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Guest Youth N Asia

What scared you as a kid?

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Guest Youth N Asia

The dark? Spiders? What really freaked you out as a little kid?


Mine goes back to when I was 3 or 4. For me mannequins scared the living hell out of me. I think it goes back to when I was looking at a woman who I thought was one and then she smiled and waved at me...I damn near crapped myself. For a couple years after that they gave me the willies.

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Guest Bosstones Fan

That movie, E.T. I swear to God, when all those government agents stormed into the house with their white suits on hunting for E.T., I started crying uncontrollably and whailing "Why do they want to hurt him?" over and over again.


I was scared so bad that my parents had to turn the tape off just to get me to calm down. In fact, I didn't even know how it ended until a few years later when I finally decided to watch it again.


Oh, and I was 6 when that happened, btw.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Any and everything. Still does. I'm scared shitless riding in a car.

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Guest papacita

What WASN'T I afraid of when I was little?


In addition to being claustrophobic, I was afraid of...



The Dark






The Cryptkeeper from Tales From the Crypt

Freddy Kruger








My Godfather

The nice old man that lives down the street

The KKK...which would've be understandable had I actually seen them in person

The Undertaker

Swimming (almost drowned in kindergarten)

Some old pig farmer that I saw on the news one day

Some weird ass guy I saw downtown eating bannana peels out of the garbage (that mothafucka was crazy)


I'm sure there are more that I'm forgetting.

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Guest Flyboy

Thunderstorms (although I was in awe about tornadoes).


The Undertaker (only when I watched WWF).


That's about it.

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Guest treble charged

Geese. Seriously, I was chased by one at a park once, spooked the fuck out of me.

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Guest Coffey

Serial Killers...because as a kid I thought they were cereal killers. I actually thought that someone was poisoning my breakfast cereals. Ha!

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Guest CED Ordonez

Laughing gas. The first time I had a cavity as a kid, I fell asleep and had a scary as hell dream when they gassed me with nitrous oxide. For quite a while I was scared as hell whenever they brought the mask out.


The funny thing was that they would poke me once or twice with a needle without a whimper from me.

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

Out of the typical vermin (rodents, bugs) I was most scared of cockroaches and spiders. In fact, I still am. For a number of years I had this specific recurring dream which would always involve one or the other. But strangely, I would eat ants (weird, even without the fear of bugs).


And I wasn't afraid of clowns, but one year I was at the circus and someone picked me up a program. The thing is, on the back of this program, was a picture of a clown, and I was deathly afraid of him. Although I was flipping through this program recently, and the clown bore an uncanny resemblence to Pennywise from 'It,' which is probably why I was afraid of him.

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Guest eiker_ir

Freddy Krueger, when i was like six i saw the scene in ANOES 2 when Freddy bursts out of Jesse's body and it scared me for life...


'till about a couple years ago when i started watching the movies again and now i love them



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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

Fucking the theme song to The Alfred Fucking Hitchcock show...



Fucking scary

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Guest WukenBloodstar

Riding the car with my father..he's not all upstairs when he's behind the wheel.

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Guest Downhome

The Hand


The Headless Black Man


The Torso-less Body






The Seven-Foot-Tall Indian Chief








(If I need to explain, feel free to ask away.)

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

The movie Poltergeist. When that dude's face was falling off.


Fire. When I was young, my dad, grandfather, and uncle were working on my grandfather's antique car in the garage (I think working on the engine). I was in there, too. Apparently a small fire started (nothing major, but I was like 6). My dad was holding a small jar w/ gasoline in it, that also caught on fire, so he rolled that down the driveway away from the garage. I think one of my aunts took me out of the garage, so nothing happened to me, and they were able to put the fire out, but at that young of an age, it made me scared of fire for a while. Occasionally, my parents would go to a restaurant that had an open-flame grill for steaks, and seeing the fire there made me uncomfortable.

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Guest MaxPower27

My dad.






The dark spooked me as well, because I was usually unfamiliar with my surroundings, as we moved around a lot.

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Guest The Superstar

I was scared of that News reporter from the Muppets. You know, the one that would say idioms like "It's raining cats and dogs!" and then cats and dogs would actually rain on him. At the time he was so scary looking, I used to have nightmares that he would look into my window at night and scare me to death.

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Guest Retro Rob

Spiders and still are today. I actually mention my killing of a spider with a magazine in one of my tape reviews. At least my fear makes for entertaining bits to throw into whatever I'm writing.

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Guest crandamaniac

This is going to sound weird, but when I was about 4 or 5, I was scared of two things. The first was a demonic Keebler Elf. I had a dream where I went to my window and one was standing right there. Scared the shit out of me.


The other fear I had was of Vampires. I used to think that a vampire was going to get me while I walked down our dark hallway, and if I didn't sleep with my neck covered, a vampire would bite it.


Also had a fear of Michael Jackson, mainly cuz of the Thriller Video, but thinking about it now, I'd have had a lot more to fear at that age from him.

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Guest Crux

The boogie man under my bed--mostly when I went into my room and it was already dark...I would jump onto the bed when I was like 2/3 feet away so the 'monster' wouldnt grab me and pull me under.

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Guest EQ

The only thing I can remember ever *really* being afraid of was Chucky from that damn Child's Play movie. I was really young when I saw that, and it fucked me up big time. I couldn't sleep for months.


Looking back on it now, it's so funny to watch -- but back then, whooooa boy!

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Guest The Metal Maniac

I was afraid of the dark, the boogie-man from Ghostbusters, and heights. Oh God, I just remembered how scared I was as a kid of heights. I've gotten totally over it recently, pretty much (Having to climb huge ladders to get big TV's and such will do that to you quick) but fuck man...In elementary school, I was TERRIFIED of doing fire drills, because sometimes we'd have to practice going out the window.


My elementary school only had ONE FLOOR, and I was LITERALLY terrified of jumping out of the windows. Same thing at home, though my home window was higher up. It's a good thing my house never burned down, because I would've just sat in my room and cried.


Oh, and there were times I was afraid to sleep. I had BAD nightmares some nights, so bad that I honestly didn't want to sleep some nights because I was worried I'd have another one. That continued until I read somewhere that drinking a glass of milk before bed would keep away nightmares. I did that for YEARS, and would get EXTREMELY upset if we had no milk, because I assumed I'd have another nightmare if we had no milk.


Then one night, someone pointed out to me that it was probably just because I *thought* it worked, that it worked. So I stopped to test it, and they were right. Haven't had a really BAD dream since.


I'm sure there were more things, as I distinctly remember my mother telling me recently that I was terrified of everything...Though she was probably embellishing...a little.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

Dogs. Didn't matter if it was a doberman or a little pound and a half ball of fluff, i was scared of it. I guess it didn't really help that they were always running for my crotch and that they had sharp teeth.

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Guest Respect The 'Taker

I'd have reoccurring nightmares about witches that would frighten me to no end...

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Guest papacita

I vaguely remember being afraid of Dumbo when I was about 3 or 4...yes, the flying elephant. No clue why.

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Guest caboose

Evil SuperMan. I think it was Superman 3, but the evil one used to scare the bejesus out of me when I was about 6.

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Guest evenflowDDT
That movie, E.T.  I swear to God, when all those government agents stormed into the house with their white suits on hunting for E.T., I started crying uncontrollably and whailing "Why do they want to hurt him?" over and over again. 


I was scared so bad that my parents had to turn the tape off just to get me to calm down.  In fact, I didn't even know how it ended until a few years later when I finally decided to watch it again.


Oh, and I was 6 when that happened, btw.

Mine was similar, except at the age of 3 I was afraid of E.T. Not what anybody did to E.T., I was afraid of E.T. He's an ugly little spooky fucker, how could anyone in their right mind think he's an appropriate character to empathize for? Hell, I still was afraid of him until age... 16?17? Long time. Bastard. I don't remember what happened and I don't want to reopen old wounds by seeing such overrated trash again, even if it is the scariest "scary movie" ever. I hope they carved him up and strong his remains out to dry. OK, maybe not, but I hope they at least got him the hell away.

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