Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted March 14, 2003 A non-Angle, non-HHH, non-Rock, non-Austin thread. (Gasp) After watching the Rhyno & Benoit vs. Guerreros match on SD again, I noticed a point where there was some arguing mid-match between Eddy and Chavo, since Chavo was trying to beat on Benoit while he wasn't the legal man. Eddy scolded Chavo and from then on they proceeded to work rather well... Though, I wonder: with them basically being faces now, it seems odd to see that miscommunication unless a) it wasn't worked and Eddy was corrected him about a spot or b) they're teasing a break up, maybe with Eddy as the face? Don't get me wrong, I love Eddy and Chavo as a team, but could they actually be planning to give Eddy and/or Chavo a singles push? Or am I just reading too much into a single incident--they could build onto it in future weeks, though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Mighty Damaramu Report post Posted March 14, 2003 No I think it was just a spot. However I did notice one thing in that match.....Eddie and Chavo never just enter the ring......they always have a fancy way in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 15, 2003 Eddie is losing the Guerrero Spirit. Chavo is getting deeper and deeper into the cheat-to-win philosophy. They will probably cost each other the fall at WM in the 3 way. Then feud for the next 2 PPV's - then get back together. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CoreyLazarus416 Report post Posted March 15, 2003 I think it had more to do with the fact that, according to kayfabe, Benoit and Eddie ARE friends. When Chavo started beating on Benoit for no real reason, Eddie told him to not do it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted March 15, 2003 I think it had more to do with the fact that, according to kayfabe, Benoit and Eddie ARE friends. When Chavo started beating on Benoit for no real reason, Eddie told him to not do it. Eh--I don't think so. If Eddy and Benoit shook hands or showed some form of lingering comraderie, I'd agree. Remember that their friendship dissolved in WWE continuity completely after they faced each other at Armageddon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted March 15, 2003 Yeah, I thought their "friendship" ended when Los Guerrenos attacked Benoit last fall. So Far Don't read into that much, However, Chavo is a great heel and Eddy could be a great face but I'd hate to see them break up another good tag team... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Polish_Rifle Report post Posted March 15, 2003 I just don't see Chavo making it very far by himself. If it weren't for Uncle Eddie, he'd be stuck on Velocity with Bill Demott. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted March 15, 2003 No, Chavo wouldn't be anywhere without Eddy...So that's why they ought to keep them together for a little longer...Cut Eddy free around Fall time...have Chavo do a heel run and disapeer into Velocity Purgatory. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted March 15, 2003 The problems with Chavo is he lacks an exciting, distinct look, crowd-popping signature moves, he's rather small, and not too good on the mic. He's a great worker, but that doesn't mean much--even Eddy and Benoit are better off because they have the looks and moves covered, and Eddy is good on the mic. So Chavo's kinda in the same position as Christian if a split happens. Sure, he could probably tag up with someone else and be successful, but an Eddy push would be pointless unless he won one of the major titles, which I don't think will ever happen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest j.o.b. squad Report post Posted March 15, 2003 have chavo have a run as a heel tag team with shanon moore and call them the after thoughts Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Crucifixio Jones Report post Posted March 15, 2003 There was also a point in the match where Benoit was laid out on the apron and Eddy contemplated getting in a free shot on him while he stood on the outside, but then decided against it. This was right after he argued with Chavo. He did it very delibrately so that you could catch it but it seems everyone ignored it including Tazz and Cole who were too busy yammering on about the soon-to-be Angle vs. Lesnar bait and switch bullshit to pay any attention to the awesome match going on in the ring at that very moment. I think there may be more validity to the 'Eddy and Chavo disagreeing and then splitting' thoughts than you guys think. It's not even like it was all that subtle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted March 15, 2003 Eddy didn't want to cheat because of Benoit and because he didn't want to risk getting DQ'ed and losing the title shot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted March 15, 2003 CJ: Ahh--I noticed that too, but it kinda slipped my mind. It almost seems as if Uncle Eddy isn't as dedicated to the "Cheat to Win" philosophy as he once was. I don't think it was necessarily that he was supposed to still felt some friendship with Benoit. It's a good idea to make sure to watch matches like these with the mute button on. You often miss little subtles because of those assholes' shilling. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted March 15, 2003 Actualy, Tazz is very good at keeping Cole in line most of the time, and was explaining that DQ notion during the match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted March 15, 2003 Eddy didn't want to cheat because of Benoit and because he didn't want to risk getting DQ'ed and losing the title shot. I still don't think that kayfabe-wise Eddy feels any sympathy towards Benoit. The one problem with the "not wanting to be DQed" theory is that NOTHING gets DQed these days other than blatant weapon shots or run ins. Other than a ten count for non-legal men on Raw--the VIDEOGAME FOR SNES--they've almost never DQed an illegal man for getting involved. The 5 count in the ropes has only caused a DQ, last I remember, in what I think was a women's match with Jazz I believe. The 5 count rule has ruined the Tarantula practically, though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted March 15, 2003 Actualy, Tazz is very good at keeping Cole in line most of the time, and was explaining that DQ notion during the match. Yeah. Tazz often explains the psychology and gives a unique perspective, but he's often guilty of babbling inanely also. We all know the commentary teams suck, though. That's for another thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted March 15, 2003 I've been enjoying Cole/Tazz, especially when compared to RAW. Tazz is just better at staying in line and jeez, he makes the worse lines just sound stupidly funny. That's the story the announce team was puting over, with the DQ. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Crucifixio Jones Report post Posted March 15, 2003 Yeah, but Eddy wouldn't have gotten DQ'd for booting Benoit in the head when he was down and the ref's back was turned. But he didn't do it anyway. What's that about and why didn't Tazz and Cole point that out? They, uncharacteristically, dropped the ball right there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dr. Wrestlingphysics Report post Posted March 15, 2003 With Angle's upcoming surgery, they need to push new singles stars, and this may be teasing a Los Guerreros breakup to push Eddy back into the singles ranks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 15, 2003 Cole and Tazz are really good calling matches with the smackdown 6 because they look at the matches as fans - not shills. Cole still has his shilling tendancy and Tazz finds the need to be funny for some reason when he is much better explaining the how's and whys of the wrestling world. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted March 15, 2003 RRR: Good point. Cole and Tazz are so much superior to King and's just sad. JR used to be good. And why am I so pessimistic? I'm thinking the only reason they'd elevate Eddy would be to use him as Brock chow. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites