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Guest Andy

RVD at WrestleMania

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Guest Andy

So far as I can tell (correct me if I'm wrong) there's been no RVD match announced for WrestleMania. Personally, I can't see how they can leave one of their biggest draws off the card (Kane too.)


So, how would you like to see RVD used? And how do you think he will be used?


Cheers - A.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Well, considering that both Jericho and Booker have high profile matches on the card, I could really give a shit about Van Dam. I guess he could get some meaningless midcarder match that goes on 2nd or 3rd.

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Guest razazteca

RVD will be hosting the Axcess or Heat show live from the local Hooters.

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Guest Angle-plex

Has RVD become Triple H's new favorite target? Jericho beat him last week clean, he's been stuck in a boring tag team for a few months, and he's been in the opening match with little to no promo time lately.

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Guest snuffbox

HHH is seeing the needle and the damage done...someone has to take the brunt of the rage, might as well be the stoner. ;)

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Guest El Satanico
RVD will be hosting the Axcess or Heat show live from the local Hooters.

I can see it now


RVD: "Yeah JR I'm really looking forward..."


:his order comes:


RVD: "whoa dude...food's here"


:puts down mic, ignores camera and eats:


JR: "...are you there"

Lawler: "Haha where'd he go"

JR: "I think we got cut off"

Lawler: "ha ha I think we got the munchies"

JR: "What in the world"

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

Too bad the world closed down

Now we won't be seeing RVD on ppv for a while.

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Guest CanadianChick

RVD will probably be in the opening match to pop the crowd; just like last year.

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Guest snuffbox

"Bah Gawd! The Undertaker just pinned Rob Van Dam for the hell of it! And here comes Nathan Jones, Big Show, and Albert! God as my witness, I just messed my pants!"

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Guest KingOfOldSchool
Dudleys vs RVD and Kane probably.

I was thinking RVD/Kane v. 3 Minute Warning again.


EDIT: Or RVD/Kane v. Storm/Morley. Whatever.

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Guest Brian

RVD picked up the wrong needle and gave himself a shot of Trips steroids, thus the roid rage, explaining why RVD's been sloppy, explaining why the SummerSlam match was decent (both stoned out of their minds), and all coming head with RVD injuring Trips and Trips getting pissed.

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Guest Lightning Flik

Actually, if I remember correctly from reading a thread on this very board, wasn't RVD's contract coming to an end? And after either March or April of this year? Not only that but wasn't he also not resigning?


Cause if so, he's being D'Loed.


I'm probably wrong with my information, but meh. Just tossing it out there if I remember something trivial.

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Guest Brian

I doubt it, since that would only be two years and that's usually short for a contract, considering three years is basically the norm. Maybe April next year.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

It is quite remarkable how buried RVD has become. Especially if you consider how over he was when he first arrived.


I marvel at Triple-H's brilliance. He is truly the man.

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Guest Showstoppa Icon

JR:"we go now to Rob van Dam at the world....er....ESPNZONE!"

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Guest Sakura

He is on the logo over at WM.com so that must mean they have huge plans for him!

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Im thinking Dudleys vs RVD/Kane vs Storm/Regal Tag Title Match, with the Dudleys turning back after they win the titles. At least having RVD/Kane in the match as faces, since the Duds will probably still get some residual face reaction for the 3-D, Tables etc..

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

The sad thing is A-Train and Nathan Jones have a high profile match at Wrestlemania, while RVD doesn't even have one at present time. RVD is one of the most over workers in the company and his matches are usually the best on Raw isn't even on the card at present time, but A-Train who isn't over, can't work or cut a promo, and Nathan Jones who by all accounts sucks and hasn't been in the company more than 5 minutes get a match and a push to go along with it. And Vince wonders why the WWE is in the shits right now.

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Guest humongous2002

Most likely he'll be stuck in a match with Kane/the Duds/Storm and Morley, maybe a TLC match or something in that nature, well at least is better than jobbing to a cripple(Trips )like Booker or jobbing to a fey(HBK) like Jericho.

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Guest converge241

if regal is able to be there


Regal/Storm- RVD/Kane-Dudleys


if hes not either RVD/Kane - dudleys


or some king of heat tag team battle royal for a shot when regal is healthy with like every raw person not already on wm


RVD/Kane, Dudleys, 3MW, Christian and Morely, Dreamer or Maven with Al Snow, Spike and Hurricane, Jeff and Test etc etc

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Guest Choken One

I would say You might as Just Have The Heel Dudz and Kane/RVD face for the Vacant title...Or


Just Have Storm, Morely and Dudleys Vs Kane, RVD, Spike and....Hurricane (You can quickly start a Morley/'Cane beef to explain why he is there)...No Title needs to be defended....

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Guest Polish_Rifle

RVD should hurt himself semi-seriously so he can take a paid vacation. This teaming with Kane bullshit has got to stop.

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Guest Zero_Cool

Well, is a week enough time to get Hurricane and maybe Stevie Richards into that possible The Unlikely Duo/Dudleys match?


Might as well go with a six man...or hell, why not an eight man..get everyone in there! Just have everyone hit their spots to keep the crowd going.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

We do understand that we're talking about the Heat match most likely, right?

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Guest CanadianChick
We do understand that we're talking about the Heat match most likely, right?

But RVD's on the promotion poster. He has to be at WM, right? Oh god, I hope so anyways.

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