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Guest Redhawk

Why don't you like HHH? (Logically)

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Guest Pigsy
His matches and promos generally bore me. He is not entertaining to watch most of the time.


Coming from a Regal fan?!? :lol:


Just kidding, I like Regal too. (I'm from the UK... it's the law).


I think the reason there's so much hate towards HHH is, as many people have said, because he is nowhere near the performer he was in 2000, but is still the main focus of the show.


As for his (alleged) politics, that started to bug me when he beat Jericho in the HIAC. HHH winning did absolutely nothing, whereas Jericho winning could have helped establish him as a main eventer.


Ofcourse, there are times when I remember that when it boils down to it, wrestling is pretend fighting - so who cares if HHH wants to win a bunch of fixed fights?

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Guest BionicRedneck

Why dont I like HHH?....hmmmmmm....let me see....


Perhaps it's because he is absolute dogshit, and even when he was in his "great" period he was still brutally overrated. Of all the people who have claimed to be the "best in the biz" Helmsley is becoming the most ridiculous.

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Guest Valcourt

I turn the channel when ever HHH has a math because I simply know I won't see the other guy (no matter who it is) come out on top, or come out clean. For me, there just is not any excitment to his matches because I can pretty much know before hand what will go down. That is why I don't like HHH.


Valcourt :cheers:

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Guest jester

HHH has been tolerable for the past couple of Raws, probably because he had to share the playground with Rock and Austin. But prior to this, it was very easy to hate him, even if you'd never heard the backstage stuff.


He was involved in some of the most brutal angles of last year, including Katie Vick.


He has been insome of the most brutal matches of the past while, including ones with Taker and Steiner.


It's been said 100 times, but here it is again--his promos meander and go on too long.


He is over. But he been given several tries and the full support of WWE. He has been given mike time. A stable. Major feuds. He is not over enough to justice the time spent on him. It was clearly obvious that they wanted us to worship HHH with Austin-like love, but he just wasn't nearly as interesting or charismatic.


He is almost never booked to look weak. Steiner was the exception, and Booker seems to have a slight edge right now, but we'll see how it plays out.

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Guest AndrewTS
I started hating HHH at Judgment Day 2002...I still don't understand the point of him going over Jericho in the HIAC.

Right, that's when I became an HHHater, as shown in my sig. I thought everyone was just overexaggerating or bitching over nothing until that happened.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

I've hated HGH since 2000, when he killed off one of the greatest angles in modern times, the love triangle with him, Kurt and Steph. That angle was awesome, and it had only ONE LOGICAL conclusion. Stephanie would betray HGH, side with Kurt, and HGH would be the scorned lover, and one super hot babyface. The only trouble was that HGH saw that ending as making him look weak, so the only LOGICAL ending was canned, and it ended with HGH cleanly pinning Kurt, and that was it.


There was also the way he totally buried Jeff Hardy twelve feet under on Raw in April 2001, and then buried him even further in the rematch on Smackdown a few weeks later. He completely killed Jeff dead. Jeff was ready to catch fire, and people were ready to get behind him. Sadly, thanks to HGH, he hasn't been anywhere near that hot since.


In addition to that, there is his burying of any potential threat to his top spot. It doesn't matter if they don't really have the potential to take his spot or not, if he thinks they do, he cuts their legs off. There is also the fact that while he was a strong worker in 2000-2001, since he came back, he's been the drizzling shits in every department. He's had one really good match since coming back, and that was mainly because it used every shortcut in the book. Apart from that, his matches have ranged from bearable, to downright horrific. His promo's are boring as hell, and do nothing but induce a coma. His character is pretty much the same as it was in 1999. Even if he was as good as he was in 2000-2001, I would want him gone from the top spot for a long time.


Since he started getting the Super Push From Hell in mid-1999, apart from his time off with injury, he's been in the main event slot all that time. That's over 3 and a half years. I don't care how good you are, anyone will get stale after that long on top.


He needs to realise that his ego, and obsession with having to be the top dog, are a majort part of what is killing Raw.

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Guest snuffbox


-never putting anyone over

-never losing clean

-obvious match endings

-tanking ratings/buyrates as champ

-stupid/queer angles

-burying so many potential new stars

-and of course, the politics

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Guest RugbyDiva

I think this thread is missing something..my sig.


But carry on.. and bash away! :)

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Guest Polish_Rifle

He never loses. I don't mean meaningless tag matches but in general I think when someone becomes so dominant that they hang over all the other competitors like a dark cloud, it gets irritating.

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Guest LJSexay
I "hate" him for three reasons.


1: he is boring. His promos suck, his matches are all the same, he is trying to be Flair without a quarter of Flair's talent. He is on too damn much. He is the only person on RAW who I just completely hate. I rather watch 3MW because they atleast are short stints. HHH is atleast 20 mins.


2: He isn't has good as he used to be. Back in 2000, atleast his matches were watching. Which gave him something of a plus. But now all his matches are so "punch, punch, punch, face gets a punch or two, knee move, high knee, takes a bump, running knee to face move, takes a bump, takes a bump, closeline, running knee drop, sleeperhold, punch, takes a bump, punch, spinebuster, punch, kick to gut, Pedigree". Thats anywhere from 5 to 30 mins all doing that.


3: He is so worn down that he needs time off to heal but he would never let himself get healed up. Plus he needs to close 30 to 60 pounds so his quads, knees, and legs wouldn't be so fucked up. But as long as he is on the juice, he will keep being Cripple H.

no need to add anything else for me.

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Guest Basswitch

I am a huge Jerichoholic, so that pisses me off right there, that he's holding Jericho down.


He is boring in the ring, and in promos (" I ama the gamea, i ama the besta in this buisness, because i am the game, meaning that i am the best in the buisness. Why else would i have this belt, its not like I am fucking the bosses daugher).


To tell the truth, most wrestlers would probally not put the gold around themselves, if they didnt deserve it. But HHH has the belt, and he does not deserve it.


Personally i wanna see Low Ki vs. HHH in a street fight, so low Ki can kick the shit out of HHH, and go totally Kayfabe and beat him (HHH). Then HHH will have to deal with loosing to someone who is half his size.


- im done now.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

One simple reason. How many people in the last 2 years have come out of a feud with HHH looking better than when the feud started. Lets review:


Jeff Hardy: Got a fluke win over HHH for the IC Title before being totally squashed twice. Has never recovered from this.


The Undertaker and Kane : Just a shit feud all around, but I can't blame HHH for this one.


Kurt Angle: HHH's first feud since the quad tear, by the end of this it was firmly established HHH could beat Kurt at will, not to mention the numerous times Kurt had his tights pulled down and was spanked. Took a good 6-9 months to recover from this.


Chris Jericho: Two words - Dog Poop.


Hulk Hogan: This feud just had bad idea written all over it. Hogan got a cheap win at Backlash for the belt, but eventually ate Pedigree on smackdown for the clean loss. But probably, Hogan came out of the feud looking reasonably good.


Chris Jericho : HIAC, once again established that HHH could beat Y2J at will. Is only now starting to regain credibility.


Undertaker: One of the worst PPV main-event matches in WWE history, no be honest neither guy came out looking any better.


HBK: The only man this year HHH has done a clean job to, and just happens to be HHH's best friend and a part time wrestler who is no threat to his spot. Coincidence? I think not.


RVD: HHH went out of his way to make RVD look shit and completely buried him on the mike and in the ring. Is now in a mid-card tag team with Kane.


Kane: The infamous necrophilia angle that resulted in Kane being completely buried to the point of which I think he will never recover.


Elimination Chamber: Established that HHH and HBK where miles ahead of everybody else in that match. Four men buried in one night.


Scott Steiner: Completely buried himself really, but HHH did nothing to hide Steiners weaknesses. Is now stuck in mid-card hell (where he should be).


As you can see the only people HHH is willing to make look good are has-beens that are in no way a threat to him. I realise that bad wrestlers and wrestlers I don't like are going to be pushed, but what I hate about HHH is the fact that he has went out of his way to try to ruin peoples careers, only to keep his worthless ass at the top of the card.

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Guest JMA

He was liked A LOT better in 2000. That was, incidently, when he was still putting on great matches. If only he would dump his friends, stop playing politics, lose weight, and give his injuries time to heal he wouldn't be hated so much. I don't think he's a hopeless cause... yet.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

*reminds JMA that he's marrying in to the family business*

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Guest papacita

He fucked my woman. :angry:


Seriously, I used to kinda sorta like him back in the day, but since his return he's done nothing but bore me. And I've never been a fan of his in-ring work.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

This is mostly how he's booked, but: I tire of any wrestler who is a world champion, rarely defends it on television, and wrestles almost as infrequently. Everything leading up to the first Steiner match--and really, the second one too--is what I hate the most. No wrestler who isn't in a match that night needs more than 10 minutes a show, and I tend to think it devalues both the product and the title if the champion is so obviously inactive.


He's been doing just that for the past few months, and it turns me off watching TV if the supposed top competitors aren't going to be competing.

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I think the fact that even WWE employees are complaining about his backstage pull is enough to put the "it's just a bunch of conspiracy theories" idea to rest.


The guy must deep down inside know he just doesn't perform like he used to and it scares the hell out of him. He likes being in the top spot and he's going to make sure he stays that way.


Getting married to Steph, who is the heir to the WWE throne, has pretty much solidified his pull backstage. Once she takes over he's pretty much half of the power in the WWE.

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Guest JHawk

I'll add something nobody's mentioned yet, and this was around the time I started hitting the HHHater bandwagon.


Vengeance 2001. Which show will HHH go to? 35 minutes is spent on this, including over 15 in the ring where he finally sides with Raw based on the prodding of Shawn Michaels.


The next night on Raw, another 25 minutes+ is spent focusing on that angle...and he turned on Michaels, who had talked him into going to Raw in the first place.


Approximately 20% out of five hours worth of programming, including PPV time, spent to completely make the first 45 minutes absolutely fucking meaningless by the end of the last 15.


Meanwhile, we got treated to an average PPV and a bunch of sub-four minute matches on Raw. Why? To stroke Triple H's ego.

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Guest snuffbox

Any world champion in this era needs to have a strong workrate. Payperview main events must be **** or above almost every go. shit matches were ok in the 80s and such, but WWE/N.American fans have all been exposed to solid workrate and they know it when they see it.


HHH can not provide that in his roidmonkey condition. He sacrificed his once-good ring work for smaller testicles. Good trade jackass!

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He knows his body is falling apart. Two more years and he'll probably have to retire from his legs becoming almost useless.


A champion that knows he's just bringing things down should not try to stay at the top. Especially if he claims to love the business as much as he does.

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Guest Brian

He's lucky he's on RAW. Brock/Angle has an opportunity to turn heads, the cruiserweight division could be picking up under Mysterio, and the tag division is pretty strong.

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Guest humongous2002

I truly don't hate the Lame but i don't like him either, it's just that after he came back from his injury he has been shove down our throats w/o actually earning his old spot again, he is nothing but broken goods and even the marks at home are tuning out everytime he is on tv giving his 25 minute promos that bored the crowd to death.He has been burying the whole WWE roster b/c he is afraid of loosing a spot he got just for kissing Vince's ass and f'ing the bimbo's ass, in my book that's not call paying your dues.He has gone out of his way to make Jericho look bad and weak,he made Flair the greatest world champion and a living legend into his personal stooge, he is sabotaging RVD's career by bitchin' everytime that big bad RVD gives him a boo-boo, try to sabotage Edge's career by telling Vince that he is not ready to main event b/c he can't carry Albert in a match,with Steiner he knew that he will look good w/o trying b/c good old Scotty belongs in a wheelchair and not as a main eventer in a ring, and Booker will be another victim just wait and see. He will only make his boys look good(HBK and eventually the next RAW champ Nash) and he doesn't mind giving the spotlight to Austin and Rock b/c he knows they are pretty much on their way out.And the main reason i don't like this has been of a wrestler b/c of him the WWE will eventually cease to exist, he is not the Cerebral Assasin , he is the WWE assasin.

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Guest graph9

I don't like him because he is evil..he is the cause of everything from the Kennedy assisination..to the two space shuttle explosions....but seriously...i don't care for him much because..



I think in any buisness proffesionalism rules the day..but HHH like Hogan (in his heyday).. just seems jealous and insecure..backstabbing..trashing other wrestlers to protect their top spot...etc..there is room at the top level for alot of people..


His best year by far was 2000..and he probably hurt whatever legacy he might have had..with his actions after that..but he probably needs to take poniters from the Rock on how to be proffesional..it dosen't make you look bad to lose..or to let your opponent get the upper hand..



He isn't stupid..he is going to keep his top spot..marrying Stephanie..he went from being on Vinces shit list..Shawn's personal ass kisser..and wallowing in the mud with the Godwins......to marrying the bosses daughter in the near furture..






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Guest wildpegasus

Being a Benoit fan I've watched his career pretty closely. What really made me suspiscious of HHH was when HHH took Benoit's slot against Austin at the Survivor Series?. Benoit had been in the main event for a good little while here (at least a couple of months) and had a match against Austin on RAW the night after the PPV where Hunter was dropped from a crane while he was in a car. Austin won this match beating Benoit at his own technical game. The announcers made a fuss about this and in a tag match the next Smackdown Benoit and Austin had a technical exchange ending with Benoit shaking his finger at Austin pretty much saying "you beat me once technically, but not this time." Obviously a rematch was being built up here. Even in the Ross report Jim Ross pretty much stated that he'd love to see a 2/3 falls match between Austin and Benoit. At the time matches were always announced a good deal before the PPV. However, I began to suspect something when they just untipically at the time wouldn't announce any match for either Benoit or Austin.They waited to very close to the PPV to do this and then Benoit got stuck fueding with Billy Gunn for the IC title.This was the start of a long stint in the midcard for Benoit. Obviously, Benoit got demoted here. HHH then as we all know miracously recovered from the car crash and took what looked to be Benoit's spot against Austin at the PPV even though I believe he may have been injured at the time. This whole scenario was just too suspiscious to me.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

And Benoit didn't get the montage/comeback he deserved... I thought it would have been a given... It didn't happen... I wonder why... The only reason I can think of is that his return would have been too similar to HHH's, and there is only allowed to be one game in the WWE.

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Guest LatinoHeat
I posed the question in Triple H Stats thread in what was HHH's last clean job in a straight up, no gimmick, no stipulation, no interference, 1-on-1 wrestling match and well no one knew.


I believe it was the october '96 "buried alive" ppv. HHH curtain jerked that card.

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Guest wildpegasus

Yeah, Benoit's comeback after a year. I'm lucky enough to be able to discuss wrestling with a few friends and remember laughing about how Hunter's comeback was being shoved down our throats. We all were wondering whether Benoit would get a music video upon his return. My friends said no but I decided to be naive and use logic (Yeah, I'm stupid) saying that it would look too hideously byist if Benoit didn't get a hyped return. Well, as we all know he didn't and then to top it all off his tag team lost in his returning match! Benoit then lost to the Dudleys in his fist PPV match back. Can you imagine HHH losing in an opening PPV match after his return? I think not.

Granted, we don't know how much influence HHH had here but it is mighy suspiscious.

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