Guest Redhawk Report post Posted March 19, 2003 I believe Goldberg has been qouted as saying he just got into Wrestling to make some money. While I have no problem with him doing that, it does show he has little to no respect for the business since he's just in it for the money. I believe he's been quoted as saying other things as well, but I can't recall what. Do you really think Benoit or ANY of those guys who "respect the business" would do it for free? Read those books by ex-wrestlers, and money is ALWAYS an issue. I think most wrestlers get into the business for money. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted March 19, 2003 What you act like i was born yesterday. I'm fully aware that money is always an issue no matter what business you're in. However saying that most wrestlers get into the business for the money is wrong. 90% of wrestlers have to start at the very bottom making very little money. So tell us why would guys get into the business for the money when it could be ten years before they make good money? The answer is that they wouldn't. These guys that have to start at the bottom for very little money have to love the business or they wouldn't do it. WCW went after Goldberg so he was likely making good money from the very beginning. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Redhawk Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Of course they make little money to begin with, but their goal is to get to the big-time and get the big money. It's the same way in any entertainment business. The participants love what they do (sing, act, dance, wrestle) but are also driven by money and success. I think that given the schedule Goldberg worked, he does have some love for the business. You have to in order to keep up with that travel schedule and physical punishment. And I don't think Goldberg was necessarily making a lot when he started. His story sounds a lot like Lex Luger's: former football player who knew someone in the wrestling business who told them, "You've got the look. You can make some money here." They didn't start out on top, since tons of guys have the look. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Respect The 'Taker Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Goldberg - A piece of shit that think's he warped the wrestling business to a new dimension with his 2 move arsenal of doom. Not to mention he retired the guy who has been my hero since i was 10 years old. I fucking hate Goldberg and hope goes bankrupt quite soon. I also hope his mother admits to him that she's really a man. Yes, that would do. Batista - Boring and generic tend to be the most common answers here. Who am i to disagree? Buff Bagwell - Could have been something, however mixed with the wrong people (Nash,Kevin) and ended up being a complete joke, serves the shithead right. 3 Minute Warning - I cannot stand these morons, with the exception of Rico. Jamal & Rosie are the most utterly boring and worthless individuals on RAW. No prospect, no future, no nothing. I NEVER watch any match involving them. Test - Was awesome a few years ago but somehow just sank into roid-hell and broke down. No charisma and not exceptional in any way from the other 6 million brawlers on the roster. Kevin Nash - Always liked Nash, mainly due to the fact he can take what the smarks say and just flat out admit that it's true he doesn't give a fuck about wrestling, and that he's in it to make cash. Gotta love honesty. Big Show - I like the Big Show, espicially when he's got Heyman with him. He has been used correctly over the past months, however the WWE better get whatever they can out of him because in another 5 years, i'll be surprised if he can still walk. Triple H - Cause he's a fucking asshole that is so ignorant to his own shit that he's heading straight for Dieselmania, only Trips won't make it past 40 from all the roids the moron takes. UYI Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Yes everyone knows money is the ultimate goal for most people... The money is still important, but If they didn't love wrestling they wouldn't deal with all the shit that comes with it just based on the hope of some day making good money. Remember there's no guarantee that they will ever see the big pay days. Besides like i said the whole "i only did it for the money" was just one of the examples of Goldberg showing that he has no real desire for wrestling. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bravesfan Report post Posted March 19, 2003 What's with the Batista and 3MW hate? Or at least the extreme volumes of it? And comparing them to Bagwell, Test, Big Show, etc.? These three have been performing on the "big stage" for less than a year. They have not been given even 1/4 the size of a push that Marcus Bagwell or Test have had in their career. All three are not in any title picture and have not been given dozens of pushes that have ultimately failed ONLY BECAUSE OF the wrestlers blowing the opportunities themselves. Marcus Bagwell: Never learned the time-honored art of shutting the fuck up and was still given push upon push by WCW just because of his "loyalty", which can be contributed to the WWF not wanting him at any time in the first place. Oh, and each push failed too. Because Buff sucks. Test: 4 years, and still no shred of charisma or entertainment value. If the amount of airtime and booking focus he had, was given to someone more deserving, like D-Lo Brown, it is impossible to imagine how far D-Lo would've went with that push. Goldberg: He carried WCW throughout 1998 on his undefeated streak, becoming their cash cow. Understands when he needed to job in the later years. Only thing I'm a bit peeved about, is his insistence to deal only with main eventers. But then again, that could be because of his quick rise out of development, where Bischoff and other officials steered him clear of rising mid-carders (Jericho), where Goldberg followed orders only because he was still a "rookie" who had not had a full grasp of the business. The "he's only in it for the money" is a horrible argument to begin with. Do we know the exact percent of wrestlers who's working "for the love of the sport"? For example, Mick Foley can say his 1999-2000 run was basically to push the incoming stars (HHH and the Rock), but as he stated in his book, the 1st class airfare and 7-figure deal wasn't just a side incentive; it was what kept him in the business after 1998.. We shouldn't fault Goldberg because the money's there for him to take. He's not desperate for work (or so he says.) The contract has to match accordingly to his needs in financial and physical terms, which is what ANY intelligent human being would do given the situation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NoSelfWorth Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Goldberg: I don't have a problem with Goldberg at all. He may not be the most gifted of worker's, but he's ok. Can be carried. I just wish he would, if he hasn't done so in secret, apologise to Bret Hart for being a clumsy idiot. Batista: He has all the charisma and personality of a tree. Wow, he's big and muscular(!) Who gives a fuck ? He just doesn't have what it takes to be where they want him to be. Buff Bagwell: Arrogant, pointless, talentless, etc. He has no redeeming features whatsoever. 3-Minute Warning: Fat, clumsy and worthless. Not to mentiono generally uncoordinated, reckless, boring, and painfully generic. Test: No personality at all. No charisma. No reason to care. Kevin Nash: One of the main reasons WCW is dead. Big Lazy is more appropiate nickname. Lowest drawing WWF Champion of all time. His one talent is that he can bs people into believing he can draw, and has some sort of in-ring talent. His one attractive feature is the thrill you get from watching him perform, wondering what muscle he'll tear next from breathing, blinking or sneezing. Big Show: Super lazy, super unmotivated and super worthless. Send him to OVW until he hits a LEGIT 460 or so, and develops some skills. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BionicRedneck Report post Posted March 19, 2003 I like talented people. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest saturnmark4life Report post Posted March 19, 2003 I'm an admitted big show fan. I don't advocate title runs either, but don't see how the hell he is worse than anyone else on that list. The guy is fat as all hell, and for his own good he needs to get waaaay down ASAP, if he did that he could still be an entertaining midcard face character. Whilst his title run was a bad idea I personally thought he was booked quite well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Trivia247 Report post Posted March 19, 2003 If I have too weigh in on the Goldberg Burning in Effegy here It would take me all day. there is just so much Loathing I got for the Crapberg. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Si82 Report post Posted March 19, 2003 OK then, Goldberg - I don't mind Goldberg. Mind you I don't think people should hate him for what he did to Bret Hart. I mean, he didn't fucking plan to end his career or anything. Besides, people don't hate D'Lo Brown for what he did to Droz. Batista - A talentless, heatless, musclebond goof. Buff Bagwell - An egotistical mommy's boy who is totally boring. 3-Minute Warning - I like 3 Minute Warning. God knows why, but I like them. Test - He had one good run in him (when he was with Steph) and now he sucks. And is pushed down our throats. Kevin Nash - Ha! A talentless, lazy, whiney, injury-prone moron. Big Show - Another talentless, fat bastard who constantly gets pushed to the moon 'cause he signed a million dollars a year contract. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Spaceman Spiff Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Buff Bagwell - 2 words: "Calf implants" I mean, WTF? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Hamburglar Report post Posted March 19, 2003 I love Big Kev. How could you not love someone so gloriously lazy? I once saw him get to his feet to deliver an elbow drop, but halfway through he decided he couldn't be bothered and just fell back down onto his opponent before promptly going to sleep for a good five minutes. Sheer genius, don't see why people take his antics seriously. And his hair...need I say more? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Trivia247 Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Its time to Bash Da Goldberg Goldberg gains my Disdain, for being pushed over valid wrestlers of the day because he was bald and had a Look. First time I saw Goldberg I thought Hmmm Nikita Koloff is back in wrestling? But the guy is crap his wrestling is Basic to the point of Entry level, with only two Power moves. Goldberg is given the power to Never lose, never job, never sell, (At least the Undertaker loses Sometime) And everyone else has to sell to him like he is...Well Goldberg! And if Goldberg is set to do a angle where he does Not get the World title belt after he spent half a year as champ...then OUCH my arm hurts again from the injury I received 6 months earlier. And he goes out. And lets talk about the disrespect for the business. you can say anyone wants to get paid, thats true, but People normally don't give a shit intially who they win or lose to when they are in a job interview. Wrestlers who respect the business that they in, understand instictively that when they come in they are gonna job here and there for a while till they gain a following in the WWE. You may but but but Goldberg he is already a Star... a Star that no one has seen in 3 years. Unless you were able to get some NJPW material on him. More disrespect....this time to the company. Goldberg spent the year on the couch eating cheetos and doin what???? BASHING the WWF! He went as far as to accuse the WWF for not helping survivors of the 9/11 Disaster since they are a New York Based Promotion (stamford conn Goldy) Even though the WWF gave the WWF club over as a shelter. everytime a mic was in his month He bashes the WWF and Puts himself and Russo over. Now he comes in proclaiming I Shall NEVAH lose to the likes of HHH and Brock or he won't sign??? Who the fuck are you Goldberg? You don't do that shit ever. But of course Goldberg is NOT a wrestler, he is a Spoiled Performer who was given his own way because the WCW management at the time had no balls and no idea what the fuck they were doing. Is that enough for goldberg???Or shall I be at all clearer?? Ok who was next Batista I don't mind, but he better pull some more moves out of his Ass instead of a Main Event Spinebuster and Liger bomb. He looks big and bad, even more intiminating than baby hewey played by Brock Lesnar, but he isn't showing anything. 3 Minute warning I don't mind them either, Im always partial to the Samoan Contingent of wrestling. But they too better start improving, or they can shave their heads dab some facepaint and call themselves Headhunters version 2 Buff Bagwell he is just annoying. and Im glad he faded in the background. Test He came in with alot of Potential but Few people gave him much due, However Riding the Shane o Mac Friendship train isn't leading him to popularity, he needs to get a personality, or he will go the way of steve blackman. Kevin Nash People say he was terrible as Diesel nearly 10 years ago. Heh and back then he at least had some kind of speed and the most basic of movesets. Being big don't always translate to being Powerful. And as we all painfully are aware of This Doofus is very Fragile. he Trips falls and Tears quads faster than my ex GF sprains her ankles. At least she walked it off... Nash was crying like a baby. (I know the injuries are different and Quad is more Painful. But hey at the time she was 15 and he is in his 40's) So I think it applies. Nash has a great mic work and great character that laid back blahhzay but if he even comes back he BETTER not get any title shot, Not world not tag, until he actually gets in the ring and Move around without falling and Quadding again! Big Show.... hell he is a Giant, he should have been pushed as such since day one. He then became a Low carder then a Jobbing machine, then a laugh riot on connan which brought him to the just having fun gimmick, now back to the Mean Giant.... But my problem with him is, that Only Andre can Pull off wearing cheezy circa 1970's Suits because he was Andre.....But he is the Big Show.... Big difference. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest humongous2002 Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Goldberg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest humongous2002 Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Here are my thoughts: Goldberg-Well he is nothing more than a talentless,spoiled, a legend in his own mind, hypocrite locker room cancer, it blows my mind when i hear that Vince wants to hire this green loser fter all the shit he said about the company, the sad thing is i was a Goldberg fan, i knew he couldn't wrestle his ay out of paperbag but he still was entertaining, but then all of a sudden his ego got big and he started opening his dumb mouth . He was given an amazing push too early in his career even though he doesn't love and respect the wrestling business, Goldberg should stay in Japan b/c it seems that the only ones that remembers his is his very small fanbase and his critics that can't stand him. Now about Batista-He has a great look but everything else he does sucks, he doesn't belong in the main event scene or upper midcarder, he is not ready for the big leagues yet. 3MW-Belong in OVW not on my tv, and they should take the other fat samoan Rikishi with them too. Buff-WHO?! Test-midcarder for life, no charisma, no wrestling skills and ugly big teeth, Test belongs in a stable instead of a ring i guess he is taking too much Horse steroids. Nash-Belongs in a retirement home, he was born a good for nothing and he will die a good for nothing, he's got 2 skills:mic skills and being a leech. Big Slow-Belongs floating in a toilet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites