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Guest Trivia247

With War probably starting tonight...

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Guest RubySoho50
lol it is kind of funny how so many anti-Bush protesters bring that up, but can't actually supply any evidence to back it up

that's what happens with theories. regardless, this one fits rather well considering the guy's campaign was funded by oil. and you won't ever convince me that it has nothing to do with the war, even if it's just an ulterior motive. Politicians are driven by money.


People I know who work at the refineries in my area say that the war is almost DEFINITELY not about oil, mainly because the refining equipment used in the US today is for the variety of oil found in areas like Venezuela rather than Iraq's high-grade crude.  It would take several years and a sizable investment for the US oil companies to convert the refining equipment so that it could process Iraqi oil.

the theory I'm basing this on is about texas oil, not iraq. oil fields in texas that can't be mined profitably at $20 a barrel, can be mined profitably if prices are jacked up by, say an impending war.

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Guest teke184

People I know who work at the refineries in my area say that the war is almost DEFINITELY not about oil, mainly because the refining equipment used in the US today is for the variety of oil found in areas like Venezuela rather than Iraq's high-grade crude.  It would take several years and a sizable investment for the US oil companies to convert the refining equipment so that it could process Iraqi oil.

the theory I'm basing this on is about texas oil, not iraq. oil fields in texas that can't be mined profitably at $20 a barrel, can be mined profitably if prices are jacked up by, say an impending war.

Funny... everyone ELSE who talks about the war being about oil says it's because we want Iraq's oil.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Hey guys, take this shit to CE. God, we could use more posters there anyway. :D

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lol it is kind of funny how so many anti-Bush protesters bring that up, but can't actually supply any evidence to back it up

that's what happens with theories. regardless, this one fits rather well considering the guy's campaign was funded by oil. and you won't ever convince me that it has nothing to do with the war, even if it's just an ulterior motive. Politicians are driven by money.

Wow, Bush must be the devil if he would send troops to war for his own personal benefit...


My impression of O'Reilly: "I'm sorry Senator *throws up hands* ... I'm not buying it."

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