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Guest teke184

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Guest teke184

" Vince McMahon News: Nathan Jones, A Train, Losing Faith Of Wrestlers

Posted By Widro on 03.13.03


Some question his desire to constantly push the big men


It appears as if WWE wrestler’s confidence in Vince McMahon’s genius might be wavering.


Some wrestlers have reportedly felt the pushes of A-Train, Nathan Jones and Scott Steiner as muscle-head monsters has shown that McMahon is out of touch with what the fans want.


Wrestlers feel that McMahon only values size in who he decides to push.


credit: Pro Wrestling Torch Newsletter"



Stolen from 411

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Guest treble charged

What surprises me is when people are shocked that Vince pushes these 'hosses'. He's done it for YEARS, and made lots of money doing it.


Now, don't get me wrong, I'd rather see Benoit, the Guererros, and the like at the top of the card having great matches, but Vince has shown for years that he really doesn't want to do that.

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Guest nikowwf

Other Potential Hot News Stories for the Torch...









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Vince has made millions doing this, as well as pushing others. What's the point. Is it news, when you already know it?

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

In other news: France thinks this whole "war" thing may not work out.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!



I had no idea.

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Guest treble charged

Well, one of the biggest shows in WWF history was WrestleMania III, which was headlined by Hogan/Andre, and Hogan (who I think is considered a 'hoss', but correct me if I'm wrong), ran on top for years making him tons of cash, so I think that's why Vince is reluctant to let that go.

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Guest Sakura

Yeah but WM III was like a decade ago. Vince has also made tons of money at WM 2000 and WMX7, NOT headlined by hosses.

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Guest treble charged

Oh, I know, it's just that Vince has made money with big guys before, so he probably just thinks he can go back to the well and try it again.

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But Vince has probably made the most $$$$ with Stone Cold, who is gonna headline Wrestlemania with The Rock, who also make Vince alot of $$$$. They are not hosses.

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Guest The Tino Standard

It all goes back to the old-time wrestling promoter mindset that people want to see "larger than life heroes," wrestlers that have that look of being physically-superior to the common man. They think normal-sized wrestlers cheapen the sport because they look like Joe Schmoe off the street.


Of course, this is an absolutely asinine way to think. Yes, those hosses are bigger than any of us, but a lot of them also have about as much agility and athleticism as Joe Schmoe. The smaller, "normal-sized guys" who supposedly don't draw can actually DO THINGS that we, the common folk, could never dream of pulling off. To wit, I don't see myself doing any shooting-star presses or corkscrew moonsaults any time soon.


I cannot understand for the life of me why promoters in general (and definitely Vince McMahon) can't seem to come to grips with the fact that people want to see ATHLETES, not big slugs who are just... well, big.

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Guest AndrewTS
What surprises me is when people are shocked that Vince pushes these 'hosses'. He's done it for YEARS, and made lots of money doing it.


Now, don't get me wrong, I'd rather see Benoit, the Guererros, and the like at the top of the card having great matches, but Vince has shown for years that he really doesn't want to do that.

Hosses haven't drawn in years. The Rocks and Austins of today, who put on exciting matches and also have great charisma, THOSE are the draws.


A businessman that was once hailed as a "genius" should figure this out. All good businessmen change things about their business when the public demands it. If he runs his company based on his his own whims, the company will fall behind and lose lots of money.


Eventually, it may go out of business.


Vince isn't a good businessman, at least not anymore.

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It's not like Albert and the rest of the "hosses" are main eventing Wrestlemania. Rock & Austin are still at the top of the card, where they will always be.


Do you'll consider Brock a hoss?

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Guest AndrewTS
It's not like Albert and the rest of the "hosses" are main eventing Wrestlemania. Rock & Austin are still at the top of the card, where they will always be.


Do you'll consider Brock a hoss?

No. He's something like 6'5" and 280 lbs. At least those are his WWE likely-inflated stats


True hosses are 300+ and are 6'7" or more.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

'Taker is not a true hoss because of two things:


1. He's over.


2. He's been in at least two **** matches.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Brock IS a hoss(bah gawd).

Brock breaks the Number One Commandment of Hossism:



"Thou Shalt Not Be Over.

" -



So Sayeth JR.

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Guest jester
True hosses are 300+ and are 6'7" or more.

Or from Texas. Being from Texas is reason enough to get pushed.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

True hosses are 300+ and are 6'7" or more.

Or from Texas. Being from Texas is reason enough to get pushed.

Unless you're black.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Problem is that Vince is from a period when all wrestlers were great big hosses.


The guy's liked tremendous dudes since he was young, according to a few sources.


Guys like Jerry Jarrett and the rest are no different.


You're going to have to wait 15-20 years for smaller men to be taken seriously. The exception would be if a worker from a more recent era started their own TNA-sized fed. I'm thinking someone like Bret Hart. Though he's just an example here.

Edited by Jobber of the Week

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Guest teke184

Somewhat related question- How big was Dr. Jerry Graham, kayfabe brother of promoter Eddie Graham? From what I've seen, he was a Ric Flair lookalike with similar length and style bleach-blonde hair.


Vince used to idolize Graham and would hang out with him in New York before Vince Sr. laid down the law on talent vs. management. That would mean he wasn't a complete hoss-mark at one point before he bought the territory.

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