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Guest Mole

Are you excited...

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Guest bob_barron
That's why I don't come here on PPV's and do the "One & Only PPV Threads." I don't worry about what everyone else thinks at the time and I try not to be a "Smart Mark" for a few hours and usually sit back by myself w/ a few beers and watch the show. I wait until after the show or the next day to jump online and bitch about the things I didn't like.


Besides, this WM looks pretty good. I don't expect too many **** matches, if any at all, but it should be exciting. Even Vince/Hogan, it won't be pretty, but the crowds Babyface/Heel heat in this match should make it fun.


Plus, it could be Angle's last match.

Same here. I go to the movie theatre and just try to enjoy the shows which is why I probably liked Austin v. Bischoff and Rock v. Hogan 2. I sit back, eat some pizza and just enjoy the show.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

But for the price paid - shouldn't you get something a lil more than 'oooh entertaining!'. Shouldn't you get those ***** matches?

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Whoa, I've never heard of movie theatre's doing that.


There is a few bars around here which show it, but I can't get into them. Can't hear anything over all those jackass' and I can't stand being around "know it all's."


I feel a little old here, but I remember going to Glen Falls Civic Center to watch WM4 on Closed Curcuit.

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Guest bob_barron
Whoa, I've never heard of movie theatre's doing that.


There is a few bars around here which show it, but I can't get into them. Can't hear anything over all those jackass' and I can't stand being around "know it all's."


I feel a little old here, but I remember going to Glen Falls Civic Center to watch WM4 on Closed Curcuit.

Famous Players in Canada shows them- it's a fun atmosphere and not too pricey.

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Guest FeArHaVoC
But for the price paid - shouldn't you get something a lil more than 'oooh entertaining!'. Shouldn't you get those ***** matches?

Yeah, to a certain extent.


But one guys ***** match is anothers ***


Who's to say a *** match isn't Entertaining and worth the money?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

You're paying 'only' 30 bucks.


With that you could buy like 3 wrestling tapes that would give you 12 hours of entertainment and probably more satisfaction.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Who's to say a *** match isn't Entertaining and worth the money?


*looks at WM card*


*looks at price*



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Guest bob_barron

As an American $30CAD isn't a lot of $.


I also bought my WM tix the day before NWO so I don't really have a choice. :P


With the exchange rate I don't know if that's true.


Besides- part of it is that I enjoy the atmosphere and it's a fun night out with friends.


All I ask for is an entertaining 4 hrs

Edited by bob_barron

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I can see if you would make a night of it and go out with friends - but I just wouldn't pay that much for a crappy card.


(Bob, I can hook you up with a Canadian dealer if you'd like ;) )

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Guest bob_barron

Part of it is that I also watch every PPV- it's a force of habit. I missed No Mercy to study and spent the whole 3 hrs getting the results from Meltz and my friends. So watching a PPV has just become habitual


The card looks pretty good to me and there are matches I really want to see,

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Guest TheGame2705

I honestly don't care about HHH-Booker. If Booker goes over, he won't be seen as a big time champ, he'll be looked at like he was the IC champ. The RAW title means nothing whatsoever. Matt Hardy annoys the piss out of me and I haven't watched Rey since his return so I can't say I care much. Team Angle has to the most jizzed over team with the least heat I've ever seen since Dandy and Silver King. I hate face Guerreros as Eddie plays a heel much better than a face and I'm disgusted at Benoit and Rhyno being in that match. Even though RVD sucks alot of dick wrestling-wise he should be on the card. Goldust would be great too if he didn't have the stupidest gimmick in the world. No Lance and Regal tag match? The Rock can lose again and won't look like a chump. I HOPE that Vince doesn't try and ruin Hogan and make him look bad in their match. If he shits on Hogan, I wouldn't put any more trust at all in Vince. He already shat on Bret Hart but Hogan is synonymous with the WWF. Have Jericho win but you never know when you'll need Shawn again but don't kill his heat. Or have Shawn win by like reversal of a rollup or a cheat to counter a Jericho cheat and then have Jericho snap on him after the match. The Women's title match has me interested. All three of the women are some of my faves on RAW (hell probably my only faves) and it'll be interesting to see that Stevie dynamic. NO Nathan Jones, please NO NATHAN JONES. THINK OF THE CHILDREN. I like Train and Show and can stand Taker but PLEASE NO NATHAN JONES. I don't care if this card had Bret vs. Shawn with Bret going over totally clean, Rock vs. Austin, and a Brazilian soccer team kicking Goldberg in the head all at the same time....if it had Nathan Jones on it I wouldn't buy it. They could have put Bill DeMott out there and I wouldn't have been disgusted.

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Guest Mole

Game, it's called the enter button, try it.


I just noticed I put Wrestling XIX instead of Wrestlemania XIX, I'm a retard.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

To me, Wrestlemania is still the biggest show of the year so yes, I am excited.


I might not be happy about it, but I am excited.

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Guest eiker_ir

i'm really excited for WM this year, it has more build up than laste year when the longest feud was the NWO one and it was just a month....


like i've said a few times the match i'0m most looking forward is HBK-Jericho



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Guest Brian

I don't know about calling it a crappy card. Austin/Rock, being the main event, should really see Austin pushing what he can do because he asked for the spot and needs to justify that. Plus, the familiarity should breed something good. I really can't see Angle half-assing it because this may be his last chance at the big stage, and he has the match he hal always talked about. Malenko should really be taking advantage of what he has, a chance to launch the division, and look at what he did with the same opportunity with Scotty at BackLash. It should be a smartly laid out match, and Rey's a good player to carry his end and Matt will tag along. The tag match, with Chavo, Eddy, and Benoit should be good. Jericho's been hot lately and HBK can be good, plus Jericho should be motivated.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Austin/Rock doesn't have the same vibe as their WM 17 match had. Plus, the rationale for the feud is goofy. 2 losses isn't much of a 'streak' to build on and break. Besides, neither man seems to be taking it seriously.


Angle vs. Brock will be painful to watch since everyone who knows angles condition will cringe at each bump. They haven't built up the feud enough to make the in-ring psychology meaningful.


Rey vs. Matt I don't have high hopes for - they will probably get 7 minutes tops - merely being filler in between the 'big' matches. It will be good, but not great, with a bit of a screwy finish and it will probably be overbooked with Moore and Kidman running in so Rey and Matt can continue their feud.


Jericho vs. HBK... I dunno... Jericho pulled a really good match out of Hogan - so his carrying ability of a deteriorated wrestler isn't in question - but with Shawn Michael I have a feeling that it will be hit or miss. Either they mesh really well or they are will be on two different pages.


The 3 Way Tag will be good, but not great. I just don't see the reason to have an extra team in there .

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
No Steiner, no Cena? Like whoa, honestly!

Feels better about Wrestlemania. Now if we can get the Natural Disasters out of it.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
There's nothing 'natural' about Cena and Steiner ;)

No, I mean Hoss-Train, and Big Shit.

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Guest TheGame2705
Game, it's called the enter button, try it.


I just noticed I put Wrestling XIX instead of Wrestlemania XIX, I'm a retard.

Mole, it's called reading the lines try it. Or does the teacher need to tell you to put a ruler under every line?

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