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Guest NoSelfWorth

The standard WWE contract

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Guest NoSelfWorth

While the name says McMahon, this is the standard WWE contract every wrestler signs, negotiations not withstanding:







This World Wrestling Federation Entertainment, Inc. Booking Contract

("Agreement"), dated this Fifteenth (15th) day of February, 2000, and made

effective as of January 1, 2000, by and between World Wrestling Federation

Entertainment, Inc., a Delaware corporation, with its principal place of

business at 1241 East Main Street, Stamford, Connecticut 06902 (hereinafter

referred to as "COMPANY"), and Vincent K. McMahon, an individual residing at 14

Hurlingham Drive, Greenwich, CT 06831 (hereinafter referred to as "TALENT").





WHEREAS, COMPANY is duly licensed, as required, to conduct professional

wrestling exhibitions and is actually engaged in the business of organizing,

publicizing, arranging, staging and conducting professional wrestling

exhibitions throughout the world and of representing professional wrestlers in

the promotion and exploitation of a professional wrestler's name, likeness,

personality and character; and


WHEREAS, COMPANY has established a nationwide network of television

stations which regularly broadcast COMPANY's wrestling programs for purposes of

publicizing COMPANY's professional wrestling exhibitions and COMPANY has

established a network of cable television organizations which regularly

broadcast COMPANY's professional wrestling exhibitions on a pay-per-view basis;

and in addition thereto, COMPANY has developed and produced certain other

television programs, which are also used to publicize, display and promote

COMPANY's professional wrestling exhibitions; and


WHEREAS, COMPANY's business operations afford TALENT opportunities to

wrestle and obtain public exposure which will increase the value of his

wrestling services and his standing in the professional wrestling community and

entertainment industry; and


WHEREAS, TALENT is duly licensed, as required, to engage in professional

wrestling exhibitions and is actually engaged in the business of performing as a

professional wrestler; and


WHEREAS, TALENT is a performing artist and the professional wrestling

exhibitions arranged by COMPANY constitute demonstrations of wrestling skills

and abilities designed to provide athletic-styled entertainment to the public,

and such wrestling exhibitions constitute entertainment and are not competitive

sports; and


WHEREAS, TALENT desires COMPANY to arrange wrestling matches for TALENT and

to assist TALENT in obtaining public exposure through live exhibitions,

television programs, public appearances, and merchandising activities, or






NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and agreements as

set forth herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and

sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties intending to be

legally bound, do hereby agree as follows:




1.1 TALENT hereby grants exclusively to COMPANY, and COMPANY hereby accepts,

the following worldwide rights:


(a) During the term of this Agreement as defined below, the right to engage

TALENT's performance in wrestling matches at professional wrestling exhibitions,

as well as appearances of any type at other events, engagements or entertainment

programs in which TALENT performs services as a professional wrestler,

entertainer or otherwise directed by COMPANY in its sole discretion

(collectively the "Events"), whether such Events are staged before a live

audience, in a television broadcast studio, on location (for later viewing or

broadcast) or otherwise.


(b) During the term of this Agreement as defined below, the right, in

perpetuity, to sell or otherwise distribute tickets of admission to the general

public for viewing any or all of the Events, as well as to view the Events on

any closed circuit television, pay-per-view television, video exhibition or any

other medium now known or hereinafter discovered.


© During the term of this Agreement and thereafter, as provided for in

this Agreement, the right to solicit, negotiate, and enter into agreements for

and on behalf of TALENT for the exploitation of Intellectual Property (as

defined hereinbelow) for merchandising, commercial tie-ups, publishing, personal

appearances, performances in non-wrestling events and endorsements.


1.2 In consideration of TALENT's granting of rights, license and other

services, as set forth herein, and provided TALENT shall faithfully and fully

perform all obligations hereunder, COMPANY shall endeavor to book TALENT as an

individual or as a member of a group, which determination shall be made in

COMPANY's sole discretion, in matches at various Events.




2.1 If COMPANY books TALENT to appear and perform at Events, TALENT hereby

grants to COMPANY and COMPANY hereby accepts, the exclusive right during the

term of this Agreement to video tape, film, photograph, or otherwise record, or

to authorize others to do so, by any media now known or hereinafter discovered,

TALENT's appearance, performance, commentary, and any other work product for any

or all of the Events. (These recordings by tape, disc, film, or otherwise are

collectively referred to herein as the "Programs".)


2.2 Notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement for any reason, and

notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, COMPANY shall have the

right to produce, reproduce, reissue, manipulate, reconfigure, license,

manufacture, record, perform, exhibit, broadcast, televise by any form of

television (including without limitation, free, cable, pay cable, closed circuit






pay-per-view television), transmit, publish, copy, reconfigure, compile,

print, reprint, vend, sell, distribute and use via any other medium now known or

hereinafter discovered, and to authorize others to do so, the Programs, in

perpetuity, in any manner or media and by any art, method or device, now known

or hereinafter discovered (including without limitation, by means of videodisc,

videocassette, optical, electrical and/or digital compilations, theatrical

motion picture and/or non-theatrical motion picture). All gags, costumes or

parts of costumes, accessories, crowns, inventions, championship, title or other

belts (if applicable), and any other items of tangible property provided to

TALENT by COMPANY and/or containing New Intellectual Property as defined in

paragraph 3.2 (a) shall be immediately returned to COMPANY upon termination of

this Agreement for any reason.


2.3 TALENT's appearance, performance and work product in any or all of the

Events and/or Programs shall be deemed work for hire; and notwithstanding the

termination of this Agreement, COMPANY shall own, in perpetuity, all Programs

and all of the rights, results, products and proceeds in and to, or derived from

the Events and Programs (including without limitation, all incidents, dialogue,

characters, actions, routines, ideas, gags, costumes or parts of costumes,

accessories, crowns, inventions, championship, title or other belts (if

applicable), and any other tangible or intangible materials written, composed,

submitted, added, improvised, or created by or for TALENT in connection with

appearance at the Events and/or in the Programs) and COMPANY may obtain

copyright and/or trademark and/or any other legal protection therefor, now known

or hereinafter discovered, in the name of COMPANY and/or on behalf of COMPANY's



2.4 If COMPANY directs TALENT, either singly or in conjunction with COMPANY, to

create, design or develop any copyrightable work (herein referred to as a

"Development"), such Development shall be deemed work for hire and COMPANY shall

own such Development. All Programs and Developments referred to in this

Agreement are collectively referred to as "Works."


2.5 All Works and TALENT's contributions thereto shall belong solely and

exclusively to COMPANY in perpetuity notwithstanding any termination of this

Agreement. To the extent that such Works are considered: (i) contributions to

collective works, (ii) a compilation, (iii) a supplementary work and/or (iv) as

part or component of a motion picture or other audio-visual work, the parties

hereby expressly agree that the Works shall be considered "works made for hire"

under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, as amended (17 U.S.C. (S) 101 et

seq.). In accordance therewith, all rights in and to the Works shall belong

exclusively to COMPANY in perpetuity, notwithstanding any termination of this

Agreement. To the extent that such Works are deemed works other than "works

made for hire," TALENT hereby assigns to COMPANY all right, title and interest

in and to all rights in such Works and all renewals and extensions of the

copyrights or other rights that may be secured under the laws now or hereafter

in force and effect in the United States of America or any other country or





3.1 The parties agree that as of the date of this Agreement, all service marks,

trademarks and any and all other distinctive and identifying indicia under which

TALENT claims any rights,





including but not limited to TALENT's legal name, nickname, ring name, likeness,

personality, character, caricatures, voice, signature, costumes, props,

gimmicks, gestures, routines and themes, which are owned by TALENT or in which

TALENT has any rights anywhere in the world (collectively, the "Original

Intellectual Property") are described and identified on Schedule A attached

hereto and incorporated herein by reference. During the Term of the Agreement,

TALENT hereby assigns in good faith to COMPANY and COMPANY hereby accepts all

worldwide right, title and interest in and to TALENT's Original Intellectual

Property, including, but not limited to, the rights to license, reproduce,

manipulate, promote, expose, exploit and otherwise use the Original Intellectual

Property anywhere in the world in any commercial manner, media, art form, method

or device now known or hereinafter discovered.


3.2 (a) With the exception of TALENT's Original Intellectual Property, any

service marks, trademarks and/or distinctive and identifying indicia, including

ring name, nickname, likeness, personality, character, caricatures, voice,

signature, props, gestures, routines, themes, incidents, dialogue, actions,

gags, costumes or parts of costumes, accessories, crowns, inventions,

championship, title or other belts (if applicable), and any other items of

tangible or intangible property written, composed, submitted, added, improvised,

created and/or used by or associated with TALENT's performance in the business

of professional wrestling or sports entertainment during the term of this

Agreement (collectively the "New Intellectual Property") are hereby assigned to

and shall belong to COMPANY, in perpetuity, with COMPANY retaining all such

ownership rights exclusively throughout the world notwithstanding any

termination of this Agreement.


(b) Upon the termination of this Agreement, all rights in and to the

Original Intellectual Property shall revert to TALENT, except that COMPANY, its

licensees, sublicensees and assigns may continue to exploit any and all

materials, goods, merchandise and other items incorporating the Original

Intellectual Property made before such termination, until all such materials,

goods and merchandise are sold off.


3.3 It is the intention of the parties that the New Intellectual Property

belongs to COMPANY, in perpetuity, even to the exclusion of TALENT, and shall

survive the termination of this Agreement for any reason. COMPANY shall have

the exclusive right to assign, license, sublicense, reproduce, promote, expose,

exploit and otherwise use the New Intellectual Property in any commercial manner

now known or hereinafter discovered, regardless of whether such rights are

exercised during or after the Term of this Agreement and notwithstanding

termination of this Agreement for any reason.


3.4 The Original Intellectual Property and the New Intellectual Property are

hereinafter collectively referred to as "Intellectual Property."


3.5 TALENT agrees to cooperate fully and in good faith with COMPANY for the

purpose of securing and preserving COMPANY's rights in and to the Intellectual

Property. In connection herewith, TALENT acknowledges and hereby grants to

COMPANY the exclusive worldwide right during the Term of this Agreement (with

respect to Original Intellectual Property) and in perpetuity





(with respect to New Intellectual Property) to apply for and obtain trademarks,

service marks, copyrights and other registrations throughout the world in

COMPANY's name and/or on behalf of Company's designee. At COMPANY's expense and

request, COMPANY and TALENT shall take such steps, as COMPANY deems necessary

for any registration or any litigation or other proceeding, to protect COMPANY's

rights in the Original Intellectual Property and/or New Intellectual Property

and/or Works.




4.1 TALENT hereby agrees that COMPANY shall have the exclusive right (i) during

the Term of this Agreement and thereafter, as provided in this Agreement, to use

the Original Intellectual Property and (ii) in perpetuity, to use the New

Intellectual Property in connection with the manufacture, production,

reproduction, reissuance, manipulation, reconfiguration, broadcast, rebroadcast,

distribution, sale, and other commercial exploitation in any manner, now known

or hereinafter discovered, of any and all materials, goods, merchandise and

other items incorporating the Intellectual Property. As to all such materials,

goods, merchandise or items created, developed, produced and/or distributed

during the Term of this Agreement using the Original Intellectual Property,

COMPANY shall have the exclusive right to sell and exploit such materials, goods

and merchandise until the sell-off of same. As to all such materials, goods,

merchandise or items using the New Intellectual Property, COMPANY shall have the

exclusive right, in perpetuity, to sell and exploit same forever. By way of

example and not of limitation, such items include t-shirts, posters, photos,

video tapes and video cassettes, dolls, books, biographies, articles and

stories, and any other such material goods, merchandise, or items relating to



4.2 It is the intention of the parties that COMPANY's rights described under

paragraph 4.1 are exclusive to COMPANY even to the exclusion of TALENT. COMPANY

shall own all copyrights and trademarks in any and all such materials, goods,

merchandise and items and shall be entitled to obtain copyright, trademark,

service mark or other registrations in COMPANY's name or on behalf of its

designee; and TALENT shall provide all reasonable assistance to COMPANY in so

obtaining such copyright, trademark, service mark or other registrations.




5.1 It is the understanding of the parties that all rights, licenses,

privileges and all other items herein given or granted or assigned by TALENT to

COMPANY are exclusive to COMPANY even to the exclusion of TALENT.




6.1 The term of the Agreement shall be co-terminus with a certain Employment

Agreement dated October 14, 2000 between World Wrestling Federation

Entertainment, Inc. and Vincent K.





McMahon ("Contract"). In the event the Contract is terminated for any reason, it

is agreed that this Agreement shall automatically terminate effective the date

of termination of the Contract.


6.2 Reference herein to the Term hereof means the Initial Term and any such

Renewal Term. During any such Renewal Term, all rights, duties, obligations,

and privileges hereunder shall continue as stated herein. Notwithstanding

anything herein to the contrary, termination of this Agreement for any reason

shall not affect COMPANY's ownership of and rights in, including but not limited

to, any Works, New Intellectual Property and any registrations thereof, or the

rights, results, products, and proceeds in and to and derived from TALENT during

the Term of this Agreement; and the exploitation of rights set forth in

Paragraphs l, 2, 3 and 4 hereof in any and all media now known or hereinafter



6.3 The territory of this Agreement shall be the world.





7.1 This paragraph is intentionally left blank.


7.2 (a) If TALENT appears and performs in any Event in an arena before a live

audience at which admission is charged other than those arena events which are

taped or broadcast for purposes pursuant to paragraph 7.2 (b) and paragraph 7.2

© hereof (hereinafter "House Shows"), TALENT shall be paid by COMPANY an

amount equal to such percentage of the paid receipts for such House Show from

the live House Show gate receipts only as is consistent with the nature of the

match in which TALENT appears, i.e., preliminary, mid-card, main event, etc. and

any standards COMPANY establishes specifically for such House Show. However,

such amount shall not be less than One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) per House



(b) If TALENT appears and performs in connection with an arena or studio

Event which is taped or broadcast for use on COMPANY's television network or on

a pay-per-view basis ("TV Taping"), TALENT shall be paid by COMPANY an amount

not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each day of TV Taping, if any, on which

TALENT renders services hereunder in connection with the production of the TV



7.3 PROMOTER shall not be liable in any way to pay royalties, residuals, fees,

or any other compensation whatsoever to WRESTLER in connection with the

performance of WRESTLER's Services hereunder other than as set forth in

Paragraph 7.2 above.


7.4 This paragraph is intentionally left blank.


7.5 This paragraph is intentionally left blank.





7.6 In the event the Original and/or New Intellectual Property are used by

COMPANY or licensed, sublicensed or assigned for non-wrestling personal

appearances and performances such as personal appearances for advertising or

non-wrestling promotional purposes, radio and television commercials, movies,

etc., TALENT shall earn an amount to be mutually agreed to by TALENT and by



7.7 If COMPANY instructs TALENT to appear and perform in any Events or Programs

as a commentator and/or to participate in post-Event production and/or voice-

over activities as a commentator, TALENT's commentating shall be deemed work-

for-hire and TALENT hereby assigns to COMPANY and COMPANY shall own all rights,

in perpetuity, to all of TALENT's commentary and TALENT shall not be entitled to

receive any royalty payments, or any additional compensation or residual

payments whatsoever, as a result of COMPANY's commercial exploitation of such

commentary in any form, whether broadcast programming, cable programming, pay-

per-view programming, videotapes, videodiscs, the Internet or other mediums now

or hereinafter discovered.


7.8 It is the understanding of the parties that TALENT shall not be paid

anything for COMPANY's exploitation of the Original and/or New Intellectual

Property in any of COMPANY's magazines or other publications, which COMPANY may

publish, produce or distribute at arenas, at newsstands and/or by mail or

through electronic or any other manner of media or distribution, now known or

hereinafter discovered, including, but not limited to, publication or

distribution on the Internet or America On Line.


7.9 For the avoidance of doubt and subject to paragraph 12.2, the non-compete

provision of this Agreement, TALENT acknowledges and agrees that TALENT shall

only be eligible for the payments set forth in paragraphs 7.1 through 7.6 above

in connection with Events or activities conducted by COMPANY.




8.1 Although under paragraph 9.1 TALENT shall bear responsibility for obtaining

appropriate licenses for participating in wrestling exhibitions, COMPANY shall

be responsible for obtaining all other appropriate licenses to conduct

professional wrestling exhibitions involving TALENT. If COMPANY, at its

discretion, agrees to assist TALENT in obtaining his licenses, TALENT shall

reimburse COMPANY for its fees and expenses incurred in connection therewith.


8.2 COMPANY shall bear the following costs in connection with the development

and enhancement of the value of TALENT's performance hereunder and TALENT's

standing in the professional wrestling community, all of which shall benefit



(a) In connection with TALENT's appearances and performance at Events

staged before a live audience, COMPANY shall bear the cost of location rental,

COMPANY's third party comprehensive liability insurance for the benefit of the

venues, applicable state and local admission taxes, promotional assistance,

sound and light equipment, wrestling ring, officials, police and fire





protection, and such additional security guards as COMPANY shall require in its

discretion during a professional wrestling match;


(b) In connection with the production, distribution, and exploitation of

the Programs, COMPANY shall bear all costs incurred in connection with such

production, distribution, broadcast, transmission or other forms of mass media



© In connection with any product or service licensing activities and/or

merchandising activities, COMPANY shall bear all costs of negotiating, securing

or otherwise obtaining the product or service licensing arrangements, including

costs of agents, consultants, attorneys and others involved in making the

product or service licensing activities; and COMPANY shall bear all costs of

creating, designing, developing, producing and marketing merchandise or

services. In order to fulfill these obligations, COMPANY may make any

arrangements, contractual or otherwise, it deems appropriate to delegate,

assign, or otherwise transfer its obligations.




9.1 TALENT shall bear responsibility for obtaining all appropriate licenses to

engage in, participate in, or otherwise appear in professional wrestling



9.2 TALENT shall be responsible for TALENT's own training, conditioning, and

maintenance of wrestling skills and abilities, as long as they do not interfere

with TALENT's appearance at scheduled events as follows:


(a) TALENT shall establish his own training program, shall select time of

training, duration of training, exercises, pattern of exercise and other actions

appropriate to obtaining and maintaining physical fitness for wrestling. TALENT

shall select his own training apparatus, including mats, weights, machines and

other exercise paraphernalia. TALENT is responsible for supplying his own

training facilities and equipment, whether by purchase, lease, license, or



(b) TALENT shall establish his own method of physical conditioning, shall

select time for conditioning, duration of conditioning and form of conditioning.

TALENT shall select time for sleep, time for eating, and time for other

activities. TALENT shall select his own foods, vitamins and other ingested

items, excepting illegal and/or controlled substances and drugs, which are

prohibited by COMPANY's Drug Policy.


9.3 TALENT shall be responsible for providing all costumes, wardrobe, props,

and make-up necessary for the performance of TALENT's services at any Event and

TALENT shall bear all costs incurred in connection with his transportation to

and from any such Events (except those transportation costs which are covered by

COMPANY's then current Travel Policy), as well as the





costs of food consumed and hotel lodging utilized by TALENT in connection with

his appearance at such Events.


9.4 TALENT shall use best efforts in employing TALENT's skills and abilities as

a professional TALENT and be responsible for developing and executing the

various details, movements, and maneuvers required of wrestlers in a

professional wrestling exhibition.


9.5 TALENT shall take such precautions as are appropriate to avoid any

unreasonable risk of injury to other wrestlers in any and all Events. These

precautions shall include, without limitation, pre-match review of all wrestling

moves and maneuvers with wrestling partners and opponents; and pre-match

demonstration and/or practice with wrestling partners and opponents to insure

familiarity with anticipated wrestling moves and maneuvers during a wrestling

match. In the event of injury to TALENT, and/or TALENT's partners and opponents

during a wrestling match, TALENT shall immediately signal partner, opponent

and/or referees that it is time for the match to end; and TALENT shall finish

the match forthwith so as to avoid aggravation of such injury.


9.6 TALENT shall use best efforts in the ring in the performance of wrestling

services for a match or other activity, in order to provide an honest exhibition

of TALENT's wrestling skills and abilities, consistent with the customs of the

professional wrestling industry; and TALENT agrees all matches shall be finished

in accordance with the COMPANY's direction. Breach of this paragraph shall

cause a forfeiture of any payment due TALENT pursuant to SECTION 7 of this

Agreement and all other obligations of COMPANY to TALENT hereunder, shall

entitle COMPANY to terminate this Agreement, but such breach shall not terminate

COMPANY's licenses and other rights under this Agreement.


9.7 TALENT agrees to cooperate and assist without any additional payment in the

publicizing, advertising and promoting of scheduled Events, including without

limitation, appearing at and participating in a reasonable number of joint

and/or separate press conferences, interviews, and other publicity or

exploitation appearances or activities (any or all of which may be filmed,

taped, or otherwise recorded, telecast by any form of television now known or

hereafter discovered, including without limitation free, cable, pay cable, and

closed circuit and pay-per-view television, broadcast, exhibited, distributed,

and used in any manner or media and by any art, method, or device now known or

hereafter created, including without limitation by means of videodisc, video

cassette, theatrical motion picture and/or non-theatrical motion picture and

Internet), at times and places designated by COMPANY, in connection therewith.


9.8 TALENT acknowledges the right of COMPANY to make decisions with respect to

the preparation and exploitation of the Programs and/or the exercise of any

other rights respecting Original and/or New Intellectual Property, and in this

connection TALENT acknowledges and agrees that COMPANY's decision with respect

to any agreements disposing of the rights to the Original and/or New

Intellectual Property are final, except as to TALENT's legal name, which COMPANY

may only dispose of upon TALENT's written consent. TALENT agrees to execute any

agreements COMPANY deems necessary in connection with any such agreements, and






TALENT is unavailable or refuses to execute such agreements, COMPANY is hereby

authorized to do so in TALENT's name as TALENT's attorney-in-fact.


9.9 TALENT agrees to cooperate fully and in good faith with COMPANY to obtain

any and all documentation, applications or physical examinations as may be

required by any governing authority with respect to TALENT's appearance and/or

performance in a professional wrestling match.


9.10 TALENT, on behalf of himself and his heirs successors, assigns and personal

representatives, shall indemnify and defend COMPANY and COMPANY's licensees,

assignees, parent corporation, subsidiaries and affiliates and its and their

respective officers, directors, employees, advertisers, insurers and

representatives and hold each of them harmless against any claims, demands,

liabilities, actions, costs, suits, attorney fees, proceedings or expenses,

incurred by any of them by reason of TALENT's breach or alleged breach of any

warranty, undertaking, representation, agreement, or certification made or

entered into herein or hereunder by TALENT. TALENT, on behalf of himself and his

heirs, successors, assigns and personal representatives, shall indemnify and

defend COMPANY and COMPANY's licensees, assignees, parent corporation,

subsidiaries and affiliates and its and their respective officers, directors,

employees, advertisers, insurers and representatives and hold each of the

harmless against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, actions, costs,

suits, attorney fees, proceedings or expenses, incurred by any of them, arising

out of TALENT'S acts, transactions and/or conduct within or around the ring,

hallways, dressing rooms, parking lots, or other areas within or in the

immediate vicinity of the facilities where COMPANY has scheduled Events at which

TALENT is booked. Such indemnification shall include all claims arising out of

any acts, transactions and/or conduct of TALENT or others occurring at Events or

in connection with any appearances or performances by TALENT not conducted by

COMPANY in accordance with this Agreement.


9.11 TALENT shall be responsible for payment of all of TALENT's own Federal,

state or local income taxes; all social security, FICA and FUTA taxes, if any,

as well as all contributions to retirement plans and programs, or other

supplemental income plan or program that would provide TALENT with personal or

monetary benefits upon retirement from professional wrestling.


9.12 (a) TALENT shall be responsible for his own commercial general liability

insurance, worker's compensation insurance, professional liability insurance, as

well as any excess liability insurance, as TALENT deems appropriate to insure,

indemnify and defend TALENT with respect to any and all claims arising out of

TALENT's own acts, transactions, or conduct.


(b) TALENT acknowledges that the participation and activities required by

TALENT in connection with TALENT's performance in a professional wrestling

exhibition may be dangerous and may involve the risk of serious bodily injury.

TALENT knowingly and freely assumes full responsibility for all such inherent

risks as well as those due to the negligence of COMPANY, other TALENTs or






© TALENT, on behalf of himself and his heirs, successors, assigns and

personal representatives, hereby releases, waives and discharges COMPANY from

all liability to TALENT and covenants not to sue COMPANY for any and all loss or

damage on account of injury to any person or property or resulting in serious or

permanent injury to TALENT or TALENT's death, whether caused by the negligence

of the COMPANY, other wrestlers or otherwise.


(d) TALENT acknowledges that the foregoing release, waiver and indemnity is

intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the law of the State,

Province or Country in which the professional wrestling exhibition or Events are

conducted and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the

balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full force and effect.


9.13 (a) TALENT may at his election obtain health, life and/or disability

insurance to provide benefits in the event of physical injury arising out of

TALENT's professional activities; and TALENT acknowledges that COMPANY shall not

have any responsibility for such insurance or payment in the event of physical

injury arising out of TALENT's professional activities.


(b) In the event of physical injury arising out of TALENT's professional

activities, TALENT acknowledges that TALENT is not entitled to any worker's

compensation coverage or similar benefits for injury, disability, death or loss

of wages; and TALENT shall make no claim against COMPANY for such coverage or



9.14 TALENT shall act at all times with due regard to public morals and

conventions during the term of this Agreement. If TALENT shall have committed

or shall commit any act or do anything that is or shall be an offense or

violation involving moral turpitude under Federal, state or local laws, or which

brings TALENT into public disrepute, contempt, scandal or ridicule, or which

insults or offends the community or any employee, agent or affiliate of COMPANY

or which injures TALENT's reputation in COMPANY's sole judgment, or diminishes

the value of TALENT's professional wrestling services to the public or COMPANY,

then at the time of any such act, or any time after COMPANY learns of any such

act, COMPANY shall have the right to fine TALENT in an amount to be determined

by COMPANY; and COMPANY shall have the right to suspend and/or terminate this

Agreement forthwith.




10.1 TALENT represents, warrants, and agrees that TALENT is free to enter into

this Agreement and to grant the rights and licenses herein granted to COMPANY;

TALENT has not heretofore entered and shall not hereafter enter into any

contract or agreement which is in conflict with the provisions hereof or which

would or might interfere with the full and complete performance by TALENT of his

obligations hereunder or the free and unimpaired exercise by COMPANY of any of

the rights and licenses herein granted to it; TALENT further represents and

warrants there are no prior or pending claims, administrative proceedings, civil

lawsuits, criminal prosecutions or other litigation matters, including without

limitation any immigration or athletic commission related matters, affecting

TALENT which would or might interfere with COMPANY's full and complete





exercise or enjoyment of any rights or licenses granted hereunder. Any

exceptions to this Warranty are set forth in Schedule B, attached hereto.


10.2 TALENT represents, warrants and agrees that TALENT is in sound mental and

physical condition; that TALENT is suffering from no disabilities that would

impair or adversely affect TALENT's ability to perform professional wrestling

services; and that TALENT is free from the influence of illegal drugs or

controlled substances, which can threaten TALENT's well being and pose a risk of

injury to TALENT or others. To insure compliance with this warranty, TALENT

shall abide by COMPANY's Drug Policy for TALENT, as well as any and all

amendments, additions, or modifications to the COMPANY's Drug Policy implemented

during the Term of this Agreement and consents to the sampling and testing of

his urine in accordance with such Policy. In addition, TALENT agrees to submit

annually to a complete physical examination by a physician either selected or

approved by COMPANY. COMPANY's current Drug Policy, which TALENT acknowledges

herewith receiving, is annexed hereto and incorporated by reference and made a

part hereof.


10.3 COMPANY reserves the right to have TALENT examined by a physician of its

own choosing at its expense at any point during the Term of this Agreement.


10.4 TALENT further represents, warrants and agrees that this Agreement

supersedes all prior booking agreements between TALENT and COMPANY, whether

written or oral, and that he has been fully compensated, where applicable, under

such prior booking agreement(s).




11.1 This Agreement may be terminated prior to the end of its Term by a written

instrument executed by each of the parties expressing their mutual consent to so

terminate without any further liability on the part of either. In the event of

such early termination, COMPANY shall pay TALENT for all uses of the

Intellectual Property in accordance with Section 7 of this Agreement.


11.2 This Agreement will be terminated by TALENT's death during the Term, with

no further compensation due TALENT's heirs, successors, personal representatives

or assigns.


11.3 Upon the termination of this Agreement for any reason, including breach,

the parties acknowledge and agree that COMPANY shall own all right, title and

interest in all Works, New Intellectual Property and any registrations thereof

and COMPANY shall have the exclusive right to sell or otherwise dispose of any

materials, goods, merchandise or other items (i) produced during the Term of

this Agreement incorporating any Original Intellectual Property, and (ii)

produced incorporating New Intellectual Property, in perpetuity.




12.1 The parties further agree that because of the special, unique, and

extraordinary nature of the obligations of COMPANY and TALENT respecting all

rights and licenses concerning bookings,





promoting, Programs, Events, Intellectual Property, which are the subject matter

of this Agreement, TALENT's breach of this Agreement shall cause COMPANY

irreparable injury which cannot be adequately measured by monetary relief; as a

consequence COMPANY shall be entitled to injunctive and other equitable relief

against TALENT to prevent TALENT's breach or default hereunder and such

injunction or equitable relief shall be without prejudice to any other rights,

remedies or damages which COMPANY is legally entitled to obtain.


12.2 In no circumstances, whatsoever, shall either party to this Agreement be

liable to the other party for any punitive or exemplary damages; and all such

damages, whether arising out of the breach of this Agreement or otherwise, are

expressly waived.




13.1 Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to constitute TALENT

as an employee, partner or joint venturer of COMPANY, nor shall TALENT have any

authority to bind COMPANY in any respect. TALENT is an independent contractor

and TALENT shall execute and hereby irrevocably appoints COMPANY attorney-in-

fact to execute, if TALENT refuses to do so, any instruments necessary to

accomplish or confirm the foregoing or any and all of the rights granted to

COMPANY herein.


13.2 This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties with

respect to the subject matter hereof and all prior booking contracts entered

into between COMPANY and TALENT and as amended are merged into this Agreement.

There are no other agreements, representations, or warranties not set forth

herein with respect to the subject matter hereof; and the parties expressly

acknowledge that any representation, promise or inducement by any party to any

other party that is not embodied in this Agreement is not part of this

Agreement, and they agree that no party shall be bound by or liable for any such

alleged representation, promise or inducement not set forth herein.


13.3 This Agreement may not be changed or altered except in writing signed by



13.4 Any term or provision of this Agreement which is invalid or unenforceable

in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent

of such invalidity or unenforceability without rendering invalid or

unenforceable the remaining terms and provisions of this Agreement, or affecting

the validity or enforceability of any of the terms or provisions of this

Agreement in any other jurisdiction.


13.5 COMPANY shall have the right to assign, license, or transfer any or all of

the rights granted to and hereunder to any person, firm or corporation, provided

that such assignee has the financial ability to meet the Company's obligations

hereunder, and if any assignee shall assume in writing COMPANY's obligations

hereunder, COMPANY shall have no further obligations to TALENT. TALENT may not

assign, transfer or delegate his rights or obligations hereunder and any attempt

to do so shall be void.





13.6 Any notices required or desired hereunder shall be in writing and sent

postage prepaid by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by prepaid

telegram addressed as follows, or as the parties may hereafter in writing

otherwise designate:




World Wrestling Federation

Entertainment, Inc. Vincent K. McMahon

Attn: Linda E. McMahon 14 Hurlingham Drive

President and Chief Executive Officer Greenwich, CT 06831

1241 E. Main Street

Stamford, CT 06902


The date of mailing shall be deemed to constitute the date of service of

any such notice by COMPANY. The date of receipt shall be deemed to constitute

the date of service of any such notice by TALENT.


13.7 This Agreement is made in Connecticut and shall be governed by and

interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Connecticut, exclusive

of its provisions relating to conflicts of law.


13.8 In the event there is any claim, dispute, or other matter in question

arising out of or relating to this Agreement, the enforcement of any provisions

therein, or breach of any provision thereof, it shall be submitted to the

Federal, state or local courts, as appropriate, only in the State of

Connecticut. This provision to submit all claims, disputes or matters in

question to the Federal or state courts in the State of Connecticut shall be

specifically enforceable; and each party, hereby waiving personal service of

process and venue, consents to jurisdiction in Connecticut for purposes of any

other party seeking or securing any legal and/or equitable relief.




14.1 Other than as may be required by applicable law, government order or

regulations, or by order or decree of the Court, TALENT hereby acknowledges and

agrees that in further consideration of COMPANY's entering into this Agreement,

and continued Agreement, TALENT shall not, at any time during this Agreement, or

after the termination of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever, disclose to

any person, organization, or publication, or utilize for the benefit or profit

of TALENT or any other person or organization, any sensitive or otherwise

confidential business information, idea, proposal, secret, or any proprietary

information obtained while with COMPANY and/or regarding COMPANY, its employees,

independent contractors, agents, officers, directors, subsidiaries, affiliates,

divisions, representatives, or assigns. Included in the foregoing, by way of

illustration only and not limitation, are such items as reports, business plans,

sales information, cost or pricing information, lists of suppliers or customers,

talent lists, story lines, scripts, story boards or ideas, routines, gags,

costumes or parts of costumes, accessories, crowns, inventions, championship,

title or other belts (if applicable) and any other tangible or intangible

materials written, composed, submitted, added, improvised, or created by or for






connection with appearances in the Programs, information regarding any

contractual relationships maintained by COMPANY and/or the terms thereof, and/or

any and all information regarding TALENTs engaged by COMPANY.


14.2 TALENT acknowledges and agrees that its agreement to be bound by the terms

hereof is a material condition of COMPANY's willingness to use and continue to

use TALENT's services. Other than as may be required by applicable law,

government order or regulation; or by order or decree of the court, the parties

agree that neither of them shall publicly divulge or announce, or in any manner

disclose, to any third party, any of the specific terms and conditions of this

Agreement; and both parties warrant and covenant to one another that none of

their officers, directors, employees or agents will do so either.


All of the terms and conditions of any Addenda or Schedules are

incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the day and year

first above written.







By:_______________________________ By:___________________________

James Ross Vincent K. McMahon

Senior Vice President Talent Relations

& Wrestling Administration






) ss: Stamford



On ____________________ 2000 before me personally came James Ross, Senior

Vice President of Talent Relations & Wrestling Administration., to me known, and

known to me to be the individual described in, and who executed the foregoing,

and duly acknowledged to me that he is a duly authorized corporate officer of

World Wrestling Federation Entertainment, Inc., and that he executed the same on

behalf of said Company.


WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this _____ day of _____________, 2000.





Notary Public


My commission expires: ____________





) ss:




I am a Notary Public for said County and State, do hereby certify that

Vincent K. McMahon personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the

due execution of the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed for the

purposes therein expressed.


WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this _____ day of ______________, 2000.






Notary Public



My commission expires: ____________








Vincent K. McMahon

Vince McMahon

Mr. McMahon














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Guest Vitamin X

"Vincent K. McMahon, an individual residing at 14

Hurlingham Drive, Greenwich, CT 06831 (hereinafter referred to as "TALENT")."



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Guest nikowwf

I give serious props to anyone who can read through that enough to comment on it.



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Lets leave a bag full of dog crap burning in front of his doorstep and we ring the doorbell before we cut out. :P

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Guest Vitamin X
I give serious props to anyone who can read through that enough to comment on it.



gimme props then


seriously though, there's a lot of interesting things in there that are interesting especially over the stone cold walkout scenario....

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Guest Flyboy
Vincent K. McMahon

Vince McMahon

Mr. McMahon


Okay, Vince. We get the point... you're in charge.

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Guest kane3212321
9.6 consistent with the customs of the professional wrestling industry;


So everyone whould be playing politics, making everyone look bad and trying to screw their way up through the company.

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Guest bravesfan
Now we know where he lives at least.

I thought that was the address for titan?

The first address is the Titan Tower's office.


The second address is Vince's home address.

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Guest Zero_Cool

mapquest.com rocks! I now have my map to flaming dog poop!


Maybe I'll read the contract someday...maybe.

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Guest Retro Rob

It must suck for the lower card guys when they have house shows far from their home town. The minimum amount they make for house shows is only $150.

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Guest Retro Rob
"Vincent K. McMahon, an individual residing at 14

Hurlingham Drive, Greenwich, CT 06831 (hereinafter referred to as "TALENT")."



I know for Long Island, there is a website with pictures of every residential home. I wonder if their is one for Connecticuit.

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Guest Miss Indy Queen

wow I didn't think there were so many clauses in their contracts and Vitamin is right with the interesting facts in there when you think about the Stone Cold walkout situation. I'm definitely surprised.

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Guest DerangedHermit
"Vincent K. McMahon, an individual residing at 14

Hurlingham Drive, Greenwich, CT 06831 (hereinafter referred to as "TALENT")."



I know for Long Island, there is a website with pictures of every residential home. I wonder if their is one for Connecticuit.

Where? I have to see this!

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Guest I'm That Damn Zzzzz
7.1 This paragraph is intentionally left blank.

7.4 This paragraph is intentionally left blank.

7.5 This paragraph is intentionally left blank.


What's the point of leaving three paragraphs blank?

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Guest Retro Rob

7.1 This paragraph is intentionally left blank.

7.4 This paragraph is intentionally left blank.

7.5 This paragraph is intentionally left blank.


What's the point of leaving three paragraphs blank?

Maybe stuff used to be written there and was taken off the contract for the time being, but may be re-added down the line.

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