. I would imagine he knows a lot more about the situation and the risks than any of us.

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I kinda hope they strip Angle of the title. I mean I totally marked when I read that Angle pinned Lesnar, no matter how cheezy and lame it was. I was so set up for Kurt losing and I was swerved, even if it was a bad swerve. However, I don't want to see Kurt wrestle in a match that could endanger his career. Next year is WM 20 anyways, Kurt should go over Lesnar at that one. Have the surgery, rehab and come back. Does that not seem like a better idea?

WWE doesn't think long term unfortunately. So in their eyes, I'm sure this is the only option. And they are stupid.

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Guest XdojimeX

"If Kurt feels he can do it and is worth whatever risk there may be then I don't see a problem with it."


Yeah. Dynamite Kid felt the same way.

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