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Yet another draft element...

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The King was asking JR about what would happen to them, if they were absolved from the draft. I hope not. JR on Raw is good, because he really belongs there, but please get rid of the King if it's going to be a more wrestling-oriented program. Make Heyman an announcer/manager-type person, or have maybe, as people have said, Cyrus in. As for Smackdown, please oh PLEASE get rid of Michael Cole. He's awful, and that's even with tape editing done over a two day period. Send King there so he can drool over the valets that the wrestlers will have, but send Cole back to the locker room as an interviewer or something. I would personally like to see Joey Styles(even though I think he's said he wants nothing more to do with the business, despite his weekly hotline updates and stuff), or maybe even Tony... er, never mind. I need to stop smoking crack.


Anyone else?

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Guest dreamer420

I liked Scott Hudson in WCW.  He always seemed well informed and doesn't act like a jackass.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

By monday....I'd imagine that Angle will have been demoted to commentary.


There's your answer.

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Guest RickyB
By monday....I'd imagine that Angle will have been demoted to commentary.


There's your answer.

That #### Tripple H!

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Guest goodhelmet

Hey Anglesault, what was worse: Angle fighting Kane on the biggest show of the year or jobbing to Edge in a meaningless tag match on RAW?

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Guest Anglesault

Edge, just because it means Kurt is starting another meaningless midcard feud. That he won't win.



And they want him to do an interview with his finger up his nose.


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Guest evenflowDDT

Ummm... no comment on the Angle-bashing, but as for announcers, I'd much rather see Tony Schavonie (####, I botched that spelling) than Jerry Lawler.  At least Tony's bad jokes and stupid comments are entertaining, and he's not degrading every match by going on and on about breasts like he's some idiotic horny teenager who's never seen them before.  And if we can't have him, then bring back Heyman... I boo'ed back in November when they replaced him with Lawler, then I realized I was boo'ing a TV set and quietly sulked about it the rest of the evening.

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Guest Anglesault
Ummm... no comment on the Angle-bashing

I think you may have missed the point.



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Guest goodhelmet

Yeah, Anglesault, how dare you bash Angle for being a talentless, no selling, midcard hack who won't put other people over?!?!

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Guest Some Guy

That Angle guy is way too #### selfish. He never puts anyone over or sells.  Plus his matches suck.


Oh wait I meant Undertaker not Angle, my bad.


I would go with Heymen/JR on Raw, they have a good chemistry where they try to "1 up " the other.  King/Cole on Smackdown, who else is there, who would be better, that they have now?

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Even though this has turned into an Angle discussion, I doubt any thread I could start would get so many responses short of:




He never talks, he can't sell for shit, his moves never hit, he blows spot after spot, couldn't cripple Christopher Reeve..."


You get the idea.

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Guest goodhelmet

Yeah, I would like to see Heyman/Ross again. You could feel the tension.


Yeah Kurt Angle just stole all of his moves from Ken Shamrock and Benoit anyway!


And Benoit, he just stole everything from Dynamite Kid.

#### losers!!!!!!!1

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Don't forget the Bret HArt figure 4 around the ringpost!

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Guest Anglesault

And the Owen Hart "Woo" or the Rock "Attempted murder by throwing someone off a bridge"



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You're right about Heyman/Ross. It would make more sense to have Heyman calling wrestling action instead of "Sportz-Entertainment." He can be too good to lower himself to talking about bikini contests and such(NOTHING WRONG with bikini contests).


I was watching Survivor Series 2001 the other day, and even though they were supposed to hate each other due to the storyline of the time, you knew everything they threw out there was true. They really really can't stand each other.

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Guest Some Guy

Hogan is the only truly great worker in the WWF.  Any one else is just 2nd rate.  He is also a better American Hero than Angle, Brother!

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Guest Some Guy

Hogan is the only truly great worker in the WWF.  Any one else is just 2nd rate.  He is also a better American Hero than Angle, Brother!


BTW your right Anglesault, I did mean Angle.

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Guest goodhelmet

"Hogan is the only truly great worker in the WWF."


Why the #### are you insulting Undertaker like that?

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Seriosuly to get away from all the bad jokes, Scott Hudson won't come back. He left the WWF in the first place remember? He has a government job and he would have to quit if he went to the WWF. He still anounces at Wildside though.


Anyway where did you get they might hire Cyrus?

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