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Guest Choken One

The War and WWE

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Guest Choken One

We all know that War is inevitable. Let's not deny that.


I was wondering just exactly how much would this effect WWE? I am not talking in terms of Angles, Gimmicks and that sort of thing...


Will The WWE International Tours be damaged by this? With CBS saying they would move shows around to the Cable shows for War Coverage...That means TNN for one.


Will there be any ramifications from the war to effect WWE? Or will things be the same in WWE Land?

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Guest Choken One

Did you even read the question? I wanted this to be an serious issue here. I am not asking how this will effect them from a Gimmick or Angle perpective...

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Not at all. It's not like they go to the Middle East anyway.

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Guest Trivia247

actually we know from The UPN disater with Bush's speech that they will be blocking out Smackdown if needs be so the Fox Propaganda network can take over another five dozen channels

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Guest Vern Gagne

It won't matter, but I'm sure Vince will use the War as an excuse for poor ratings, and lower attendance.

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Guest teke184

I can only imagine...


"Yes, the Albert vs. Taker vs. Triple H vs. Nathan Jones vs. Bill DeMott ladder match for the RAW title got negative ratings last week because of that damn war... it's a shame too because ladder matches ALWAYS increased our ratings in the past"

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Guest Jobber of the Week
it's a shame too because ladder matches ALWAYS increased our ratings in the past"

Yes, but those were ladder matches in a pre-9/11 world, and we all know that it changed EVERYTHING. :P :rolleyes:

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