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Guest TheGame2705

HHH conspiracy theory

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Guest TheGame2705

I was thinking...what if HHH has made RAW crappy on purpose? He knew Austin, Rock, and Vince would be coming back and how do you make something look even better? By making it look like shit and then suddenly when it's even decent, people are like "whoa that was good". Then when you make it look good people are blown away. It's sorta of like pre-attitude. Save for Bret Hart and Austin, 1997 was crap. When Attitude hit it was like "wow". When you bring up "how come he squashed RVD?" you have to think about it this way I think. You bring up RVD to be a respectable good fan favorite but you know the minute the glass breaks or you smell what The Rock is cookin' everyone will be like "RVD who?" Sure my idea sounds faulty and it's probably not true but it sounds like good enough reasoning.

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I was thinking...what if HHH has made RAW crappy on purpose? He knew Austin, Rock, and Vince would be coming back and how do you make something look even better? By making it look like shit and then suddenly when it's even decent, people are like "whoa that was good". Then when you make it look good people are blown away. It's sorta of like pre-attitude. Save for Bret Hart and Austin, 1997 was crap. When Attitude hit it was like "wow". When you bring up "how come he squashed RVD?" you have to think about it this way I think. You bring up RVD to be a respectable good fan favorite but you know the minute the glass breaks or you smell what The Rock is cookin' everyone will be like "RVD who?" Sure my idea sounds faulty and it's probably not true but it sounds like good enough reasoning.

Actually this theory has been floating around but it is NOT a HHH-centric theory.....


Ever since SD and Raw split rosters, it has all but been confirmed that the WWE were mainly concerned with making SD the superior show while treating Raw like the bastard step-child on the grounds that since SD only had a year left on it's UPN contract and Raw has 4-5 years with it's TNN contract, that SD needed to be turned into the flagship show so that it would get renewed. Hence why Hogan, Rock, Angle along with the entire workrate-centric wrestlers and the cruiserweights were put on SD while Raw got Undertaker, NWO, women's division, and the hosses with RVD and Brock being the only real talent. Austin was also put on Raw mainly they needed a flagship guy on the show while Rock was on SD.


Now reguarding HHH, the only real conspiracy involving him and the split is that he's made it so that Jericho will always be on the same show so that he can manipulate things so that Jericho can never prove that he's more over than HHH. His move to Raw was also selfish but had nothing to do with Raw as he knew that he would not be allowed to squash Brock (Vince's pet project) for the belt so he arranged to have Brock's Undisputed belt split up with him getting the WCW side of the belt, literally handed to him in one of those unintentional shoot moments where he gained the belt via divine right of fucking the boss's daughter who happens to be the head writer. With SD being the BIG important show, Vince was quite willing to turn the blind eye to HHH's antics while working on Raw with the occassional quick fix that only makes things worse and do nothing to solve the main problems on Raw....

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Guest TheGame2705

Wasn't this supposed to be about my theory, not MORE theories of HHH being an evil manipulator? Geez, forbid we actually talk about him in a positive light.

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Guest snuffbox

Whats so positive about HHH playin the Kevin Nash to WWE's World Championship Wrestling?

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Guest TheGame2705

Has HHH been proven to be the head booker of the WWE though? Has he put himself over the most over guy in the company who had a year long winning streak?

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Guest The Metal Maniac
Has he put himself over the most over guy in the company who had a year long winning streak?


No, but:


1. There's no one like that in the fed currently (Brock for a bit, but Show went over him and HHH was on another show anyways).


2. He's gone over everybody else on RAW.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

There is talk that Ric Flair will once again return to active in-ring duty with the WWE Raw brand.


Raw seems to be building towards a Flair/Booker T match in the buildup to HHH/Booker T at Wrestlemania. Raw creative believes a pinfall win over Flair will continue to elevate Booker T until the title match showdown at ‘Mania.


Flair will continue to work on special occasions, but that could snowball into more. Only wrestling sometimes was the plan when he first came into WWE in late 2001, but at times he has wrestled close to a full WWE schedule.


Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

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Guest bravesfan
Has he put himself over the most over guy in the company who had a year long winning streak?


If you're talking about Brock Lesnar, yes he has.


After Lesnar won the WWE Undisputed Championship at Summerslam, HHH refused to accept the IC title and instead proposed to have champions on both show. So, after having Brock chase the Undisputed Champion for a two-month period, with a side feud with RVD, after which he finally defeats the Rock cleanly at the promotion's 2nd biggest PPV, Helmsley hatches a plan...




Doesn't that make Lesnar look like an idiot, who had to wait over 2 months post-KOTR to get his title shot, whereas HHH beats the Undertaker in a match for the same value title?

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Guest TheGame2705

Where did it say he refused the IC title? Maybe the writing team got frustrated with the Undisputed Champ floating back and forth in between shows and wanted some way to have champions for both shows to make it easier. Awarding him a title makes him look like a coward and normally you'd think that'd give someone heel heat.

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Guest humongous2002

Trip's was offered the IC title but his big ego decided that the belt was not at his level anymore and asked the bimbo princess to give him the big gold belt.

Back to the SD conspiracy theory, it seems that WWE has signed a new contract with UPN now they will put all their effort on RAW, that's why they have the so-called big stars Austin and Rock on it,the funny thing is the fans are tired of the same old shit according to the ratings droping week by week.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Well, to be perfectly honest, he WAS above the IC title. Just like Rock, Austin, and Hogan. I mean, really, would you have ever expected any of those three to ever hold a secondary title like the IC belt again( or for the first time for Hogan)? Hell, Trips was above the title in 2001, yet he held it then.


Not saying that excuses what he's done for himself or to others, but to say he's wrong for thinking he's above the IC title is absurd.

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Guest humongous2002

Ahem, i don't think i said he was wrong for doing that, i'm just stating the facts here that's all.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
Trip's was offered the IC title but his big ego decided that the belt was not at his level anymore and asked the bimbo princess to give him the big gold belt.

It was implied.

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Guest snuffbox

HHH could have taken the IC title and jobbed it to RVD, putting him over big and keeping the title alive for Raw. Then HHH could have gone into main event fueds with Brock or ane or whatever with/without title. HHH could have gotten the RVD job back later in a world title defense if he really needed to. Would have been better than burying RVD, IC title, and the year 2002. Anyone whos really over doesnt need a belt anyway and they know it. Thats why Mike Awesome was ECW champ, to get him over, and Tommy Dreamer never really held it, he didnt need to.

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Guest humongous2002

Maybe you just read it wrong that's all, because we all know that Trips has a big ego and that Steph is a(billion/million dollar) "princess"..... who happens to be a bimbo.

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Guest razazteca

My theory is that because of the split Raw was made to look like crap on purpose, as somebody needed to do the 30 minute promos every night it was just convinent that HHH volunteered for it. Smackdown with the SD6 was the wrestling show.

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