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Guest SP-1

So I just wanted DONNIE DARKO . . .

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Guest SP-1

Great movie, I loved it.


However, I feel like I have all the pieces but I just can't . . . quite . . . thread them together to make . . . sense.


Could someone please put it together for me? It's starting to drive me nuts.



Oh, and, be warned: SPOILERZ AHEAD, should someone take pity on me here. No bitching about it, you've been warned.



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Guest SP-1

How it all fits together. Did Donnie go back in time? Did everyone dream what happened to him? Did everyone go back in time with a memory of it all? Donnie, of course, dies, but does everyone see how fucked up they were because of it all?


Or did Donnie just go back and die and it made no difference other than he seemed to have found a measure of release?

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Guest El Satanico

Yeah it's best to not try making total sense of it. Trying to do that will likely drive you insane and you still wouldnt have it all figured out.


There's a strong possibility that it was all a dream and that his death in fact happened when the engine originally fell as opposed to him going back in time to set things right by dying.

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Guest EQ

I picked this movie up the other day at Best Buy ($9.99 WOO! =D).


This movie is pretty confusing, and I don't understand it all yet either. Great flick though

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Guest El Satanico

Well it's a movie that's good even if you don't totally understand it. The first time i saw it I didn't totally understand the ending, but I loved the movie none the less.


If you watch it two or three times you'll understand it alot more.

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Guest Lethargic

I don't think there was a meaning. I think the guy just tried to write something weird and goofy that makes no sense to even him. Then people watch it and spend hours trying to figure it out when there is nothing really there to figure out to being with. 12 people watch it and get 12 different meanings because there is no right or wrong answer.

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

That's crap.


People say the same thing about Lynch. This movie has meaning. All I can say to some of you is keep watching. As for the others, don't bother, it won't make a difference.


If you can get Lynch and stuff like Mullholland Dr., Darko will eventually make sense to you. In fact, it's a bit easier to handle than Mullholland.

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Guest SP-1

Yeah. I think it might be one of those, "Find a meaning for yourself" kinds of movies. I am determined to make the damn thing make sense somehow though LOL. I'm gonna buy it though because fo all the nonsense it currently makes to me, it's still well made, weird as hell and a fun watch.

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Guest Lethargic
If you can get Lynch and stuff like Mullholland Dr., Darko will eventually make sense to you. In fact, it's a bit easier to handle than Mullholland.

There was not one moment in Mulholland Dr that I was confused or wondered what was going on. I don't get why people had trouble watching that. Except for the fact that it pretty much sucked, THAT did give me trouble in getting through it. But the plot seemed to be one of Lynch's most straight forward plots to me.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

You can't give it sense. An airplane engine from the future landed in Donnies room. It lead to a series of events that caused it to happen again and again and again and again creating a causality loop. However, each repetition effected Donnie and his perception to the point to where he could change it. It's about cause and effect. At least, that's what various star trek eps. have told me (which this, like most things, was a BIG rip off of... but at least they ripped off one of the best eps.)

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Guest El Satanico

After watching it twice I had it "figured out", but I'd have to watch it again to remind myself what conclusion i came to.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Rudo, you do realize that the concept of time travel and parallel dimension existed well before Gene Rodenbury said to himself "hey, I should make a show like Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea, only in SPACE!", right?


My friend Kelly Q and I quote two lines whenever we see each other in the hallway between classes.

Kelly Q: You're such a fuckass.

Me: Go suck a fuck.


This movie is just so sweet. And I don't mean "sweet" in the slang sense, I mean "sweet" as in it was beautiful. I thought the characters of Donnie and the Health teacher were very well done, and the tie-in's of each character to the other was done very well.

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Guest EQ
Kelly Q: You're such a fuckass.

Me: Go suck a fuck.

Oh please CoreyLazarus416, how exactly does one suck a fuck?!

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Yeah, BUT...




(Eps Title: Cause and Effect...)


At a conference very early the next morning (it simply couldn't wait until 0700, the time of the conference on previous iterations), Geordi presents his hypothesis. He believes they've somehow been caught in a temporal feedback loop, where they're repeating their actions and events over and over. They could have been in it for hours, days, or years. Data plays the three significant voice recordings he gathered from Bev's tape (which appear to be from previous loops): in turn, they are "...a highly localized distortion of the space-time continuum...", "...collision course, impact in 36 seconds...", and "All hands abandon ship! Repeat, ALL HANDS ABAN-" Geordi theorizes that the explosion of a starship so close to a distortion such as this might have caused the loop in the first place- and thus, by avoiding the collision might avoid the loop. While reversing course is ruled out as an option, all precautions are ordered. Geordi then points out that they may not figure out where they went wrong until it's too late, and that the crucial thing is to make sure the next loop doesn't start back at square one. The best way to do this appears to be to make a deliberate decyon emission which will be received by Data's brain, "subconsciously". But it'll have to be short-no more than a word, probably; and there's also no way to gauge exactly how Data will perceive it.


(my 'Everyone copies off star trek' should have been 'Joss Whedon copies off star trek' :) )

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Guest Crucifixio Jones
If you can get Lynch and stuff like Mullholland Dr., Darko will eventually make sense to you.  In fact, it's a bit easier to handle than Mullholland.

There was not one moment in Mulholland Dr that I was confused or wondered what was going on. I don't get why people had trouble watching that. Except for the fact that it pretty much sucked, THAT did give me trouble in getting through it. But the plot seemed to be one of Lynch's most straight forward plots to me.

For someone who makes comments like this...

I don't think there was a meaning. I think the guy just tried to write something weird and goofy that makes no sense to even him. Then people watch it and spend hours trying to figure it out when there is nothing really there to figure out to being with. 12 people watch it and get 12 different meanings because there is no right or wrong answer.

...I have a hard time believing that Mullholland Dr. was "straight forward" to you or that at NO point were you ever confused. If you think you "got it" after seeing it once I don't think you really got it. I found Donnie Darko ALOT easier to follow than Lynch's latest.

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Guest SP-1

RavishingRickRudo . . . you managed to tie Trek into this discussion, AND I think I agree with that take on the movie alot.


I love you.



. . . in a totally platonic, internet way, but that was cool.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

That's the eps. that made me a fan of the series. Gotta love the time-travel eps.

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Guest Lethargic
If you can get Lynch and stuff like Mullholland Dr., Darko will eventually make sense to you.  In fact, it's a bit easier to handle than Mullholland.

There was not one moment in Mulholland Dr that I was confused or wondered what was going on. I don't get why people had trouble watching that. Except for the fact that it pretty much sucked, THAT did give me trouble in getting through it. But the plot seemed to be one of Lynch's most straight forward plots to me.

For someone who makes comments like this...

I don't think there was a meaning. I think the guy just tried to write something weird and goofy that makes no sense to even him. Then people watch it and spend hours trying to figure it out when there is nothing really there to figure out to being with. 12 people watch it and get 12 different meanings because there is no right or wrong answer.

...I have a hard time believing that Mullholland Dr. was "straight forward" to you or that at NO point were you ever confused. If you think you "got it" after seeing it once I don't think you really got it. I found Donnie Darko ALOT easier to follow than Lynch's latest.

What about Mulholland is hard to figure out? The only thing I can think of that might that is the box. Besides that, I don't get why people have such a hard time with that movie. Hell, isn't the beauty of the movie the fact that different people can have totally different takes on what it all means? My take may not be correct, even though you'll never convince me of it, but it's the take that got from watching it in a single viewing. I never had a single inkling of thinking, wow I should watch this again to figure it all out! I was amazed by how easy it was to follow after hearing what a "maze" it was and all that BS. I was bored a lot more than confused. Lynch has made a lot of weird crap, this wasn't the weirdest.


The Darko comments were me being sarcastic. I think I'm gonna have to start adding a disclaimer to all my posts here to point that kind of stuff out. Though if that turned out to be true I wouldn't be shocked. haha

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Guest SP-1
That's the eps. that made me a fan of the series. Gotta love the time-travel eps.

Agreed. Yesterday's Enterprise is one of the finer hours of Trek, IMO.

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Guest Marshall

So, no one was any help. I understood it after a few watches. I can't remember, but for a while it made sense to me. Watch the directors commentary, he explains everything.

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