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Guest dpac

SSP at Mania?

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Guest dpac

I know this has been discussed many times before, but do you guys think that Lesnar will break out the SSP at Mania? Considering Lesnar will not be able to throw Angle around with his release suplexes you think he may do it to compensate?

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Guest converge241


it wil probably remained locked away like the moonsault Show was always supposed to do in WCW

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Guest nikowwf

Considering he says it hurts his knees a lot and half the damn roster is getting hurt I'd say probably not.



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Guest Dace59

He said if he did do it, it would be at a big show like Mania.


At least we have a video of it.

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Guest dpac

Considering just a small fraction of the wrestling community has seen him do it before, I think it would be a huge deal to all those who have not. He really does do an amazing ssp.

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Guest AndrewTS

It would be better for Angle since the F-5 could hurt his neck more.




Angle's going to be out injured at least a year anyway.


Brock is Vince's golden boy who will be around for a long time and is very healthy as a horse right now.


Kidman was injured doing a Shooting Star Press.


So...NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!! Brock will NEEEEEVER...eh-eh-eh-EEEEEEEEEVER do a Shooting Star Press A-GAYNE in a match. Vince wouldn't permit it.

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Guest treble charged

I don't think having a huge guy land on him at a high velocity would nescessarily be good for Angle's neck, either.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

TC, you'd think that would be enough to quell the monthly "will he bust out the SSP?" thread for this round at least, but we at TSM are consistent if not anything else. :)

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Guest treble charged

I honestly think Vince is afraid of having Lesnar do the SSP. For one, if it's a live PPV and he fucks it up, it looks horrible for him and the company. They could, I guess, do it on an episode of SmackDown, where they could edit it if something goes wrong, but I don't think they want to give something like that away on free TV.

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Guest El Satanico

There's no way they do a SSP with Kurt being in the condition he is. They probably won't even let Brock use the F5 on Angle.


Also with WWe's terrible luck lately there's no way in hell that Brock will be allowed to pull a SSP anytime soon.


So if in two years there's been no more major injuries then we can restart the "when will Brock do the SSP" watch.


"When will Brock do the SSP" = the new "Yokozuna is returning" rumor

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Guest Brian

Brock doesn't perform the move the same way Kidman does. He gets a lot more distance rather than too close to the turnbuckle.

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Guest AndrewTS

Basically, there is no big incentive to have Brock do it, so they won't do it. Simple as that.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Plus, when was the last time he has tried it? I doubt he's been practicing it at all since his WWE debut.

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Guest jester
"When will Brock do the SSP" = the new "Yokozuna is returning" rumor

OMFG! Raven is gonna reform the flock!


Raw will change its name to Nitro!

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Guest Youth N Asia

Won't happen...people thought it would at Summerslam and it didn't..people thought it would at Survivor and it didn't.


I think we're a solid year away from seeing one it at all.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I think it's a good idea to hold it back actually...someone like Brock I could see getting stale in a little while, that would be the perfect time to pull one out.

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Guest razazteca

If Brock uses the SSP than Hogan has to use his moveset from his Muta match from '93.

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Guest Trivia247

Now is definately not the time to go and whip out a 290 pound Shooting star press on a guy with a broken neck.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I guess he could do the SSP anytime...


But I'm waiting for Sable to come back and regain the Women's Title. She seemed to go into hiding after Commishioner Shawn changed the result on her Evening Gown match. Think she'll finally come back at Mania?

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Guest treble charged

Yes. She will challenge Torrie Wilson to a 'Playboy on a Pole' match where the winner gets to get naked, but before the winner can strip, the loser will attack them viciously in yet another bait and switch.


Oh, and the King will be really upset while JR fans him off with his hat.

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Guest j.o.b. squad

ok no to lesner


how about. Do you think a-train will pull out the 450 splash.

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Guest Youth N Asia
ok no to lesner


how about. Do you think a-train will pull out the 450 splash.

I might not hate the guy if he can pull off a 450

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Guest Youth N Asia
No, but the guy he lands on would.


If he survived, that is…

I bet the static electricity he generated while flipping would be enough to kill the guy he's landing on.

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Guest notJames

Let's just hope that the Goodyear Blimp isn't flying overhead when that happens.

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Guest Rob Edwards

Nope the SSP would be insane, I doubt thats what Angle meant when he was talking about "knowing his limits" if Brock fucked it up and landed on Kurt's neck we could have another Droz..or worse

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

oh for fucks sake.


One of these threads comes around every few weeks.


He's never ever going to do it.


Can we *please* stop it now?

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Thank you.


I can't believe people actually want Angle with his bad neck to take a 300 pound man doing a somersault flip off the top turnbuckle. It's like people don't actually think before making some of these threads.

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