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Kurt Angle Mark

What might have been.

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Before the decision was made to go with Kurt Angle/Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania, the original plan was to have Brock win the title on Smackdown and then defend the title against Chris Benoit at the PPV.


"There was debate as to whether Benoit would be kept consistent and do a face vs. face match with Lesnar, or turned heel.


The plan for the heel turn would have been to have Benoit behind attacks of both Edge and Kurt Angle, and have Team Angle turn and become Team Benoit. This would give Benoit a bunch of heel momentum for the match at Wrestlemania, and create natural rivalries for the returns of Edge and Angle in a year.


Creative was leaning towards a face vs. face showdown, but the final decision never had to be made."


Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

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Guest Downhome

Well, I'd much rather have a man risk his life, wouldn't you?




I'd much rather have had this happen.

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Guest El Satanico

If this match happened I'd hope that they would've came to the compromise of building it up as face vs. face and turn Beniot during the match or on Smackdown after.


They could've had Beniot injure Brock during the match then at Smackdown Beniot comes out and gives a promo saying he was behind the Edge and Angle injuries and that injuring Brock was just another step he had to take to insure i got what was coming to me

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'd much rather this happen too.


Not only does Angle not have to take the risk...but it gives Benoit a mega push that he deserves AND gives team Angle a direction.

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Guest Downhome
I'd much rather this happen too.


Not only does Angle not have to take the risk...but it gives Benoit a mega push that he deserves AND gives team Angle a direction.

I agree, the current role is just pointless to me. What IF Angle gets hurt? Will it all have been worth it? I don't know about you guys, but not to me. I'd rather him be out for TWO years, as long as it kept him from being paralyzed or killed. The risk just isn't worth it, not at all.


Also, as it is, EVERYONE on the internet now knows for 100% that Brock Lesner will win. I hate going into matches knowing something that blatently obvious.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

As much as I like Team Benoit, Charlie and Shelton are tailor-made for Angle what with the amateur cred and all.


If anything, they should've had Jericho and Storm jump ship from Raw and become Team Benoit. The history of them and the dungeon writes itself.

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Guest creativename
If anything, they should've had Jericho and Storm jump ship from Raw and become Team Benoit. The history of them and the dungeon writes itself.

Why would they subordinate Jericho to Benoit? Maybe HHH would love seeing Jericho as someone's stooge, but that really doesn't make sense.


Anyway, I myself would much rather have seen Team Benoit, or even face vs. face, than Angle vs. Lesnar. That way, not only is there no risk, but Angle vs. Lesnar becomes much bigger when it finally happens; right now, it's really not that big of a deal, due to the terrible build up.


I understand why Angle would prefer this though--no doubt he is dying to finally Main Event Wrestlemania, and doesn't want to give that up. It's stupid, but if I was his boss, I don't know whether I'd have the heart to deny him. It should be his choice, in the end (though one would hope his wife/family would try to put their foot down).

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