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Guest TheMikeSC

Judge Estrada

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Well you know, I'm sure the democrats aren't just playing politics here, it's not like they would ever deliberately destroy the nomination of a perfectly qualified hispanic candidate because he committed the grave offense of not thinking the way he's supposed to think and daring to actually be a conservative, successful, minority.



I'm sure you can sense the dripping sarcasm in there.


Look, you asked for "our liberal members here attempt to defend" and I think we can all agree this is just partisan bickering. Politics, unfortunately, have a lot of that.


I can't really defend everything the DNC does since I don't really agree with it all (Nancy Pelosi? What the hell? They're just ASKING for more Republicans to be voted in next time.)


I only subscribe to one of the Big Two because if you don't, you're fucked. I don't constantly agree with them on everything and tow their line. I've been trying to tell if you're like that with your party or not, but it's kind of hard to figure out.


Either way, I think the Republicans are tiptoeing along the racism line by making the Dems look like they don't support minorities if they don't support this guy, and I think that the Dems are probably just assuming that anyone sent over by Bush will be a hard-ass conservative, much like how anyone sent by Clinton was assumed to be a hard-ass liberal.


Nobody's really showing their best manners.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

Note that Mike hasn't disputed the Republican racism claims, instead bashing everything the dems have done.

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Guest Some Guy
While he is hispanic, he failed to provide even a single example of how he has contributed to any hispanic community, including pro bono service for underpriveledged hispanics, supporting hispanic law students, or advocating minority rights.

So since he has not been a liberal Hispanic activist he has some how "failed." Estrada doesn't haev to be anything but what he wants to be. To pigeon hole all minorities as having to help their own ethnic group is a diservice to them. It is just another way of keeping them down. It's typical liberal bullshit. If a minority isn't a liberal activist for his group, he is not a "real minority". The GOP doesn't give a shit that he is Hispanic, it is good PR for them, but they care that he will up hold the law and the Constitution, something that many liberal judges have trouble with (see the NJ Senate horseshit, the four votes against Bush in the Election deal, and Affirmative Action's continued existance). The Dems want to play politics and the GOP are inferring racism. Now, as per typical of liberals, when the GOP throws the Dem's own shit back in their face it somehow becomes unfair. Anybody rememeber the character assasination of Trent Lott a few months ago? I do.

If any party represents racism and the repression of minorities (purosely or not) it is the Dems, more GOPs voted for the Civil Rights Act of 64, a GOP freed the slaves and the Dems opposed. George HW Bush appointed the fist black Supreme Court Justice and the Dems opposed him and threw a sexual harrasment scandal at him and Reagan appointed the first woman to the High Court, and Bush is trying to get Estrada in to the Circuit Court and eventually into the Supreme Court. That's just an isolated example. What have trhe Dems done to put minorities in positions of this high level of power?

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Guest Jobber of the Week
So since he has not been a liberal Hispanic activist he has some how "failed."

I'm going to repeat a post that I said earlier:


He's a minority that has fought in favor of laws that tend to affect minorities in a negative way. The Democrats are kind of suspicious of it all: seems to them like the Republicans are trying to get this guy appointed so they can say "Look! We like minorities!", yet this guy doesn't seem to be at all interested in pushing whatever the hell minority agendas might be going on.


On one hand, the Democrats are probably just paranoid about it all.


On the other hand, it is kind of unusual that he refused to answer some of those questions (I was under the impression that at these hearings, they are required to answer these questions).


On the gripping hand, it doesn't really fucking matter, because the Republicans will end up voting in whomever they want, a minority or not.

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Guest TheMikeSC
Note that Mike hasn't disputed the Republican racism claims, instead bashing everything the dems have done.

It is racism, but I'm used to it out of the left.


Can't have them dark-skinned people not towing the line, can we?


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