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Guest GameCop

What's your dream movie?

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Guest GameCop

Here's mine: A sullen man in his 40's wakes up one morning to discover that his entire family is gone. His wife, daughter, and son have vanished without one trace -- everything is very placid and tranquil. He looks for a ransom note, and can't find anything. He waits for a phone call or a mere sign -- again, nothing. Towards the latter half, the man realizes that he never had a family; what he saw were all figments of his imagination. This lonely recluse decides to change his ways. He starts to mingle with people, become a little more gregarious, and open himself up to the world. Eventually, the man finds happiness and a real family of his own.

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Guest razazteca

Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Chow Yun Fat, Zhang Ziyi, Michelle Yeoh, Donnie Yen in the live action DBZ movie.

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Guest BorneAgain

A single lower class father finds out his son has a rare and deadly virus. With little or no money to pay for it, he is forced to resort to a life of crime, but starts questioning how far he's willing to go to save him.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

A word for word, shot for shot remake of the Cannonball Run. Considering you've got Pierce Brosnan playing the guy who thinks he's Roger Moore, that's comedy gold.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I've had this idea for a movie in my head for about 7 years.


A speech writer (played by Harrison Ford), who used to be a mayor of a small town until an unfortunate accident had pushed Ford away from the spotlight and he now has made his way to the big city of Chicago writing speeches for the current Mayor (Tommy Lee Jones) in his re-election campaign.


The Mayors right hand man (James Woods) tells Ford to write a speech about the death of an opponent running for Mayor... The thing is, he hasn't died yet... The next day he is found dead and the death is believed to have occurred a few hours before Ford wrote the speech. Ford becomes suspicious and learns of the Mayors dastardly plan. He tries to tell the cops but they are on the take. He realises the only thing he can do to stop Jones is to run against him.

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Guest razazteca
I've had this idea for a movie in my head for about 7 years.


A speech writer (played by Harrison Ford), who used to be a mayor of a small town until an unfortunate accident had pushed Ford away from the spotlight and he now has made his way to the big city of Chicago writing speeches for the current Mayor (Tommy Lee Jones) in his re-election campaign.


The Mayors right hand man (James Woods) tells Ford to write a speech about the death of an opponent running for Mayor... The thing is, he hasn't died yet... The next day he is found dead and the death is believed to have occurred a few hours before Ford wrote the speech. Ford becomes suspicious and learns of the Mayors dastardly plan. He tries to tell the cops but they are on the take. He realises the only thing he can do to stop Jones is to run against him.

The Fugative part 6, but I would recast Jones as the lead investigator of the FBI and have Ford on the run looking for the real killer.......Benicio Deltoro.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Deltoro can be the owner of a local Deli who used to be a secret agent for the Mayor and becomes befriended by Ford.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Buddy comedy with Jack Black, Jason Lee, Bruce Campbell, and John Cusak, throw in Christopher Walken as their wacky boss...I don't have a name or a story or anything...but that would kick ass

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Aside from the idea my friend Shannon and I had for a movie (and a pretty weak script that would probably be about 45 minutes long, but was still good enough to be read a few times over), where it basically combines Jawbreaker and Cruel Intentions with Better Off Dead with a punk soundtrack, I've had some good ideas for horror movies...


One I entitled Florentine, which is about a chemical pesiticide being developed that mutates plants into man-eaters (I got this idea from an episode of Extreme Ghostbusters and hearing of the movie Habitat).

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Arnold, Van Damme, Segal, and Stallone vs. Jack Black in the action movie of the century.

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Guest Lil Naitch

A group of teenagers recruited by the DEA to help break a Drug Ring in their school.

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Guest TonyJaymzReloaded

probably the 10-15 movies insdie my head(and partiatlly on computer screen) that I have to finish.

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Guest Nevermortal

A Satan-worshipping psychotic coke dealer with a fixation on burying people alive goes against a cop trying to bring his cartel down.

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Guest Youth N Asia

A 17 year old kid coming straight out of high school leaves his quiet upper-middle class life to try and make it in L.A. has a porn star, where he's taken under the wing of a retired adult star, "Barry Bonemore," and shows him the ropes. Wads are blown and lessons are learned in. "MalCUM in the MIddle"


Staring Frankie Muniz as "Philmore Cracks"

and Robert Redford as "Barry Bonemore"

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

A shifty stockyard manager (Joe Pesci) tries his hand at boxing, using Rocky training, etc. Only fails miserably. His weirdo manager (Christopher Walken) suggests that he should try fighting women instead. He tries to join the womens' amateur ranks, but isn't allowed in. he fights the supreme court, wins, and is allowed in. He goes straight to the professional ranks, and goes 56-0 with 56 KOs, making him the most reviled yet most successful man in professional sports. At the gym, he meets his love interest (Kathy Bates), and they hit it off. Eventually, Pesci plans to retire, but his promoter finally sqeezes the money fight out of the couple. They fight each other for a 50 million dollar purse. They make an agreement before the fight for him to take a dive, just to give the fans what they want. Well, come fight night, he pulls a swerve and knocks her out with one punch. He takes the winner's share and goes to vegas, where he blows every last cent and then shoots himself.

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Guest Dmann2000

Michael Caine stars as an obessive billionare who hires biologist Brad Pitt to accompany him on an expidition into the Himilayas. With Robert DeNiro as the rugged expert mountain climber. Caine wants to try and find the mythical 'Abominidal Snowman" *sp* but when the group gets stranded on the mountain, there minds start to crack. Is the monster real? Are they going insane. Who is the real monster, man or...."Yeti".


Also. Viggo Morgenstern plays a man in the late 1800's who's lost his wife and young child to typhoid fever. He's become withdrawn and when gold is found in Alaska, he moves up there to try and start a new life. There he meets up with ex-slave Morgan Freeman who tried to move as far away from the pain of his past and a local brothel woman played by Olivia Williams in...."The Last Frontier"

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Guest Dmann2000

Also, seeing as how the project is in turnaround I'd like a crack at that Michael Larsen movie. I'd cast John C Rieley to play Larsen now (Murray's too old)

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

A big party with monsters, that only I invite, then they all get drunk and destroy a small village, and/or rape the inhabitants.

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Guest CED Ordonez

45 minutes of non-stop martial arts fighting, complete with Chinese wireworks.

A 2 minute intermission to explain the plot while people take a breather.

A 30 minute bloody gun slinging finale that'd make Hard Boiled look like Sesame Street.


Either that or a live action Street Fighter movie that doesn't suck.

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Guest RevEvil

I wrote a long and discriptive post about my movie. However, the site decided to fuck up on me, so I lost it. Let's just say that my movie is like Can't Hardly Wait except the main guy doesn't get the girl, and most of the characters end up dead, disfigured, or arrested.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

From the SWF General Board down at the bottom from a while back...


So me and Chris were talking online, and we came up with a GREAT movie idea. It's called A Kitty's Dynasty and the story... well, I'll post our AIM conversation, which includes the story. Please read it, it's epic... but it's a quick read and a stroke of genius. But will somebody please appreciate this masterpiece and fund it with a few million dollars? It's sure to be a hit, I promise. Anyhow, here it is... oh, and if you know your stuff, you'll notice that it vaguely resembles something that symbolizes the Korean War.


A Kitty's Dynasty

--Intitial Storyboards By Taylor Thompson--

--Inspired By Chris Raynor--





HighRes1: Looking for an excuse to stay up lat-


Oops. I have a rough draft of a story due tomorrow... forgot about that...

HighRes1: Any suggestions?

Oakly777: For a story?

HighRes1: Yea.

HighRes1: 3-5 pages.

Oakly777: Write a story about three drifting teens trying to prove themselves to the outside World, but have it also directly parallel the Korean War, as two of the teens fail miserably, eventually becoming drug-whores

Oakly777: All three teens are middle class bisexuals living in New Orleans, btw.

HighRes1: ... I was thinking something with cats.

Oakly777: Well, you could have one of them have sex with the cat.

HighRes1: The one who doesn't become a drug whore becomes a cat molester.

HighRes1: I like where this is going.

Oakly777: Nah, just an guy with an animal fetish.

Oakly777: He eventually acquires a burning desire to have sex with a horse, so he attempts to buy one, but has to sell all of his cocaine to raise the money

HighRes1: You should write movies.

Oakly777: True.

Oakly777: No wait, we need to map this entire story out so then we can pitch it on the Community boards and see if anyone will fund it

HighRes1: Whip up a draft and email it to me.

Oakly777: Alright, so, we start in New Orleans... 14 year old girl named Zoey, bisexual, aspiring to be an actress, currently in a single matress infomercial on a local television station, and that's it.

HighRes1: What's the cat's name?

Oakly777: Her older brother, 16, the cat-molester, Nick. He already does pot, but nothing else [yet]... his dream is to start up his own chain of Laundry Mats, as he thinks that the Laundry Mat business is a jackpot waiting to be hit

Oakly777: The cat's name is Santiago.

HighRes1: It's amazing how quick you're coming up with this stuff... almost as if you already had it written down somewhere, and are just relaying it to me...

Oakly777: Then, Zoey's best friend, 15, is named Lanette.

Oakly777: Her father is a drunkard, and her mother is never seen or mentioned, but it's assumed that she was Irish due to Lanette's slight accent.

Oakly777: She wants to be...

Oakly777: Hrm.

HighRes1: The father's drunk, but the mother is Irish?



Oakly777: A fashion designer.

Oakly777: But she wants to do it without working.

Oakly777: So she's trying to...

Oakly777: Bah, scratch that.

Oakly777: She wants to get into photography

Oakly777: The only class at school that she actually goes to is Photography, as she either fucks, sucks, or sniffs for a vast majority of the rest of the day

HighRes1: No no no... fucks, sucks, AND sniffs.

Oakly777: She's also bisexual, and has actually fucked both Zoey and Nick several times.

Oakly777: Zoey and Nick have not had sex however due to being related by blood, save one time when Zoey was 11, and Nick was slightly hammered from a party just a few hours earlier

Oakly777: Now.

Oakly777: All three want to succeed in their respectable goals and shit...

HighRes1: And Nick wants to fuck cats, right?

Oakly777: Yes, but not yet.

Oakly777: And through some means, they all figure that drug money will help them out in achieving their goals.

Oakly777: So they sell pot for a few weeks, until Zoey gets shot in the foot by a Cuban with only three and a half fingers between both of his hands.

Oakly777: They realize that it's a bit dangerous.

HighRes1: How does Zoe explain the wound to her family? Or does she not live at home?

Oakly777: As soon as she gets some money her and her brother move into an apartment together... er, and by "apartment" I mean the basement of Zachary Hicc's house. Zack is someone who Zoey fucks occasionally for money

Oakly777: or drugs

Oakly777: or both

HighRes1: Or neither.

Oakly777: Ok, so. They then discover that there's a much more subtle, and valuable market that's based on the distribution of Raw Ether.

Oakly777: Okay, so... from here they each eventually fall to drugs. Zoey becomes a total drug-whore who is in Zachary's room [with about 5 guys at a time] about 17 hours a day, so that she can earn enough to get by while still getting high.

HighRes1: Where is she for the other 7 hours?

Oakly777: 1 hour is sleep, 3 hours is doing drugs, other 4 hours spent in Lanette's room, banging her

HighRes1: lol

Oakly777: Meanwhile, Lanette having sex with both Zoey and Nick has caused them to get utterly pissed at eachother, so Nick leaves to go back and live with his parents, and their one cat, Santiago.

Oakly777: One night when he's had too much ether, he fucks the cat while he's taking a bath.

Oakly777: He then becomes addicted to this.

Oakly777: Soon he's trying every species available, especially dogs, however, he desperately wants to buy a horse.

Oakly777: So that he can have sex with it, you see.

HighRes1: Of course.

HighRes1: There's a music number in here somewhere, right?

Oakly777: So, he sells all of his cocaine, and goes to buy the horse, however, having not had cocaine in 13 hours, he has a stroke because his body now depends on having drugs

Oakly777: At this point, there is a music video featuring closeups of Nick's eyes, and an orgy in Zack's room to parallel the downfall of the two lost siblings

HighRes1: What song?

Oakly777: "Rudie Can't Fail" by the Clash

Oakly777: He gets taken to the hospital, and he's given morphine. He then becomes addicted to morphine, and escapes by holding a nurse hostage, threatening to inject her with all of the morphine he has

Oakly777: He gets past security, and into his car. Upon doing this, he injects himself with all of the morphine he has.

Oakly777: He drives for a little bit, and through the drug frenzy somehow thinks that he is in love with Lanette, who he has only fucked 36 times within the last month.

HighRes1: Nah... Two weeks.

Oakly777: Fair enough.

Oakly777: He drives to her house to pick her up, with plans of moving to Bayon, New Jersey and starting up the laundry mat thing

Oakly777: One might note that aside from her showing up at his house and fucking him, and then driving to Zoey's rental place and fucking her, Lanette has been pretty incognito for a few weeks.

HighRes1: Suspicious indeed.

Oakly777: It turns out that she's finally made a prophet in the Photography business, by taking pictures of herself while her father rams her up the ass, or in other various orphises/holes, even cutting her open to make new ones and what have you.

HighRes1: ...

Oakly777: He arrives during one of her and her father's little molestation sessions, and kills the dad with an authentic crossbow that was being displayed on the wall

HighRes1: ... I know that... what's that from?

Oakly777: Crossbow?

HighRes1: I could swear killing someone with an authentic crossbow that was being displayed on the wall is a phrase you've used before.

Oakly777: Um... it's used in SORT of the same way in Deuce Bigalow, I think the pimp tries to shoot him with a crossbow in that

Oakly777: I don't remember using it before, and I wasn't concsiously thinking of that when I thought it up just now.

HighRes1: Ah well. Continue.

Oakly777: Either way, Lanette is quite upset, and decks him with a curling iron.

Oakly777: He falls, she rips the arrow out of her father's thigh, as he's bled to death now, and stabs Nick in the gut with it.

Oakly777: He slowly bleeds to death.

Oakly777: Feeling guilty suddenly, Lannette [who is obviously stoned] tries to have sex with Nick's dead body, and does so for an hour before his penis becomes too cold to ride without getting the chills.

Oakly777: Now, at this point we need to do something with Lanette, Zoey, and Zack... ideas?

HighRes1: ...

HighRes1: Who was Zack again?

Oakly777: Zoey and Lanette used to be best friends but now haven't spoken in a month, besides Lanette showing up with a stap-on and banging Zoey for 4 hours every night.

Oakly777: Zack is Zoey's pimp. He lets her live in his basement and holds gangbangs in his room for 17 hours straight each day, in which he and various other friends fuck Zoey and only Zoey for 17 hours. She gets paid 10-dollars a day.

Oakly777: She spends it all on cocaine, or raw ether.

HighRes1: Right, right. Sorry, I got confused.

HighRes1: Ok, sooo...

Oakly777: Lanette shows up at Zack's...

Oakly777: Now think of something for her to do.

HighRes1: Zack finds out about the little Lannete/Zoe sessions, and is pissed that Zoe's doing it for free.

HighRes1: So he clocks Zoe with an open and well-heated waffle iron.

HighRes1: Then kidnaps Lannette...

HighRes1: Trying to think where and why...

Oakly777: No no no, Lannette shows up looking for Zoey, because she wants Zoey to finger her for a few hours to calm her down after the death of Nick and her father.

HighRes1: I want the waffle-iron in here somewhere.

Oakly777: Zack assumes that "She's a bitch who's been gettin' free play"

Oakly777: He gags her, and sets her up spreadeagle on his bed.

Oakly777: He charges $12 per-person for guys to come in and fuck Zoey for however long they please.

Oakly777: This goes on without stopping for at least 6 days

HighRes1: She goes without water for six days?

Oakly777: Well, she lives on cum.

Oakly777: Anyhow.

Oakly777: Actually, this goes on for 2 weeks.

Oakly777: At this point, Zack has fed her all of three times, but is willing to let her go because Zoey has promised to stop fucking her.

Oakly777: However, he then finds out that Lanette is pregnant while he's scraping up the dried Period blood and urin left behind with a Pregnant Test device.

Oakly777: She's still tied up, btw.

Oakly777: Wanting to get rid of the baby without killing her, he cuts open her clitoris and ovaries in search of the baby.

Oakly777: She bleeds to death before he finds it, sadly.

HighRes1: There's probably irony in that somewhere.

Oakly777: Well yeah, if you know your history. It symbolizes the last battle of the Korean War, fool.

Oakly777: Anyhow.

Oakly777: Zoey is the only teen left, and she has AID's, Ghonorrhea, and Herpes by now.

Oakly777: Oh, and a slight cold, too.

HighRes1: You're a cruel man, TNT/

HighRes1: .

Oakly777: It turns out that she's become famous on the underground whore circuit as the "BANG BANG ALL DAY ALL DAY" lady.

Oakly777: Two small Japanese men come and offer to buy her services from Zack.

HighRes1: This movie is gonna be longer than Lord of the Rings.

Oakly777: Just under 4 hours, yeah.

Oakly777: They offer her $30 if she stars in a porn video called...

Oakly777: "TEH FUQ"

Oakly777: It features the following:

Oakly777: A Belgian cable guy named Seigfried shows up at the innocent Zoey's house looking to hook up her cable.

Oakly777: She wants him to hook her up with Cocaine, instead.

Oakly777: He says that it'll come at the price of pleasure, though.

HighRes1: At the price of pleasure? That's beautiful.

Oakly777: From here, Zoey gives him head. She them spits his cum into a syringe. She injects his cum into his ass, and he takes a shit into her mouth. She eats his phesies, and then they fuck for two solid hours, while reading the Karma Sutra.

Oakly777: And finally, Zoey hits a gold-mine as an actress with "TEH FUQ," which makes her about 7-million dollars through the video sales, subscription to her official webpage, and the toy sales

HighRes1: ... toy sales?

Oakly777: yes, the toys that are based on the movie, silly

Oakly777: She moves to France, and while fucking a church-goer in a Church Confession box, she has a moment of clarity.

Oakly777: She believes that her success was all due to her brother Nick helping her out from Heaven.

Oakly777: She devotes her life to God, becomes a nun, and lives in a Ministry.

HighRes1: Fucking the nuns, of course.

Oakly777: Zack dies in a tragic female-menstration accident just a month later, and Zoey holds an entire sevice in his memory.

Oakly777: This is the ending, as we fade out to Prince's "Head"

HighRes1: What should the name of this masterpiece be?

Oakly777: Okay, now, I'll post this conversation on the Community boards, and see if anyone will fund it, eh?

Oakly777: Oh...

Oakly777: Um...

Oakly777: Well, you're going to do the actual writing, so you can name it.

Oakly777: Make sure that you give it a name that'll work for both cinema AND broadway, though

HighRes1: lmao

Oakly777: Give it a name, and I'll post it on the boards.

HighRes1: Nah.

Oakly777: Dude, that was the POINT!

HighRes1: We had a point?

Oakly777: Well, we need to get someone to fund it.

Oakly777: Edwin, Annie, MrG or Andrea will, I promise.

Oakly777: Now just give it a name, heh.

HighRes1: ... nah.

HighRes1: I'm giving you full license to do with the project what you will.

Oakly777: How about "A Kitty's Dynasty"

HighRes1: ... you are a strange and frightening thing.

Oakly777: Genius, I'll post it and we'll get someone in the executive producer spot right away.


...*cough* ASIDE from that... I have a few abstract ideas, most of them very Pulp Fiction-esque. Nothing too original or detailed right now... besides the movie mentioned above. I mean, come on, genius.

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Guest Ravenbomb

Cast: Edward Norton, Sean Patrick Flannery, Benicio Del Toro, Jake Gylenhaal, Kate Hudson


Plot: Norton and Flannery did So Far Unnamed crime, but only Norton got caught and got convicted. So Flannery thinks up a plan to get him an Norton and their money (the crime involved them getting a lot of money I guess) on a boat and going to A Country In Europe. But Norton wants to bring his cellmate who he made friends with (Benicio Del Toro), so they bring him. They kidnap this guy and his girlfriend (Gylenhaal and Hudson respectively) and use their car as a means of transportation to the dock where the boat is. Meanwhile Flannery finds out that Del Toro is nuts and killed a lot of people, and he was docile in prison because they kept him heavily medicated. Since they don't have the medication, he starts flipping out. So for the first 2/3 of the movie, they have to evade arrest while dealing with him, and the last third is them on the boat, still with Gylenhaal and Hudson and still with Benicio Del Toro (it's not a private boat, so there are other people).

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Guest converge241




a serial killer who wants to kill the famous serial killers who are still at large and the ones in prison..and of course the FBI thats hunting him


i mean there is a lot more to it that that but thats the gist


ive written some half assed rough versions but over the summer i should be able to hammer out the real screenplay

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
A big party with monsters, that only I invite, then they all get drunk and destroy a small village, and/or rape the inhabitants.

Opponents for me:

  • The Ghostbusters
  • Link
  • Ash
  • Simon Belmont
  • The Power Rangers
  • Hulk Hogan
  • A group of Mideval Knights
  • God
  • SOme other evil force in the Universe
  • Victor Frankenstein
  • Death (Grim Reaper)

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Guest RevEvil

How about a movie about two hot sisters that have an incestuous relationship. :D

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Guest Downhome

Do some of you guys write screenplays? Some of these are very good. If you do not, why don't you?

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Guest Brian

I'm working on some screenplays right now, in my spare time. I've got one with two brothers, a thrid brother who died at the hands of a drug dealer, and both of them are going after him. One is totally cautious, indirect, but is secretely keeping tabs trying to nail the guy. The younger one stumbles upon his notes, is a little more hands-on and goes straight after the guy by asking around and gets involved in an underground fight scene. Mini-climax with the two brothers going at it as the younger guy doesn't feel he's doing enough. Older one eventually cracks the scene as a head, cover is blown, fight scene and finish. I'm playing around with the idea of an informant on the force who is getting paid out. Jackie Chan and someone else, preferably Jet Li to bring things full blown.


Another one I'm outlining is a Shield-style movie played out from the other side. Basically, a drug lord orking to keep the streets safe and eliminate his competition. A really complex character, who understands life is a hustle but doesn't want to abandon his community. Has move of the police force in his pocket as the new chief goes after him. Cool ending where the chief ends up going bad at the end after killing him, realizing that his way worked (and one big dialogue in the final scene between the two).


Third one is a spy thriller. Basic plot so far, hit-man for the government needs to be eliminated, but with more of a mystery edge where he's trying to figure out why they want him dead and who's pulling the strings. I've got one of those cool opening scenes with the president telling someone to call him after a problem, and a montage of him going through customs in different places with different papers. On the backburner.

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