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Guest Andy

RVD at WrestleMania

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I hope he's on Heat.


Then I can save the money, watch him for free and hate the WWE with no regrets.

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Guest CanadianChick

If WWE knows that people would pay to see RVD and not pay otherwise, he'll be on the ppv.

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Guest Choken One

Stevie doesn't need to wrestle...He'll be there with Victoria...


However, It's odd that WWE hasn't found a way to shove Steiner, Test and Jeff on the card...

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Test and Jeff are in the doghouse.


Test said himself in an interview that he knew he'd have to miss Mania because he missed that RAW.


Jeff missed a house show the day before that because of weather too.



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Guest Angle-plex

I'd rather have RVD vs Steiner than a tag team match with RVD and Kane.

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Guest snuffbox

I really kinda think they need some kind of battle royal to fit alot of these unused guys on the card somewhere.

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Guest Choken One

Yeah but what is the motivation? An "Winner gets Title Shot" is dumb...maybe something with $$$...Too late to make it for the returning I.C title...

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Someone has to be a heel.


I just realized that aside from HHH the only other "top" heel on the show is Jericho...and he'll be jobbing to HHH's friend.

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Guest Choken One

They really ought cut their losses with Steiner as a Face and turn him into that Lunatic Midcard heel again...

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Guest CanadianChick
Someone has to be a heel.


I just realized that aside from HHH the only other "top" heel on the show is Jericho...and he'll be jobbing to HHH's friend.

I'm being optimistic: Jericho will win against Micheals, CLEAN! Call it a pipe dream, but I believe that what happens.

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Guest Brian

Well, at least RVD will end up getting the pay-off for wrestling at the big show.

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Guest Will Scarlet

He will probably be involved in a tag title match of some sort. Like the Dudleys vs. RVD/Kane vs. Storm/Morley with maybe 3 Minute Warning thrown in to get them on the PPV. So, basically, he will not be doing much.

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Guest Trivia247

Geez and the WWE Lost the World....guess that means Kane and RVD can't be seen in front of the cheering crowd doing nothing while everyone else gets the BIG Paycheck.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

RVD & Kane vs. Dudleys vs. Storm & Regal (or Morley) for the tag titles


I'm not sure why they are doing the Dudleys turn thing, but I have a feeling they will do something where the Dudleys felt it was the only way they could get their jobs back.... but at WM thye will turn back face again and cost Storm & Morley the tag belts to RVD & Kane... ors omething to that extent.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
However, It's odd that WWE hasn't found a way to shove Steiner, Test and Jeff on the card...

Hopefully you're not complaning about this :)

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Whatever RVD's doing, i'm sure he'll be jobbing in some fashion.


If he's not jobbing in a Raw Tag match they could always do RVD vs Christian for no reason on Heat or something.

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