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Guest tank_abbott

Final Journeys

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Guest tank_abbott

I just picked up a video called "Final Journeys" and all it says is shocking content inside, with a hearse on the cover... are these any good or it not worth my time to pick up the rest?


Also there are 7 Nightmares on Elmstreet movies correct?

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Guest Lethargic

Haven't heard of that other thing. For some reason as I get older I've gotten more out of watching Faces of Death type stuff. Not that I matured or anything stupid like that. I just burned out on them. You can only watch holocaust footage or burning asian people so many times and it still be interesting.


But yeah, there's 7 Elm Streets.

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Guest Ravenbomb

is there a computer animated skull on the front? Cause I rented something called Final Journeys, and it was a Faces of Death-type thing, only less so. The grossest thing was footage of a guy cutting his tongue in half.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I can't watch that shit...although Banned From TV (which shows deaths) seems to be ok with me.

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