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Guest gansobomber

Ultimo coming to WWE?!?

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Guest gansobomber

" WWE has renewed interest in using the Ultimo Dragon for Smackdown.


With Edge out of action for a year, there are reports that WWE wants to use the Dragon as Rey Mysterio’s tag team partner on Smackdown.


Dragon had what was thought to have been career ending elbow surgery. There are some concerns that at 36, he wouldn’t be able to hold up for a full WWE schedule. "


credit: 411mania.com


Nooooooooo! With WWE's history of misuse of freign talenyt, I hope I never see the day...


Plus he wouldn't be able to use some of the coolest moves in his arsenal including the DRAGON SLEEPER because some schmuck called the Undertaker is using it. No Dragon Suplex, no running Liger bomb, AAAAARRRRRRGGHH!

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Believe it or not guys, the WWE has it's own folder and everything. It's at the top of the page.


Make sure to check your elitism at the door though.


Judging by how they've used Rey Mysterio so far, I'd say you guys should save the whining for when he debuts. Oh and there's no ban on the Lygerbomb.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Wait, leaving elitism at the door is a bad thing? Uh huh..

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Guest wolverine

No, wait. You kids coming in here looking like utter buffoons can be entertaining at times, though (especially when there isn't anything else going on). That "Best of 2002" thread a while back was so fucking stupid, it was funny.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

wolverine: You're not a very happy guy are you?


Back to the topic at hand (which should be in the WWE folder) I think bitching about something before you've seen it, is the ultimate in patheticness and reeks of... AICN.



Don't shoot the messenger.

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Guest wolverine

Yeah, this doesn't belong here. But I've given up at this point making those types of responses. I'll let Ricky do that stuff.


"wolverine: You're not a very happy guy are you?"


Not when people come in here acting like jokers, no. But if you come in here to talk wrestling in an intelligent manner, you'll have no problems.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Yeah, this doesn't belong here. But I've given up at this point making those types of responses. I'll let Ricky do that stuff.


"wolverine: You're not a very happy guy are you?"


Not when people come in here acting like jokers, no. But if you come in here to talk wrestling in an intelligent manner, you'll have no problems.

I actually tried that here once. I got my head ripped off by you and Jubuki, and didn't forget it.


I tried it again, and the same thing happened, which is why I'm always pissed off at you guys.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Don't mind if I do.


MrZsasz, if you've got beef with a poster, there's nothing stopping you from contacting them about it and voicing your concerns. Wondering around the folder looking for a conflict doesn't help anyone, regardless of how you feel about Wolverine or Jubuki.


Was there anything "elitist" about what gonsobomber said, for instance? Was it his expressing concern towards the WWE's use of foreign talent? If you're implying that Misterio is a good case for WWE Creative's defense, what makes you think he's "foreign?" He's lived in America for years. UD lives in Japan, as far as I know.


That's not even bringing up the obvious question, "what in God's name has the WWE done with Misterio to warrant putting faith in them this time?" Does Rey doing a round of jobs to heavies before being sent down to the Cruisers make him an exception? I seem to remember Tajiri having a similar role in 2001 before he became a permanent member of Cruiserweight "division." What cause is there to believe that Misterio and Ultimo won't turn out the same?

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Guest Trivia247

well it would still be nice to see him.....even if he gets misused its always nice to see a good wrestler perform even if 90% percent of the offense is stripped away.

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Guest subliminal_animal

Well, with 90% of his offense stripped away, he'll have to be more than just a good wrestler to make anyone want to see him perform.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Here's something strange.


Ultimo is 'old' at 36, but Taker and Hogan are just fine? Ookay..

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Guest gansobomber

First of all, terribly sorry about the folder mixup. Since Ultimo WAS puro topic related...


Secondly, any one who has seen the Ultimo/Mysterio match in '97 will tell you it affects the NECK to a high degree. So the WWE would have to be really crazy to allow such a move done now.


Plus why reach all the way to Japan? There are so many guys they could stick into a mask and debut as a new partner. What about Spanky? Christopher Daniels has shown he can perform well even when saddled with a some what limiting gimmick like Curry Man, and Amazing Red would get pretty over with the crowd easily.


Once again sorry for the mistake.

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Guest gansobomber
Here's something strange.


Ultimo is 'old' at 36, but Taker and Hogan are just fine? Ookay..

Well, I don't remember Hogan doing a moonsault, much less anything resembling a "spot". Taker on the other hand doesn't wrestle a cruiserweight style either. And both guys don't usually take bumps...

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Guest RickyChosyu
Here's something strange.


Ultimo is 'old' at 36, but Taker and Hogan are just fine? Ookay..

Ultimo has also been retired for five years now. I think it's reasonable to question his ability to work the WWE's tiring schedule, considering how long he's been inactive.


As far as age goes, though, you're right. There are plenty older than UD.

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Guest gansobomber

Yeah, but Terry Funk is Terry Funk. Very few can come near his greatness...

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Guest RickyChosyu

If Funk's moonsaults were a measure of his greatness, then he's about as great as a HHH title defense.


gansobomber, on your earlier coments on why the WWE wants Ultimo instead of the US indy guys: your guess is as good as mine. Ultimo was one of the best workers WCW ever had for the time he was there, but he didn't stick around long enough to become reputable. If the WWE is expecting their fan base to remember Dragon, they're kidding themselves.


As for his physical condition, it's hard to say. He had his come-back match and it was said that he performed impressively. At this stage in his career, is he worth picking up over someone like, say, American Dragon? Doubtfull (but then, the WWE was "unimpressed" with AmDrag, weren't they? :) ).


Hey, assuming he does go to Smackdown! we might finally get that Benoit/UD match that should have happened but never did. Who cares if it's six years too late to really matter? It's still a silver lining, right? Right?

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Guest gansobomber

I wasn't really saying picking Indy guys OVER him, but more of picking guys INSTEAD of him. Why bother him? I don't want him to come to the US and work 4 minute matches. I'd rather have him work matches in Japan which might, nay WILL be better.


And then there IS that Benoit/UD match...

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Goddamnit. I get all these Dragon guys mixed up.


No, no more people in crazy masks please. I so do not get the mask thing.

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Guest Steviekick

Ultimo Dragon would definitely be fine in WWE. So what if he gets misused? As long as he pulls off decen matches when he's on TV I could care less.

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Guest redbaron51

if a solid Rey vs Ultimo feud can happen, by gawd it will be awesome...


but reality is they'll fight on heat

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Guest pappajacks

Did someone injure Ultimo in 1997 or was his injury due to an accumulation of factors?

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Guest Nevermortal
Did someone injure Ultimo in 1997 or was his injury due to an accumulation of factors?

A WCW surgeon botched an arm surgery.

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Guest Jimmy Saint

he has been good since coming back. Adjusted his game slightly and not at 100% but can still keep up with any junior heavy in the world.


Ultimo Dragon/Dragon Kid vs Rey Bucanero/Ultimo Guerrero


Ultimo Dragon/Hayashi vs Ultimo Guerrero/Rey Bucanero


From the past few months have both rocked the bells. I see no reason why he won't get over in WWE.

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