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Guest ViciousFish

4 Star Match

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Guest ViciousFish

I was wondering what in your opinions makes a 4 star match? Or if you don't like that 4 star idea, what makes a great match?


I personally think any match that can actually get my holding my breath at finishes, cheering for a worker besides the basic 'I like him so I gotta cheer for him' cheer and can totally get the crowd behind it. I think technical ability in a match is alot better than basic punch-kick-clothesline-finisher wrestling, that alot of WWE staff uses nowadays, especially the RAW roster. And a varied offense from each wrestler, consisting of many moves instead of for an example Edge using 4 or 5 spears in one match.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Doing an assload of moves doesn't make a match great.


If you compare some of the most renowned US workers to ever set foot in the ring, they had some pretty basic movesets and didn't use more than maybe 6 or 7 a pop.

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Guest snuffbox

Good heat, psychology, pace. A decent moveset and mix of spots, well executed. Very little dead moments or blown spots. Clean finish is also a plus.

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