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Guest AndrewTS

Original plan for Angle vs. Lesnar on Smackdown

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Guest AndrewTS

Benoit heel or face? We'll never know


Before the decision was made to go with Kurt Angle/Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania, the original plan was to have Brock win the title on Smackdown and then defend the title against Chris Benoit at the PPV.


There was debate as to whether Benoit would be kept consistent and do a face vs. face match with Lesnar, or turned heel.


The plan for the heel turn would have been to have Benoit behind attacks of both Edge and Kurt Angle, and have Team Angle turn and become Team Benoit. This would give Benoit a bunch of heel momentum for the match at Wrestlemania, and create natural rivalries for the returns of Edge and Angle in a year.


Creative was leaning towards a face vs. face showdown, but the final decision never had to be made.


Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter




Hm, maybe not for WM, but maybe something like this could still be in the works?


Although I kinda dislike the idea of turning some one once they get REALLY over a face.

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Guest saturnmark4life

If they were going to do Benoit/Lesnar, they should definitely have kept both of them face. Otherwise it would done jack shit for either of them.

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Guest evilhomer

A heel turn this quickly would have been bad for Benoit. He doesn't have the personality to carry a big "fuck you" to the fans.

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