Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted March 17, 2003 ... the hell? Aren't you like, the same age as me? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ZACK ATTACK~! Report post Posted March 17, 2003 Where in the fizuck is the Zack Attack!~ Recap!~!~? ehy thanx for da praise im rite da fizux heer LOL good 2 kno peepsz iz reaadin my columnz hey mebbe one day derll be a ZAs Bigest Fan n maybe hell kno how to brun cds wo a cigrate liter (rimSHOOT) LOL My Road 2 Anglemanai 2 Review by ZACK ATTACK~! 1 - undistupidJKheroxdooood vs daev matrixr4kidz - undipsuted iz a littel guy hecne he must rox cuz ray ray iz onl yliek three feet tall (cuz he weraz liftz on da wwe tv) n y2jericoholix iz three feet fiev n boht o dem rox so udnisputed roxxxx hard i hoep he doeznt sell out 2 da tall laeguez cuz dis waz a good macth tho daevm atrix iz a suxer werstlre den keyano reevz LOL ***** 2 - zassz cutz a feraky mcnastay heeeeeeel pormo wer hez all reject ur a spot moneky so letz go sumbizzen all up in diz muth n rejectz all whatevre dooood datz wack yo n zsazs putz hias carer on da lien so we gotrz 2 guyz 2 guyz whoz mite be gone com e2weekz rite liek zsassz is goin anywear hez got a streeek 2 kip up LOL ***** 3 - mad cappa vs 40yrold-virgen island thundre - mo mjidgist mo midgitz mo midgits!!!!! ok im not one of dem peepz whoz all OMG I LUV MIDIGTZ~! but itz just suhc a gerat ol skool feel hmmmm mabye ill find a icecoldnewz for next weak LOL da midgitz about 2 submizzer 2 da wallz of cappaco but da rael porto rican thundre interferz n da JOBBRE GETZ DA WIN W1...T2...F3?! woa datz a shockre iz vi thundre n pr thundre gona from a thundrestrom tag taem liek in da indiez ***** for da shokcin taese for us smarkz n heer comez da baetdown and naz mysterky comez in agen! niec thees guyz r gonna explode at angelmanya but whoz gona interfeer on nax hed oeznt got a managre (not dat he needz one he rulez dat muhc LOL)... hmmmmm.... caboose? oen can only hoep... 4 - da coach interveiwz bryan sezter or somethjin cuz hez jest waklee off da set ovf a luiz vladez producten or somethin n why everybody gotta maek da cocah do da charlzton lame but ***** for da kewl sewt 5 - vicne rusco dizz virgen island thnuder how he sux so bad he cant even jkob rite waht a loser LOL ***** 6 - kotzgengue vs petah knite - aight tihs sholud be interessin cuz knihgt usually just doez intreference wihc he ownz at but den agen so did da island boyz LOL n OMG WTF?! countout?! ref..............ure FIIIIIIIIRED! seriuozly WTF dat bettah be some wack azz sotryline shiz lookz liek some more fooz is gettin helddiown but imagine what coulda been by da postmacth i sya ***** 7 - porto rican lihgtnin vs da locK-NEZZ JOBBER - pr hatezs on naz mistry cuz hez probly jealouz of misrtyz maaaaaaaaad skillz n da mad capa 2 try n psyke ihm out n den doze some niec manuevrz 2 k-ness but i gess not THAT niec since mr boricuaz still gosta interfrere n distarct k-ness wehn he makez a cumeback so pr nitemarez for da 1..2....3 n den evne tho da macth iz ovre he submizzerz da k-ness n den mad cappa n naz mystry come bakc agen fo beaucoupz de bozo de clwon de KAOS~ ***** 8 - spidrepote promo - ohly shiz! i thuoght diz guy waz da waek link in LOSE infernalz but dman dis is seriouzly da bset promo ive haerd in agez da only ting dat waz bettah was dat spidrepoet is so deadicated he bladez evertyime insted o blood capsulz hmmmmm wondre how long til kizzin him on da fourheadll spilt ihm open LOL but seriouzly datz an awezome promo wondre what mah maks is ***** 9 - OMG~! ITZ DA SUPRESATR~! n hedje... i have expcet hiz tag partnre jewihs to interfree LOL but nope he doznt n superstar uzez excelent psykolgoy on da legz n taezes da downfall but noi ndian detahlock submizzerz ***** 10 - heeeeeeeeeerz josie! drooooooool mmmmmmmmmm newayz ig osta sho some INTEGRITY unilke some otha dirrtay ol man newz reportrez out der but wahtz up w somewherz singing angleSUX ovre k money? letz look at diz obejctivly oine iz gurnateed draw a mad skillzd mat tehcnicien.....n da othre is ANGLESUX LOL den some perv tryz to feel up on josey cuz hez handicaped datz not kewl seirously good thing da sk8r boiz taek hiz azz out agen ***** 11 - agnleplex vs jobbah - ok seirouzly dis doood sux sooooooooooooooooo bad he dont evne got a naem im surpriesed agnes (da smarkz nickname fo ap) coold cary ihm so well to a ***** macth den agen agnez could probly maek a mad sux broomstix look good wihc is graet cuz he facez angleSUX at angelmania LOL 12 - evenfLOSER vs SUCKman - bra n pantiez OMG R U SERIOUZ?!?!?!?!? i dint kno dat siht i jest intrefered cuz i wanted to show evenfloser n coldbedcuzhesuxxxxnewz mah skillz n im not da onyl one a bucnh of xpw guyz intreferz 2 wich is wierd cuz dey loooooooove gay ratingz ployz liek dis anywayz sandman haaaaaaaaaatez xpw so i bet he waz sitff wit dese guyz for you markz who dun kno datz wehn u REALLY haet somebody n hit em REALLY hard )eg waht im gona do 2 hotnewz at angelmanya) anywayz dis macth was craaaaazy tonz of intrefernce from teh suxy xpw doooodz and tehn.....................wate for it..........................TEH FRANCIHSE SHANE FN DOUGLAZ N MAH MAIN MAN ZACK DA KING MACK MALIBU~~~~~!~!~!~!~@@!#!~ O M G i almost ahd a markzatack i wihs i stayde longa n axed for an autograhp maybe at angelmania anywayz zack n shaen show dese punx but WTF suckman and evenfloser waz on da saem paeg i dun get it mebbe dose trinity rumnorz on da net r tru but waht doez it all maen soooooo much mistry (inculding naz LOL) soooooooooooooooooo muhc fuxin markouzt ownage n intrefernce best roade 2 angelmanya macth esdpite 2 LOESRZ in it den agen it also haz 2 WINNRESZ ZACK FN MALIBU N SHANE FN DOUGLAZ n itz evne mah debut but thaz not y i give it ***** ill even subjextivly reveiw mah performence i oooooownz but in rael lief evenfolw nevah wouldah busetd none o my spien i jest did dat 2 put him ovah n maek him look liek a good opoentnt cuz i kno how 2 wokr a good macth cuz i seen enoguh bad onez LOL overall damn dis waz an AWESMOE RTAM~ seirouzly if yer all dis show is ghey itz a b show well da b stodz fo awezome dis weak BICTH~!n yer a foooool fo missin it oh yea sory dis is a day laet i ahd to type it on da plane back whew i gotz muhc mo wrespcet fo wreastlrez who updaet der sitez now cuz now dat im on da rode a lot im fallin behind iapolozgiye im not forgetin mah fello smarkz hel li stil am oen LOL keep it real Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest What? Report post Posted March 17, 2003 ::bows down to Zack ATTACK!~:: SK8R BOIZ!!! Zack Attack just made my day Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted March 17, 2003 I got ***** for a match that lasted ten seconds, technically. Ah well, it was all storyline development anyway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SP-1 Report post Posted March 17, 2003 8 - spidrepote promo - ohly shiz! i thuoght diz guy waz da waek link in LOSE infernalz but dman dis is seriouzly da bset promo ive haerd in agez da only ting dat waz bettah was dat spidrepoet is so deadicated he bladez evertyime insted o blood capsulz hmmmmm wondre how long til kizzin him on da fourheadll spilt ihm open LOL but seriouzly datz an awezome promo wondre what mah maks is ***** Best. Review. Ever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites