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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Is this a sign of things to come?

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Got this off wrestlingobserver.com about the house show in Miami:


"Rhyno d. Kanyon. A disappointing match with lots of stalling. Rhyno won with the gore."


Now I wouldn't think these two would have 'bad match' on purpose or anything. Could it be an example of WWE wanting to slow things down between wrestlers? While slowing things down may not be a bad thing, judging by the report of this fan, he/she did not like it and was expecting much more. Can WWE slow the pace of matches and impact of moves down - will fans allow it to happen after the conditioning of what to expect 19998 - present day?


Of course, it may be because they were under-running and needed a match to prolong things, but I doubt it.

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Guest treble charged

Maybe it was just because they're two guys who are just coming back from injuries and want to get into the flow of things without risking hurting themselves again at a house show.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Either that or maybe it's just a matter of someone's personal opinion.


As a WWE fan, I haven't really seen enough of Kanyon to formulate an opinion on him. I was sort of indifferent on Rhyno as well until lately when I've taken notice at how he really moves things along for a guy his size.


I also thought Benoit was a loser for all of 2000. So it might just be different strokes or ignorance.

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Guest RenegadeX28

I thought you were gonna mention the fact Booker T lost to HHH over the weekend at the RAW house show.... :P

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Guest Youth N Asia

It's just one match...and for the fact that both guys are just back from serious injuries I'd think it's a safe bet that they'd take it easy.

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Guest Steviekick

I agree pretty much with everyone else in thinking that Kanyon and Rhyno were just being overly cautious since they are just returning from major injuries.


I'd be a little apprehensive and would not want to hurt myself after having major neck surjery like Rhyno, or every possible thing that could go wrong like what happened to Kanyon.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Maybe it was just because they're two guys who are just coming back from injuries and want to get into the flow of things without risking hurting themselves again at a house show.

Or maybe they're just not as good as people say they are, which is my honest opinion on both.

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Guest ViciousFish

I used to like Kanyon because in 98?? he was inovative to a guy never really exposed to anything besides WCW and WWF, but I can't find anything enjoyable about his matches anymore except the fact you need a Jersey to English dictionary to understand him.


And Rhyno isn't a great wrestler but its his intensity that I think most people like. He goes out there like he's gonna kill somebody, and everytime I've seen him I thought he's given everything he has.


Hell, Rhyno in the shopping cart after a fixed Gore is one of my favorite humurous moments of all time in the WWE.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Here's another little bit of a House Show from Miami, FL last night.




this had to be the most divided crowd i've ever seen as both rock and brock would receive heel and face reactions all throughout the match.


the rock comes out first to a massive pop from the homecrowd. rock walks around the ring to overwhelming ROCKY chants throughout. Brock then comes out to quite a bit less of a pop, including many boos which surprised me because of the big pop he recieved at the mentioning of his name at the beginning of the show. Rock and Brock stare each other down for a while. and finally get started about 5 minutes later. lockup to start won by lesnar (recieving a very big pop) rocky leaves the ring as it looks like he's playing the heel in this match. a few minutes later he comes back to the ring only to hear an incredible ROCKY SUCKS chant from the homecrowd. He then grabs the mic and says something along the lines of "hometown or not i'm gonna whoop his candyass" which caused about a 60-40 mixed reaction favoring the rock. another lockup.. another win by Lesnar. (yet an even bigger pop for lesnar) rocky once again gets out of the ring and walks around for a bit..once again receiving ROCKY SUCKS chant. rocky grabs the mic AGAIN and says, "so you guys cheer ROCKY.. ROCKY SUCKS.. make up your minds...... so you know what.. PISS ON YOU ALL.. and PISS ON YOU (pointing to brock)" rock then proceeded to leave to go back to the locker room. this as you can imagine caused A LOT of heat towards rocky. Lesnar then runs after him and pounds on him. he brings rock back in and finally an actual MATCH begins. not much technical wrestling, just a lot of brawling and restholds. one minute the majority of the crowd would chant ROCKY ROCKY.. and the next minute almost the same exact people would turn on him and start the ROCKY SUCKS chants. it was crazy.. these people couldn't make up their minds. brock dominated much of the match at first, and then it was back and forth the last few minutes. whenever brock got some offense the crowd responded with what i could only say a 50/50 mixed reaction. and when the rock got some offense he'd get a pretty big pop, with some boos here and there. The last couple minutes of the match went as follows... rock goes for and connects the People's Elbow.. getting a two count. (which recieved a huge pop by the way). they then traded blows for a while. Brock picks Rock up for the F-5 to yet another HUGE pop.. sets for the spin.. and 3/4 of the way rock gets out of it and hits the ROCK BOTTOM! rock goes for the cover.. 1....2....3!!! ROCK PINNED BROCK!! i may be wrong but i think this is the first time i've seen Brock lose cleanly. the finish received a big pop, yet sort of unexpected because i'm sure everyone expected about another few minutes in the match. Not the best wrestling match you'll ever see.. but one that you just had to witness live due to the constant switching of the crowd's reactions towards BOTH brock and rocky. a lot of the crowd seemed anti-rock to start off.. but by the end they seemed to go back on rocky's side.


Winner: THE ROCK


post match: a very entertaining rock/brock promo. rock introduces brock to his family and friends in the front row.. including some Dolphins players. asked the crowd who would win in a real fight.. brock lesnar or zach thomas? the crowd seemed to back Brock on this one. rock said that in the beginning they booed him because he's supposed to be the bad guy and cheered brock because he's the good guy... but thanked us for the support anyway. he started the IF YA SMELLLL.. line which we finished it even though he was planning to say.. IF YA SMELLLL WHAT THE ROCK..AND BROCK.. IS COOKING. so once again he began his line.. and asked brock to finish it for him. after much teasing from the rock.. including finally doing the FINALLY THE ROCK HAS COME BACK...HOME..line.... brock grabs the mic and talks a little bit about the rock's family saying how beautiful of a family he has.. and also how he has a little of the rock in him.. just with a "B" in the beginning. lesnar ends his promo with.. IF YA SMELLLLL WHAT THE BROCK..IS COOKIN! and left backstage. rock is now alone in the ring.. thanks his hometown fans for all their support and everything. and ends with his IF YA SMELLL.. line.

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Guest Angle-plex
Triple H vs. Booker T

World Heavyweight Title


No Flair tonight, which disappointed the crowd. Very slow start as Trip bails every time Booker lands any offense whatsoever. A ref bump prevents Booker from getting a pin, Triple H recovers hits the Pedigree but still no ref. Nick Patrick comes down and counts two, then Triple H knocks him out for taking too long. H brings in a chair, pastes Booker with it, ref covers but Booker kicks out. Trip eventually hits the low blow and gets the clean pin over Booker T.


Lets hope THAT isn't a sign of things to come.

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Guest RenegadeX28
Triple H vs. Booker T

World Heavyweight Title


No Flair tonight, which disappointed the crowd. Very slow start as Trip bails every time Booker lands any offense whatsoever. A ref bump prevents Booker from getting a pin, Triple H recovers hits the Pedigree but still no ref. Nick Patrick comes down and counts two, then Triple H knocks him out for taking too long. H brings in a chair, pastes Booker with it, ref covers but Booker kicks out. Trip eventually hits the low blow and gets the clean pin over Booker T.


Lets hope THAT isn't a sign of things to come.

Indeed.....if that is how the WMX9 match ends....... :(

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Guest Breetai

I'm more concerned with "Very slow start as Trip bails every time Booker lands any offense whatsoever. "


Yea. Because we wouldn't want the face in a Wrestlemania match to get any momentum, would we?

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Guest RepoMan

A couple of guys having a bad match at a house show is really something to worry about. It happens to everyone.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
Maybe it was just because they're two guys who are just coming back from injuries and want to get into the flow of things without risking hurting themselves again at a house show.

Or maybe they're just not as good as people say they are, which is my honest opinion on both.

I echo this sentiment.

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Guest El Satanico

The whole "they're taking it easy because of coming back from major injury" theory holds very little water.


Anyone who's watched Smackdown since Rhyno's return has seen that he's clearly over the "being extra careful due to fear over reinjury" phase. As he hasn't been taking it easy in the ring at all.


Kanyon has been back wrestling from injury at least two months or more, but not on camera. So he's had more than enough time to get comfortable and get rid of the fear of reinjury.



It was likely just an off night for them.

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Guest JHawk
I'm more concerned with "Very slow start as Trip bails every time Booker lands any offense whatsoever. "


Yea. Because we wouldn't want the face in a Wrestlemania match to get any momentum, would we?

Actually, I like that. It's called "playing mind games with your opponent."


Now if they have Booker get beat with the ref down and then still not win the title at Mania, I'll be raising holy hell.

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Guest snuffbox

Maybe the smark crowd should really speak their collective minds if Hunter does leave WM as champ. Cant really effect television ratings much...but stop logging on to wwe.com (smarks must provide a fair ammt of traffic), live shows, and ppvs. More negative press. Last time Vince was in trouble he spent nearly the entire decade of the 90s broadcasting alot of shit-product.

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Guest Steviekick

Maybe instead of a boycott, flood WWE's feedback email. Call up their public relations and harass them fo a bad product.


If HHH is still the champ after WM, instead of Raw the night after WM, everyone stick your head out of the window and scream at the top of your lungs "I'm mad as hell , and I'm not going to take it".


Over and over again.

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Guest El Satanico

But please if anyone bitches to WWe about HHH by way of Feedback be very careful to not word your complaint in a way that will make WWe think "omg they hate him so much...WHAT A TOTAL SUCCESS!"

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Rhyno sucks i don't know why there are some people praising the little HOSS, the only move he could do is the piledriver on top of a table, nobody cares about the Gore which is a Spear with a different name.

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