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Guest Big Poppa Popick

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

Time for me to join the bandwagon of those people who say theyre never watching raw again...


What did it? Jerry's selling of Golddust's angle and referring to Booker many times as criminal


Hard sell my ass


ANyone feel similarly

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Guest Phr33k

Well, he's the heel announcer... and I am actually enjoying RAW tonight. It's the best show they've had for a long time, in my opinion. Pretty good Rico/Maven match, actual angle development, even HHH seems motivated and BPP didn't suck.

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Guest bob_barron

The show is actually very good tonight- the hot crowd is really helping.

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Guest bob_barron

Did you get offended all the times Jessie Ventura and Bobby Heenan were racist on commentary??


BTW- it's Goldust.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Watching Quadros and Rutten last night and JR and King tonight is like watching night and day. One was really good and the other was horribly bad (take a wild guess which one is which)...

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Guest Coffey
Time for me to join the bandwagon of those people who say theyre never watching raw again...


What did it? Jerry's selling of Golddust's angle and referring to Booker many times as criminal


Hard sell my ass


ANyone feel similarly


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Guest Angle-plex
Man, did Steiner rule tonight or WHAT?!



He had to lay down on the ring apron he was so tired. I still like the guy though.

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Guest BoboBrazil

This show was boring as fuck to me tonight. I can't believe people liked it.

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Guest Banky
Man, did Steiner rule tonight or WHAT?!



He had to lay down on the ring apron he was so tired. I still like the guy though.

Hell no. He accidently tripped, he wasn't winded. Yea...

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Guest Angle-plex
Man, did Steiner rule tonight or WHAT?!



He had to lay down on the ring apron he was so tired. I still like the guy though.

Hell no. He accidently tripped, he wasn't winded. Yea...

Steiner: I've fallen and I can't get up~!



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Guest RavishingRickRudo

But bob, you think shane mcmahon is a good wrestler... You're standards suck.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick
This show was boring as fuck to me tonight. I can't believe people liked it.

im with ya

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Which isn't to say that RAW was bad - it was ok. But 'hey! this didn't SUCK!" translates into "kick ass" even though the matches weren't very good and the promos weren't very good... Then you gotta raise your standards a lil bit. Just because they didn't do anything bad doesn't make it a great show.

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Guest Banky
But bob, you think shane mcmahon is a good wrestler... You're standards suck.



He also likes Regal


and thinks Tina Fey is hot.


Don't ask his opinion about anything.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

bob, you called the show 'kick-ass' I was merely pointing out how little that weighs considering the fact that you think Shane McMahon is a good wrestler. Completely valid.

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Guest bob_barron
Which isn't to say that RAW was bad - it was ok. But 'hey! this didn't SUCK!" translates into "kick ass" even though the matches weren't very good and the promos weren't very good... Then you gotta raise your standards a lil bit. Just because they didn't do anything bad doesn't make it a great show.

I thought most of the matches were pretty decent. Nothing topped *** but the show seemed to go by really quickly for a change and the crowd was hot. I don't think the show was great but it was an enjoyable show with a great ending

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Guest bob_barron
bob, you called the show 'kick-ass' I was merely pointing out how little that weighs considering the fact that you think Shane McMahon is a good wrestler. Completely valid.

I don't think he's a good wrestler but I enjoy most of his matches.


But back on topic- The show got me hyped for Wrestlemania so it did it's job in that respect. It was just a fun show to watch and I hope they can keep putting out more shows like it.

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Guest Blue Bacchus

A Solid Good RAW. I can honestly say I enjoyed the HHH/Goldust match. Did someone light a small fire under HHH's ass tonight?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

decent matches + hot crowd = kickass?


(Mack vs. Hurricane wasn't decent, the womens match was booked smart with Jazz walking out but the match itself was tough to watch, the opening tag match was way too short to be meaningful, Test/Pump vs. Jericho/Christian had a smart booked finish but the workers involved - see Test and Pump - didn't do it justice, Goldust vs. HHH was just there ... did I miss anything... Oh yeah, Maven vs. Rico... shit, was there a point to that?)


Dude, you said that Shane McMahon was a good wrestler.


Fred Durst talking about WM ~ OOOH ~ I wanna buy rite now! The song is no 'My Way'... Shit, it's no 'Linda McMahon WM techno-crap theme' and that says something.


Seriously, those montages really suck.

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Guest Banky
decent matches + hot crowd = kickass?


(Mack vs. Hurricane wasn't decent, the womens match was booked smart with Jazz walking out but the match itself was tough to watch, the opening tag match was way too short to be meaningful, Test/Pump vs. Jericho/Christian had a smart booked finish but the workers involved - see Test and Pump - didn't do it justice, Goldust vs. HHH was just there ... did I miss anything... Oh yeah, Maven vs. Rico... shit, was there a point to that?)


Dude, you said that Shane McMahon was a good wrestler.


Fred Durst talking about WM ~ OOOH ~ I wanna buy rite now! The song is no 'My Way'... Shit, it's no 'Linda McMahon WM techno-crap theme' and that says something.


Seriously, those montages really suck.

Why do you watch the WWE? You always seem down on it. Honestly, if the montages suck, if the wrestlers suck, if the storylines suck - quit watching. Damn, it gets so boring hearing people bitch about the same shit all of the time.


Shane McMahon is a good entertainer, what else can we ask for? He makes matches interesting for the non-anal retentive wrestling nerds THUS he gets his job done. All the anal wrestling fans should go into one big room together and watch marathons of Puro because NOTHING else makes them happy.

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Guest SP-1

Part of me wanted to mark a little for Hunter hitting the high knee on Goldust (a la HARLEY RACE~! as JR loves to remind us).


The show was alright. I was kinda worried when I first tuned in, which was during Rico/Maven. The crowd was kinda dead when I first tuned in, but by the time the ME came around, it was decently hot. But it's not the RAW of old, and THAT is the only way I'll call it kick arse again.

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Guest bob_barron

Mack v. Hurricane sucked, Rico v. Maven was 'eh' but I thought all the other matches were pretty decent and Goldust dragged a watchable match out of Triple H.


Test/BPP v. Chris-tain was better then I thought it would be and I really enjoyed the ending sequence.


The montage with Fred Durst selling Wrestlemania was a nice tough and I really enjoyed the HBK montage- and I HATE HBK so that's saying something.

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Guest El Satanico

It was an average Raw...nothing great or horribly bad.


Average is a hell of an improvement for Raw.

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Guest Kid Kablam
But bob, you think shane mcmahon is a good wrestler... You're standards suck.



He also likes Regal


and thinks Tina Fey is hot.


Don't ask his opinion about anything.

Tina Fey IS hot. SHe's a looker and she's funny. Humor can turn a looker into a hottie. Also, while I wouldn't call Shane McMahon a great worker, I will say that he wrestles pretty well for someone with no training, and that he's willing to out bump 80% of the roster.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Why do you watch the WWE? You always seem down on it. Honestly, if the montages suck, if the wrestlers suck, if the storylines suck - quit watching. Damn, it gets so boring hearing people bitch about the same shit all of the time.


It also gets boring hearing people bitch about bitching. I said Raw was ok - I just pointed out how it wasn't "Kick ass". I pointed out that a lot of things had 'smart booking' but I am not going out of my way to complement a company that doesn't want me as a fan and actively tries to get me to stop watching their product.


Shane McMahon is a good entertainer, what else can we ask for?


Some people find playing around in their feces to be good entertainment. Just thought I'd point that out. What else can we ask for? I dunno, you seem satisfied with John Cena wrestling so obviously your standards are low. Me, I'd like something good.


He makes matches interesting for the non-anal retentive wrestling nerds THUS he gets

his job done.


And he hogs the spotlight for himself when doing so. He's a glorified backyard wrestler - he pretends to be one - anyone can do what he does and 'entertain' the fans in the same way - it doesn't take any skill to jump off of high places, and I appreciate the skill it takes to perform a good wrestling match without resorting to cheap stunts to pop a crowd. But that's me having standards - and you can't have those because if you do all of a sudden you're "anal-retentive."


All the anal wrestling fans should go into one big room together and watch marathons of Puro because NOTHING else makes them happy.



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Guest Banky
Why do you watch the WWE? You always seem down on it. Honestly, if the montages suck, if the wrestlers suck, if the storylines suck - quit watching. Damn, it gets so boring hearing people bitch about the same shit all of the time.


It also gets boring hearing people bitch about bitching. I said Raw was ok - I just pointed out how it wasn't "Kick ass". I pointed out that a lot of things had 'smart booking' but I am not going out of my way to complement a company that doesn't want me as a fan and actively tries to get me to stop watching their product.


Shane McMahon is a good entertainer, what else can we ask for?


Some people find playing around in their feces to be good entertainment. Just thought I'd point that out. What else can we ask for? I dunno, you seem satisfied with John Cena wrestling so obviously your standards are low. Me, I'd like something good.


He makes matches interesting for the non-anal retentive wrestling nerds THUS he gets

his job done.


And he hogs the spotlight for himself when doing so. He's a glorified backyard wrestler - he pretends to be one - anyone can do what he does and 'entertain' the fans in the same way - it doesn't take any skill to jump off of high places, and I appreciate the skill it takes to perform a good wrestling match without resorting to cheap stunts to pop a crowd. But that's me having standards - and you can't have those because if you do all of a sudden you're "anal-retentive."


All the anal wrestling fans should go into one big room together and watch marathons of Puro because NOTHING else makes them happy.



Yes, I wish to have my face rubbed in feces because I am entertained by Shane McMahon. I am less of a wrestling fan because I like John Cena. I didn't become a wrestling fan for 'the workrate'. It isn't what brought me into wrestling, and I'm sure it isn't what brought 98% of the people on this board into it. Before many got the internet, I'm sure it wasn't a big deal whatsoever. But now everyone is conscious of it. Why can't people just relax, and enjoy it for what it is. Its wrestling, not fricking figure skating where every move is thoroughly examined than graded when its finished.

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