Guest Dmann2000 Report post Posted March 17, 2003 Okay, there's been complaints here (and even by Austin himself) that his character's been in a rut. The whole "What" routine is annoying and I've read many here say his promos and ringwork have become formulaic. I have an idea that might add a dimension to Austin, something that's only kinda been done before by Foley. Austin should lose to Rock at WM. Rock then says "I've done it all, back to Hollywood" and Austin is pissed at himself. So one night on RAW there's a major attack in the back on someone (say Test) he's being carted away he's asked what happens and all he mumbles is Coach asks Austin if he jumped Test. Austin, he's usual self says why the hell would he do that. He was in the back drinking some Stevewiesers. Anyway the same kind of attacks happen week after week...each victim swearing it was Austin. So Austin comes out to answer these his usual rambling redneck interview style of today...when suddenly a technician from the back comes out and tells Austin he's ready to play his tape...Austin goes what tape, I don't have no tape.... ...when up on the Titantron appears the back of a bald head, that turns around to reveal...Stone Cold Steve Austin. The Austin on the video says he's the real Stone Cold..the Stone Cold who didn't give a damn about anybody. The cold hearted bastard who shattered Brian Pillman's ankle, who attacked Bret Hart in an ambulance, who'd just as soon kick Shawn Michaels ass instead of team with him. "Recognize me? I'm sick and tired of having to look at what you've become! Look at you, you pathetic piece of trash. You make me sick. Since when does Stone Cold Steve Austin give a damn about what the people think. You're a wasted shell. Going What What What! I think it's a load of bull. You ain't got no damn fire anymore. Steve Austin don't sit it the back drinking beer, looking at some damn imaginary watch! He takes out every piece of garbage that stands in his way. The REAL Stone Cold is back and no one's gonna stop him, especially you, you broken down loser. And that's the bottom line....cause Stone Cold said so..." Think about it, a Jeckyll and Hyde storline, Austin the beer-drinking redneck fighting the raging killer never know which side will come out any night...there's unpredictability...he could be teaming one night as WHAT Austin, get knocked off the apron and come too as Ice Cold Austin and start whipping everybody's ass, including his partners. We all loved paranoid Austin from the alliance, this is just taking it one step further. And Stone Cold 97 could leave taped messages for Stone Cold 03...starting fights with everyone...trying to bring the old Stone Cold out again. Of course maybe I'm crazy cause it's almost 5am, but I think it's a cool idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Psycho Diablo Report post Posted March 17, 2003 I think it'd be neat, just to get away from "What?" I said to get away from "What?" the usual "Go out, stunner 30 guys, Same Old Steve Austin" bit he's been doing. *edit* ..and not ALL of us loved the Alliance Austin. I hated his guts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest snuffbox Report post Posted March 17, 2003 Good angle...but it sounds like it would reguire some thought from the wwe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted March 17, 2003 I like it, but like my Rock vs Benoit storyline, it requires bigger production work than WWE is probably willing to do. Kind of like your Ghost of Christmas Past... Or something. They could do something such as, say, rebuild the entranceway from WM 13 one night at an arena before a show and film a segment of Austin talking in front of it while fake crowd noise is going on. "Look at that man in the ring! Look at him scream with the blood going down his face" (he points away to the camera, cut to footage of WM 13 tape, sharpshooter and bloody screaming Austin shot) "That man's giving it all! You don't have that in ya anymore, do you?" Of course, there'd be two downsides to that (1) Since nobody really believes Austin can travel through time to see his own matches live, it's obviously not a reality angle. But why does everything have to be firmly planted in relaity anymore? (2) Part of the problem with this entire angle as a whole as you're partially burying Austin by admitting he's been a wash as of late. Vince would have to risk killing his heat further, so expect a whole lot more "WHATWHATWHATWHATWHAT' instead. That's Vince's problem. He's not willing to take any goddamn risks anymore. And running a necro angle doesn't count as a risk. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Aero Report post Posted March 17, 2003 As I read it, I thought it was going to end up a debuting Goldberg who was attacking everyone... Oh well... Anyway, this story actually sounds interesting to me. I wouldn't mind seeing it at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Si82 Report post Posted March 17, 2003 I think it sounds interesting. Mind you anything has to better than wht he's doing at the moment. I used to love Stone Cold Steve Austin. But after he turned face at the end of 2001 it was all downhill. It's just the smae old crap with him coming out and stunnering everbody and looking invincible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nikowwf Report post Posted March 17, 2003 Sounds like a heel turn, so im not into it. niko Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kahran Ramsus Report post Posted March 17, 2003 Sounds like a heel turn, so im not into it. niko Why not? Austin is much better as a heel. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NoSelfWorth Report post Posted March 17, 2003 I like this idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vitamin X Report post Posted March 17, 2003 I also must concur. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest tank_abbott Report post Posted March 17, 2003 I always liked the thought of Austin being kidnapped by the Ministry back in 99, and being brainwashed... then after a few weeks into this "heel turn"...Austin/ Taker are laying a beating to a face (For the sake of argument, we will say Foley) and the Rock comes out,tosses Austin a beer...a zoned out Austin stares at it....Taker goes to pull it away but Foley tackles him....Austin slowly cracks open the beer and downs it...snaps out of his trance and whips it up on Taker.... Just a idea I had.... Not saying it was a good one! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Pigsy Report post Posted March 17, 2003 Think about it, a Jeckyll and Hyde storline, Austin the beer-drinking redneck fighting the raging killer never know which side will come out any night...there's unpredictability...he could be teaming one night as WHAT Austin, get knocked off the apron and come too as Ice Cold Austin and start whipping everybody's ass, including his partners. We all loved paranoid Austin from the alliance, this is just taking it one step further. And Stone Cold 97 could leave taped messages for Stone Cold 03...starting fights with everyone...trying to bring the old Stone Cold out again. Sounds a bit too complicated... but the basic idea of Austin going back to his paranoid, complete bastard roots is good. (The Jeckyll and Hyde scenario reminds me of an idea I read during the Taker-stalker storyline. Someone said the stalker should be the original Undertaker.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nikowwf Report post Posted March 17, 2003 Austin heel turn about killed them last time, so again, im not into it. niko Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ViciousFish Report post Posted March 17, 2003 I think it's great I loved paranoid psycho Austin. beer drinking, invincible Austin is boring, but then again I never really liked him until the Alliance days. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted March 17, 2003 Austin heel turn about killed them last time, so again, im not into it. niko Part of it was because they programmed him against Taker and Kane and then at KOTR they lost faith in the title match two weeks before the show. They badly botched his first couple months Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest evilhomer Report post Posted March 17, 2003 I like the idea, but it has a lot of potential to backfire. They've got to come out and openly admit how stale the Austin character is, which is unlikely in it's own right. Once they admit that, then they have to consistently keep Austin as the nametaking asskicking SOB that he was in the 90's. If he reverts back to What Austin, then they're giving us a character that they have said sucks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted March 17, 2003 It could work great if WWe had competant writers. With WWe's current writers it will come off more like the version of the Jeckyll & Hyde play starring David Hasselhoff. :shudders: The horror...the horror Also if this angle was handled well I don't think it would turn Austin heel. His overness as face has declined alittle and i think this angle handled right could get him back to high levels of face overness. After all Austin being a psycho ass kicker is what made the fans love him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted March 17, 2003 It could work great if WWe had competant writers. With WWe's current writers it will come off more like the version of the Jeckyll & Hyde play starring David Hasselhoff. :shudders: The horror...the horror Yeah...I wouldn't trust the current writers to do anything with an angle but fuck it up, even if it is a good idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sakura Report post Posted March 17, 2003 Too complicated, too silly. This angle is hokier than UT returning from the dead. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites