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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

This weeks match listing

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'm writing the preview as best I can...but I'm very ill right now and feel like I'm going to drop soon. If and when the preview is done you can click the link that says "week 35 preview" in my sig (if such a link does not appear...the preview isn't up yet)


Anyway...in case I pass out or something here's the announced lineup for tommorows show.



1. Raven vs. AJ Styles in a #1 contenders match (Finally)


2. XXX (no word on which 2...but I bet Skipper and Ki) vs. AMW for the vacant NWA tag titles (Finally)


3. Jerry Lynn and a mystery parnter vs. 2 of Konnan's luchadores


4. Kid Kash defends the X title in a 3 way against Red and the debuting Johnny Storm


5. The Harris Boys vs. Sandman and Steve Corino


Also the debut of a new TNA wrestler who says that a title shot against JJ is in his contract (great. He can be added to the list of people still waiting to get title shots)


and Jeff Jarrett and Dusty Rhodes are both looking to do something or other with the bitter second generation quasi-stars.





hmm...take out the Harris boys match and it seems more stacked than usual. And next week they go in Australia again I think...so JJ will actually defend that week.

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Guest j.o.b. squad

bps hope you are felling ok tomarow(sp)


1st schould be good styles schould be able to pull raven to around 2.5*'s


2nd could be great if amw pull their weight


3rd if it is rey bucanero and ultimo gurero i will be estatic hopefully london will tag with lynn


4th this will kick ass no if ands or buts about it


5th ok the only drag factor on the card hopefully it will be a ok brawl becose that is as good as anybody will get out of the harrises

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Guest RedJed

That lineup looks solid, the Harris Boys v. Corino-Sandman match sounds fucked up though. Corino should be used way better than something like this.


Whats happened to Vader, BTW?


I would guess the guy coming is might be Shane Douglas, but who knows. Might be D-Lo too.

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Hey, more than 2 matches announced! Does not look like a bad card at all.


Raven/Styles should be interesting. I'm looking for Raven to win. He's got the momentum and Styles already had his shot at the title.


I think AMW is gonna win the tag titles just due to the whole commitment thing with XXX. Should be good.


Jerry Lynn vs Luchadores should rock. I mean, the luchadores Konnan has brought in has not been disappointments and it's Jerry Lynn wrestling.


X title 3-way should be good. I wanna see if Storm is good as he is said to be.


The last match, hopefully not main event, is a fix for those who like the brawling matches.


Looks like a solid show.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

It seems to me that they are starting to focus on more variety in their shows...which I applaud.


I don't know where Vader is. I hope he comes back.

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Guest BoboBrazil

Looks like a good lineup. I hope D'lo debuts tomorrow night. I thought he was going to debut last Wednesday, but then he didn't. I hope Vader comes back soon too. Who wants to bet Lynn's partner is Juventud or Super Crazy?

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Guest Space_Cowboy

The PPV is on in Australia next week, and they seem to try and give us something good each time we get it (Raven's debut, Styles/JJ), so i'd expect Raven will win the #1 Contenders match and we'll have Raven/Jarrett for the title next week.


This show looks like it should be pretty darn good, the X Title 3-way should rule, AMW/XXX should be great, AJ/Raven can be good, and i'm interested in the Lynn tag match with Konnan's luchadores, hopefully it's not just the SAT vs Lynn/?? and we get some actual luchadores. They could be doing much more with Corino than they currently are though.


And i pray there's no more Disgraceland crap again, people paying to watch the show shouldn't have to sit through that crap. And to make it worse it's leading to an Estrada match/angle of some sort. In the time they spend on all that crap they could be giving us an X division match or something.

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Guest nikowwf

Vader went to Burger King, ate too many burgers and is stuck in the doorway. Think Winnie the Pooh and the honey.


Lineup sounds pretty solid.



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