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Guest Eyeball Kid

Kurosawa fans of the world unite!

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto



Now all we need is an actual good edition of Ran. For Shakespeare-cum-Kurosawa, though, Throne of Blood will do for now.

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Guest Dmann2000

I'm gonna get that Kurosawa Criterion 4 pack once my Tax rebate comes in, it's 80 bucks at Best Buy for 4 films (Seven Samauri, Hidden Fortress, Yojimbo and Sanjuro), considering it's Criterion, that's a steal.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Yeah, I intend to pick that up too. Out of those four, three are nearly perfect, and I don't mind getting The Hidden Fortress as a bit of bonus.

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Guest godthedog

well crap. i'm doing a paper on 'throne of blood', and it would've been so much nicer if the release could coincide with my paper.


not that i'm complaining about this. visually, 'throne of blood' is probably the best kurosawa i've ever seen.


speaking of sets, i'm still waiting for a godard-karina set. 'le petite soldat', 'a woman is a woman', 'vivre sa vie', 'band of outsiders', 'alphaville' & 'pierrot le fou'...that set would be the bomb diggity shit.

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Guest Dmann2000
speaking of sets, i'm still waiting for a godard-karina set. 'le petite soldat', 'a woman is a woman', 'vivre sa vie', 'band of outsiders', 'alphaville' & 'pierrot le fou'...that set would be the bomb diggity shit.

Ah, anytime I hear about Jean-Luc Goddard I'm reminded of what my film professor once said:


"I prefer Goddard's filmmaking, but I'd rather hang out and talk with Truffaut"


And I apologize to the cinephile's but....I can't stand Alan Renais "Last Year at Marianbad"

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Guest Ozymandias

Fuck Criterion, they're charging $40 for it. That is fucking madness. The other day I was at Tower Records browsing the DVDs and they were charging $40 for The Seven Samurai. I thought Tower was just being greedy, but now I see it wasn't their idea.

Now I'm reduced to pestering my idiot boss at the video store into ordering it.


If Best Buy is seriously selling a Criterion 4-pack for $80 then they must be REALLY taking it on the chin financially to do so.


God bless Best Buy.



P.S. Ran should be out a little while after Throne of Blood


P.P.S. Is Ikiru available on DVD anywhere?

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Guest Ozymandias

Fuck Criterion, they're charging $40 for it. That is fucking madness. The other day I was at Tower Records browsing the DVDs and they were charging $40 for The Seven Samurai. I thought Tower was just being greedy, but now I see it wasn't their idea.

Now I'm reduced to pestering my idiot boss at the video store into ordering it.


If Best Buy is seriously selling a Criterion 4-pack for $80 then they must be REALLY taking it on the chin financially to do so.


God bless Best Buy.



P.S. Ran should be out a little while after Throne of Blood


P.P.S. Is Ikiru available on DVD anywhere?

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

Most Criterion discs are $30-$40 so the price tag should come as no surprise to anyone who's even seen a Criterion DVD on the shelves before.


I think I'll hold out on buying Ran from HKFlix.com, as well. For one, every time I order from them, even if I get the fastest shipping possible it still takes them forever to process and ship my order. I ordered Crying Freeman (the live-action version) a while back and it took almost a week and a half. I'm not paying $8 again for them to take 2 weeks when I can get porn in a day and a half with FREE shipping.


I ordered a Region 3 version of Brother: Uncut last week from HKFlix and it STILL hasn't arrived. But yet I ordered Crying Freeman (the anime, for $17.99) at DeepDiscountDVD.com a few days ago and it's already here. Free shipping, too.


Secondly, you know that Criterion'll likely release a version that'll blow that Region 0 edition away. Fuck HKFlix. Sometimes. Unless you really need something, can't get it anywhere else and are willing to wait.

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Guest godthedog
speaking of sets, i'm still waiting for a godard-karina set.  'le petite soldat', 'a woman is a woman', 'vivre sa vie', 'band of outsiders', 'alphaville' & 'pierrot le fou'...that set would be the bomb diggity shit.

Ah, anytime I hear about Jean-Luc Goddard I'm reminded of what my film professor once said:


"I prefer Goddard's filmmaking, but I'd rather hang out and talk with Truffaut"


And I apologize to the cinephile's but....I can't stand Alan Renais "Last Year at Marianbad"

'last year at marienbad' is indeed a boring, pretentious piece of shit. i refuse to take a movie that takes itself so seriously, so seriously. it's a good thing to make an ambitious movie that tries to raise interesting questions, but it tried WAY too hard to be "existential" and "important." i have the same problem with some of bergman's stuff: no sense of humor.


i've read some godard interviews & read some stuff about him as a person, and he really seems like quite the humble, self-effacing, down-to-earth guy. he's got this restlessness about him, & he never stays in the same place. i imagine it would be hard to have a conversation with him & stay on one subject, but supposedly he's always full of energy (even now, in his 70s).

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
Fuck Criterion, they're charging $40 for it. That is fucking madness. The other day I was at Tower Records browsing the DVDs and they were charging $40 for The Seven Samurai. I thought Tower was just being greedy, but now I see it wasn't their idea.

Now I'm reduced to pestering my idiot boss at the video store into ordering it.


If Best Buy is seriously selling a Criterion 4-pack for $80 then they must be REALLY taking it on the chin financially to do so.


God bless Best Buy.



P.S. Ran should be out a little while after Throne of Blood


P.P.S. Is Ikiru available on DVD anywhere?

Here's the movie for $28.76 w/ free shipping

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

DeepDiscountDVD always has kick ass prices AND Free shipping. The Kurosawa boxed set is $8 cheaper there than it is at Best Buy.

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Guest ArkhamGlobe

I love Criterion. I was just looking for a good DVD edition of Throne of Blood as my video cassette is starting to look pretty crappy.

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Guest evenflowDDT
I think I'll hold out on buying Ran from HKFlix.com, as well. For one, every time I order from them, even if I get the fastest shipping possible it still takes them forever to process and ship my order. I ordered Crying Freeman (the live-action version) a while back and it took almost a week and a half. I'm not paying $8 again for them to take 2 weeks when I can get porn in a day and a half with FREE shipping.


I ordered a Region 3 version of Brother: Uncut last week from HKFlix and it STILL hasn't arrived. But yet I ordered Crying Freeman (the anime, for $17.99) at DeepDiscountDVD.com a few days ago and it's already here. Free shipping, too.


Secondly, you know that Criterion'll likely release a version that'll blow that Region 0 edition away. Fuck HKFlix. Sometimes. Unless you really need something, can't get it anywhere else and are willing to wait.

That sucks about HKFlix's service being shite. I was going to order some of those new Shaw Brothers Region 3 releases, then again, I was afraid of them arriving during Spring Break when I wouldn't be here, sounds like I wouldn't have to worry about that ;)


Hmmmm.... where are some good sites for HK imports then? Speaking of totally off-topic conversation :P


Having read a couple of essays on Criterion's website focusing on Kurosawa and Mifune, I'm actually really interested in seeing their last collaboration together, Red Beard. Is that any good?

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