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Guest Mole

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I thought I was...but then I started thinking...


1. I'm not looking forward to seeing Angle work with his bad neck.


2. I think HBK is winning...and that DISGUSTS me.


3. I think HHH is not losing the title...and that DISGUSTS me as well.


4. As of yet my favorite wrestler isn't even on the card.


5. There has NEVER EVER EVER been two matches I was looking forward to LESS than McMahon/Hogan and the hoss tag team match.


But it is Mania. If RVD makes the cut I'll order.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

No I mean pay for it.


I do things the old fashioned way.

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Guest goodhelmet
The card really weighs heavilly on whether or not the right people go over.

I have to disagree. I have long given up on winners and losers in a scripted wrestling match. Just give me some compelling wrestling. As for the card, I think this show will blow away WMX8 by a long shot. I'll admit that i got carried away in the hooplah of the Rock-Hogan "magic" moment crap but I quickly got over it the next day when I realized that the card sucked BIGTIME! Anyone who gave X8 positive reviews should get a lobotomy or at least stop reviewing wrestling events because there were absolutely no positive moments in that lackluster piece of shit I viewed for free last year thanks to my now-defunct little black box.


As for this years card, I an actually looking forward to several matches from a quality standpoint.


Brock-Angle doesn'thave to be highspot intensive to be a good match. I think Angle is a good enough worker and Brock has enough energy where these two could pull off the rare feat of giving us a magic WRESTLING moment.


The Smackdown Tag will prolly be just as good if a bit dissapointing as the previous PPV 3way tag involving benoit-angle and edge-reyrey (I forget the show). Still, a match I wouldn't take a piss break for.


I completely expect HBK-Jericho to steal the show. Not because I have faith in HBK but because Jericho has been a man on a mission lately. I really think he is the best wrestler on RAW, it's not even close. He has gotten the only decent match out of Jeff Hardy in the past year and a half. Jericho rules and is your REAL champ!


IF Mysterio-Hardy gets 10 minutes, I think we have a great energetic opener that will just help the show's overall content.


Booker-HHH is prolly the most intriguing match on the entire card because we all expect Hunter to win but I am calling it right now... BOOKER WINS! The sad fact is HHH is hurting and I really think he takes time off to heal, if just for a few weeks, and loses the belt in screwy fashion. Will he make Booker look strong? No chance in hell but if the bel is off his waist then i could live with that. As a match, this could be as good as RVD-HHH (read-average) or as bad as the HHH-Steiner anti-classics.


Hogan-McMahon- Sports entertainment moment that makes me embarassed as a wrestlingg fan but will probably get the biggest reaction of any match on the card.


Hoss Match- Who gives a shit? this is my obligatory piss break.


Womens match- I actually look forward to the womens matches. Even when they blow moves and everything breaks down, I can't help but keep watching, like rubbernecking when seeing an accident on the highway.


Rock-Austin- I don't think it will be a good match by any means BUT they could shock us and pull out a respectable *** match. That's all I ask from this match anyway. Unfortunately, all of Rock's matches have sucked since his return and Stone Cold has been huffing and puffing while sucking in his gut. It doesn't look good.


RVD/Kane vs. Dudleys- Yeah, this match wasn't announced but I have a feeling it will be on there for Sunday. ECWish trainwresck that will have a couple of memorable spots from some very stale characters.


---- Well, compared to last year, on paper alone this MAnia should rock the house. At least 4 matches have the potential to be good-great. Others can be absolutely horrendous to shockingly good. Either way, I will have a beer in my hand and a fajita taco in the other.... BRING IT ON!

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

If they do RVD/Kane vs. Dudleys...than RVD should turn on Kane and become the lord and master of the Dudley's and have them do his bidding.


Sure the resulting Kane feud would suck...but it would be an interesting way to see if RVD could stick as a heel...and it gives something in the midcard some direction.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

While winning and losing isn't important if you want your favourites to win - it is important in terms of booking purposes.


Isn't WM like 50 bucks this year?


I was at WM 18 and I am a huge hogan mark and I still say the event sucked (didn't help that they left us in the cold for 3 hours before show time...motherfuckers...)

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Booking has to play some importance in my mind as a fan.


The only reason I'm not ready to sign up and watch right now is because I'm sure HBK and HHH are both winning.


I don't really want to see them go over more talent.

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Guest Downhome

I don't understand how someone could watch American wrestling not caring who wins or not.

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Guest Downhome
Besides, storyline wise, they shouldn't win.

That doesn't matter in WWE.

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Guest snuffbox

I agree bps...HHH/HBK going over in my mind is the one thing keeping me from seriously considering giving WWE the chance here.


It doesnt really matter to me if my favorites win. I happen to be a HBK mark actually, as well as Jericho. Not a big fan of Booker T. But the right guys need to go over, just because I kinda want there to be a WM20 etc.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I know, storylines are expendible because fans are stupid, but my anticipation to the event is hindered by potential bad booking.. and the fact that they over-saturated the card with a lot of meaningless 'name' matches.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

There are occasions when it doesn't matter to me.


For example...I don't care who wins the Rey/Matt match...I just want a good match.


I also don't really care who wins Rock/Austin.


Then there's the opposite...I don't give a shit who wins...for matches like Hogan/Vince and the hoss tag match.


But the I really feel that I have earned the right to see at least one, if not both Kliq members put someone over.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

But what does HBK's job mean anymore? He already lost to Hunter... his value dropped by at least 80% with that... Jericho is just getting Hunters sloppy seconds. It will be another plastic feather in his cardboard cap just as the 'first undisputed champion' and 'beating austin and rock in one night' are.

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I was really looking forward to the show because I think that the card is one of the best in a long time. However, ever since the announcement of Angle's injury my interest has dropped dramatically. It is just hard to get into things when your favorite wrestler's health and career are at risk.

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Guest snuffbox

Any of us whove put up with Diesel, HBK, NWO, and HHH are more than deserving of seeing at least one kliq member job clean to a deserving opponent.


If Jericho goes over/possibly retires HBK it will go a long way to dig him out of the HHH grave.

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Guest Downhome
There are occasions when it doesn't matter to me.


For example...I don't care who wins the Rey/Matt match...I just want a good match.


I also don't really care who wins Rock/Austin.


Then there's the opposite...I don't give a shit who wins...for matches like Hogan/Vince and the hoss tag match.


But the I really feel that I have earned the right to see at least one, if not both Kliq members put someone over.

Yes, I get what you are saying. There ARE times where I don't really care who wins as long as I get a good match (or for it to end, quickly). I just mean I can't see how someone could watch wrestling and the majority of the time just not care about who wins. That's part of the fun in watching for me, in trying to predict who wins, seeing "my guy" finally get that big win, and all of that good stuff.


I want Jericho to win, I want Booker T to win, I want Angle to win just to shock the hell out of me, I actually do want Hogan to win (Hogan mark here, woohoo), I want Rey Jr. to win (but will not be pissed if he doesn't), and so on and so on.


Most of the time I try to enter the story of the match, to get me that much more pumped for it, but it's not like that every time, as you said, SOMETIMES I want a good match regardless of who wins. I was in that line of thinking for Benoit/Angle at Rumble (even though we all knew that Benoit had no shot), I didn't care which one that won the match since it was so good.


I can also sometimes go into a match wanting someone to win, but there is this point in watching a match sometimes where the action in the ring takes over, the story in the ring, and my view changes from "I want this guy to win", to simply "this is so awesome and perfect, I just don't give a damn anymore". I'm sure some of you guys have experianced that one.

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Guest snuffbox

And Im verry confidant that Brock-Kurt will kick ass. Hogan and Warrior broke **** with a well worked/scripted match, and thats probably the plan for this one. Im sure it will be well booked to cover the injury and the fact that it might be Angles last hurrah.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

"But what does HBK's job mean anymore? He already lost to Hunter... his value dropped by at least 80% with that... Jericho is just getting Hunters sloppy seconds. It will be another plastic feather in his cardboard cap just as the 'first undisputed champion' and 'beating austin and rock in one night' are. "


The alternative is HBK winning. The job from HBK may not mean much...but it means far more than losing to him.


With that said...I am 99% certain that HBK won't be losing a Mania match to Jericho of all people.

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Guest Downhome
But what does HBK's job mean anymore? He already lost to Hunter... his value dropped by at least 80% with that... Jericho is just getting Hunters sloppy seconds. It will be another plastic feather in his cardboard cap just as the 'first undisputed champion' and 'beating austin and rock in one night' are.

For HBK's return, I would have had Jericho just making fun of him for being retired, not being able to go anymore, and that right there FORCED HBK to come out of retirement to face the young up and coming Chris Jericho. Then when Jericho won, it would have just been huge for him. They could have allowed HBK to get his heat back somehow, as people would still like him after he lost, possibly even more by rallying behind the defeated HBK.


I'd much rather had seen that than HHH/HBK or HBK/nWo, but that's just me.

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Guest goodhelmet
I don't understand how someone could watch American wrestling not caring who wins or not.

i don't care because typically, when you have shitty booking, at least there can be some quality wrestling to make up for it. if i don't allow my emotions to get the best of me, at least i can enjoy the aesthetic aspect of wrestling (and i don't mean hhh's hair).


i mean, really, i expect hhh to win. if bo0oker wins, it would be a pleasant surprise bu t i am more interested t see if the match will be capable of entertaining me REGARDLEsS of who wins. i could walk away saying "great match, but the ending sucked". i could live with that... instead of "what a pile of horseshit"


after watching puro and not knowing who the guys were on the first go-around, i learned to appreciate the match, not the wrestlers. call it evolution or education but it works. the ONLY reason i don't like HHH or taker or albert or any other piece of shit is because they suck in the ring. who gives a fuck if he is fucking the boss's daughter? if his ring work didn't suffer, everyone would be sucking his dick.


as for the hbk match, even if you fucking hate hbk, logic dicatates he wins the Mania match BUT i am not so sure he wins either. I could easily see Jericho getting the pin.... and that's not lip service.

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Guest AndrewTS

If I bought PPVs instead of waiting for the DVDs, Angle/Lesnar, HBK/Jericho, and the SD tag title matches would see me on it. The rest I don't give two craps about.


I agree this looks better than last year, but it won't be up there with X-7 I don't think.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
If I bought PPVs instead of waiting for the DVDs, Angle/Lesnar, HBK/Jericho, and the SD tag title matches would see me on it.

The above, HHH/Booker and Matt/Rey are the "wait for them to appear on Kazaa and download if the reviews are REALLY good" matches, not "things I'd plop down $40 for".


Sorry, guess I'm just not a Mania mark. How could I be, IX was my first one!

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Despite my general apathy towards the card i would still probably order Mania, but since Vince seemingly doesn't want any people from Australia giving him money for his events i'll just download anything that ends up being good, if Vince and friends don't want my money that's fine with me.

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Guest NoCalMike

Jericho MUST go over

Booker T MUST go over

Other than that, the winners/losers of the other matches don't bother me one bit, I just want decent - good - great matches.

Oh and if RVD does turn heel on Kane at WM. I hope it doesn't turn into a feud. I hope it is more of just an abandonment(sp?) thing, where he just gives him one beatdown and it just goes away. RVD needs to get far.....far away from Kane beit ally or enemy.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

You guys going on about HBK/Jericho need to remember that almost nobody saw Armageddon really, and the buildup to Shawn/Hunter was absolutely terrible. An awful, awful buildup that resulted in a great match in August, and that's it.


The buildup for the Jericho/Shawn thing, putting the post-Rumble Test Shenanigans aside, has been quite good and will benefit Jercho much more if he goes over.

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Guest ManKinnd

I HAVE to see this event. It's Wrestle-f'n-mania, where I'm always proud to be a wrestling fan. I'll love Rock/Austin, and am looking forward to the 3way tag and HBK/Jericho. The only thing I care about in HHH/Booker, though, is who gets the 3 count.

As for Brock/Angle, I am really gonna have trouble enjoying that. I'll be wincing every time Angle takes a bump.

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Guest Brian

Actually, I care big time who wins Rey/Matt given the right crcumstances. If their plan is to use WrestleMania to launch a long good feud, let Matt retain screwily and carry it out. Otherwise, let Rey take the title and the division run under him.


I think the Rock should win, and they should give him some heel momentum as they figure out who to job him to. Plus, he's 0-3 in the feud.


Jericho needs to go over. Booker needs to go over. Brock must go over. Hogan should go over and retire. Taker should go over in the hoss tag, just because of the win streak.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

It would be great to have the Rock win and then go back to smackdown and face either Brock or Benoit (perfect foils for the cocky rock).


I don't think Jericho "needs to win" so much as he "needs to not lose". A win won't do much for him, but if he loses then he just gets buried further down the card.


Booker needs to win, but his title run has been sabotaged already.


McMahon/Hogan - I see no real reason for this other than for McMahon to put himself over (more than he already has in this feud *groan* C'mon, how can anyone get into this feud when Hogan is saying "I helped make the WWF" when McMahon is saying "I made the WWF"... There is no real motivation here on Hogans part.


The only purpose I can see for Taker/Jones is if Jones screws Taker and causes Taker to lose the match. That sets up their feud but maintains Takers 'single win' streak... Yeah, it's stupid, but it's the only reason I can see for having the match other than to give JR wood.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

I'm excited for Wrestlemania. I usually do get excited for PPV Sundays. I haven't skipped a PPV in almost two years. But, then there are times (most of last year) when I say "fuck that, I'm not wasting my money on that garbage." Then Sunday comes and I jump online and see what everyone is saying and giving their predictions and I get excited for the show and cave in. Plus, it's a great excuse to kick back and drink some beers on a Sunday night and enjoy wrestling. Or maybe it's just the alcohol that makes me enjoy it more?


That's why I don't come here on PPV's and do the "One & Only PPV Threads." I don't worry about what everyone else thinks at the time and I try not to be a "Smart Mark" for a few hours and usually sit back by myself w/ a few beers and watch the show. I wait until after the show or the next day to jump online and bitch about the things I didn't like.


Besides, this WM looks pretty good. I don't expect too many **** matches, if any at all, but it should be exciting. Even Vince/Hogan, it won't be pretty, but the crowds Babyface/Heel heat in this match should make it fun.


Plus, it could be Angle's last match.

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