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Guest nWoScorpion

Wrestlemania II:

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Guest nWoScorpion

SIDE NOTE: The only reason I'm doing this show is because it's part of the Complete Wrestlemania rant i'm doing, much like everyone else. has tried.


- This is the hacked to hell Coliseum Video, where basically EVERYTHING possible that wasn't a match is clipped. Interviews, Introductions, hell, even the rest periods during the boxing match! So With that said, we go to...




- Clips of Various Wrestling clips from the annals of time. Andre The Giant slammed Kamala! Ends with Hogan pinning Sheik for the World Title.


- Live from Uniondale, New York.


- Your Hosts are Vince Mcmahon & Susan St. James (?).


- Opening Match:

"Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff Vs. The Magnificent Muraco:

Interviews from the participants play in the background. Lockup and Orndorff with a headlock. Slam by Muraco, and Orndorff with his own. Orndorff says up yours to Mr.Fuji, making his Wrestlemania managerial debut. Muraco whoops Orndorff a bit but walks into an arm drag and drop toe hold, and Orndorff with an armbar. Muraco with a Samoan drop out of nowhere and they trade blows in the corner. Both men spill to the floor and brawl, signaling a double count-out at 4:33. Non Finish to open the show, way to go WWF. Bullshit chants in 1986?!?!! Holy Shit! 1/4* because I don't have the heart to say this was DUD worthy.


- WWF-Intercontinental Championship Match:

"Macho Man" Randy Savage © Vs. George "The Animal" Steele:

Savage runs away from Steele...alot, to start this match. Steele finally catches him and bites his calf. Savage jumps him but gets choked for his troubles. Savage traps Steele in the ropes and stomps a mudhole in him to the disgust of Susan St. James. Cross Body is botched for two, and Savage is tossed outside. Savage sneaks around the ring from underneath and gives Steele a running knee to the back, but he's once bitten (hehe) again. Savage has some flowers now, but Steele steals them and smacks him with them, which he SELLS. Steele eats a turnbuckle now and rubs the stuffing in Savages face. Savage from he top rope with a double ax-handle on Steele, who was distracted by Elizabeth. Body Slam by Savage and the Flying Elbow only gets two! Savage rolls up Steele in the corner though and wins with extra leverage, at 7:07. -**. TERRIBLE MATCH. Steele chases the referee with some stuffing after the match.


- Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. George Wells:

Who the HELL is George Wells. Wells attacks to start and scores a back drop and several rights. Roberts throws him outside but gets met with more shots. Shoulder block by Wells. Wells is a Canadian football player says Vince Mcmahon. Wells with several headbutts and more punches. Big Slam by Wells and powerslam gets two. Roberts with an eye rake and he runs. Back inside, Roberts with a big knee lift. DDT puts Wells away out of nowhere at 3:06. * for the effort. Roberts raps Wells in the snake for good measure. Did Wells spit up? Because I don't really want to know from looking.


- Flashback of Roddy Piper/Mr. T from a Saturday Night's Main Event from earlier in the year.


- Hilarious interview from Roddy Piper. He says if he would be knocked out, he would quit professional wrestling he would quit tiddlywinks, and he would even quit dating girls. But he'd keep Bob Orton around.


- Boxing Match:

Mr. T Vs. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper:

I REALLY don't know how to recap this fight/match, so I'll give my thoughts on each round. Round 1: Piper seems to have thrown more punches to Mr. T, but nothing really connects good enough. Mr. T got in some good shots as well. I'd give this round to Piper (10-9). Round 2: Both men start off the round pretty even, but the blows seem to be REALLY pulled. Piper knovks Mr. T down for the standing 8 count, and he wins another round. (10-8). Round 3: Mr. T comes back in this round knocking Piper down TWICE. If he is knocked down a third time he loses by TKO, but he remains on his feet. Mr. T's round. (10-7). Round 4: Piper gets pissed off so he shoves the refereeand BODY SLAMS Mr. T for the disqualification at 1:17 of Round 4 (10:17 overall). NR because there is no way to rate this match fairly.


- End of New York Portion. Ehhh.....


- Live! From Chicago, IL is Gorilla Monsoon & Kathy Lee Crosby & Gene Okerlund.

- WWF-Womens Championship Match:

Fabulous Moolah © Vs. Velvet McIntyre:

Moolah jumps her from the start with snapmares by the hair and a few forearms. Drop-kick by McIntyre and a big slam. 2nd rope splash misses and Moolah covers her for the win at 0:58. DUD. McIntyre's foot was on the ropes too.


- Flag Match:

Corporal Kirchner Vs. Nikolai Volkoff:

Volkoff boots Kirchner to start and throws him outside. Volkoff bites him and blades him then throws him into the post. Back in the ring we got a referee bump and they brawl. Blassie tosses in his cane, but Kirchner catches it and blasts Volkoff with it for the win at 1:36. DUD. This is garbage.


- Interview with Bill Fralic & Big John Studd (or as Fralic calls him, the Dud)


- 20 Man Battle Royal:

Participants: Jimbo Covert (Chicago Bears), Pedro Morales, Tony Atlas, Ted Arcidi, Harvey Martin (Dallas Cowboys), Dan Spivey, Hillbilly Jim, King Tonga, Iron Sheik, Ernie Holmes (Pittsburgh Steelers), B. Brian Blair, Jumpin' Jim Brunzell, Big John Studd, Bill Fralic (Atlanta Falcons), Bret "Hitman" Hart, Jim Niedhart, Russ Francis (San Francisco 49ers), Bruno Sammartino, William "The Reffrigerator" Perry (Chicago Bears), Andre The Giant:

Just a Run-down with the elimination's for the match. King Tonga (Haku) and Jimbo Covert are gone thanks to Bill Fralic. Sammartino dumps Ernie Holmes. Jim Brunzell is gone via The Foundation. Tony Atlas is gone by William Perry. Morales and Martin go out with each other. Blair, Spivey, and Hillbilly get rid of Ted Arcidi. Sheik dumps Dan Spivey, Hillbilly Jim, and Brian Blair. Fralic is out by Studd and Sheik, and Sammartino dumps Sheik. Sammartino is gone via Big John Studd. William Perry is out thanks to Studd also, but Perry turns heel...or face by pulling Studd out with a handshake. The Foundation dump out Russ Francis. They double team Andre, but miscommunication causes Anvil to get kicked to the floor, and Bret Hart is press slammed onto Anvil for the win for Andre The Giant at 9:09. ** Nothing bad here for a battle royal. Sadly it's match of the night so far.


- WWF Tag Team Championship Match:

The Dream Team © vs. The British Bulldogs:

The Dream Team were Brutus Beefcake and Greg Valentine. DBS starts with Greg, and both men get in some punches and chops. Davie controls for a bit and tags Dynamite. Snap suplex onto the Hammer and tag to DBS. DBS in, and Valentine bails. Greg tags out to Beefcake. Beefcake with an arm ringer, but DBS fights it off and gorilla press slam's him. He tags out, and Dynamite with a succession of 2 counts. DBS catches Brutus with a Fisherman Suplex, but Brutus is able to tag out in time. Greg works DBS for a few seconds until Dynamite goes to work. The Bulldogs catch Valentine with a stiff Double Shoulderblock. Dynamite with a sunset flip for a 2 count. Piledriver by the Hammer gets two. Hammer goes up top but gets slammed off by Dynamite (as usual) ensuing a four man brawl. Davie comes in, and hits the Running Powerslam for another two count. Davie goes for a corner dash but obviously misses and hurts his shoulder. Beefcake gets tagged in, and hits a kneedrop on DBS. Dream Team get them some two counts off of slams and elbows but DBS continues to fight back. DBS Irish whips Greg right into Dynamite, head laying out Valentine for the three count and the Tag Titles at 11:48. Great match by everyone involved. *** for that one.


- End of Chicago Portion, and it was a LOT better then the New York part.


- LIVE! From Los Angeles, CA are your hosts Jesse Ventura, Alfred Hayes, and Elvira.


- Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat Vs. Hercules Hernandez:

Hercules is in his retarded stage here dressed in his Hercules outfit and afro. Hercules jumps him to start, but Steamboat works in some chops and those deep arm drags and an armbar. Hercules up but gets kicked back down and another arm drag and armbar. Hercules hammers back on Steamboat and runs into a back elbow. Hercules with a big clothesline and some stomping. Stun gun by Hernandez and some more kicking. Hercules with another big clothesline for two and several press slams. Steamboat up to the top rope with the dragon Leap for the win at 7:22. ** Decent Match here by Steamboat.


- Uncle Elmer Vs. Adrian Adonis:

Elmer beats the hell out of Adonis to start. Adonis is in his dress for most of the match and over sells like he's Curt Hennig. Avalanche by Elmer and he misses a big fat leg drop. Adonis to the top rope and he nails a big splash for the win at 3:01. DUD. Thank God it was short.


- Tito Santana & Junkyard Dog Vs. The Funk Brothers:

For Some reason there is a chair in the ring to start, which Hebner throws back out. JYD and Hoss (Dory Jr.) start. Hoss controls but is slammed. So is Funk. Slam to Hoss again, and Santana sends Terry outside. Funk pounds on Santana bit, but Santana clotheslines him to the floor. Drop-kicks to Hoss sends him outside as well. Junkyard & Terry have a small boxing dance until JYD slams Terry into the buckle ten times and falls on his ass. Repeat that last portion. Headbutt gets a two count and Funk is thrown over and out. Hoss finally takes over on Santana and gets some European uppercuts in. Flying Forearm by Santana! Terry breaks up the pin and Santana beats him up. Terry with some cheating puts down Santana and he throws him outside, where Jimmy Hart lays into him. Vertical Suplex by Terry gets two. Hoss in and he double under-hook suplexes Santana for two. Double clothesline to Santana and an elbow drop by Terry gets another two count. JYD gets the hot tag to a monster pop and beats the crap out of both Funks. Clothesline to Terry and he nails Hoss to the floor. Big Back Drop over the top rope on Terry. Funk takes a table bump but it doesn't break. Figure Four on Hoss by Santana. Terry has the mega phone and he nails JYD with it, and covers him for the win at 11:44. ***1/4. Awesome match for a Wrestlemania 2 match.


- Video Highlights of Knig Kong Bundy attacking Hulk Hogan on Saturday Night's Main Event, breaking his ribs in the process with several avalanches and big splashes.


- WWF-Championship-Steel Cage Match:

Hulk Hogan © Vs. King Kong Bundy:

Hulk Hogan wins the opening brawl and nails the big boot in the first 20 seconds. Choke in the corner with his own singlet and Hogan pounds away. Whip to the buckle and avalanche by Hogan. Running elbow to Bundy and Hogan unloads some hard rights. Hogan gets nailed in the ribs and Bundy assaults the champion. Big Slam by Bundy and he steps on the back of his head. Bundy tries going out the door but Hogan stops him. Bundy slams Hogan's back into the cage and tries going out again, and is stopped again. Bundy rips off the tape off Hogans ribs and chokes him out with it. Hogan comes back with some hard shots and sends Bundy face first into the steel cage. Bundy is busted open at Hogan pounds on the cut. Hogan sends Bundy into the cage several times more and chokes Bundy on the top rope. Slam is blocked and Bundy falls on top of him. Hogan prevents escape again and chokes Bundy with his tape now. Bundy catches Hogan in the corner with the avalanche and nails the big splash! Hogan stops Bundy again barely, but Bundy pounds on Hogan some more. He goes for another avalanche and connects, but Hogan no sells!!! POWERSLAM BY HOGAN! Leg Drop connects! Hogan climbs the cage, and makes it to the floor at 10:16. *1/2. Pretty good for who was in it, which is the phrase of the match. Hogan beats up Heenan after the match for good measure.


- Advertisements for other WWF Coliseum Videos.


Final Analysis: Only Two Really good matches here, and 2 others are fairly decent, but otherwise, as for the show overall, thar' she blows.


Mild Recommendation to Avoid.

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Guest Retro Rob
SIDE NOTE: The only reason I'm doing this show is because it's part of the Complete Wrestlemania rant i'm doing, much like everyone else. has tried.



BTW, my review of WM2 will be on TSM some time before this year's offering.

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