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Guest hb2k_buzzsaw

Details on the Goldberg signing, Ultimo Dragon

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Guest hb2k_buzzsaw

I posted the news about the Goldberg signing on another board earlier this week. Obviously, no-one believed me, but now it is out in the open, I'll type up what I mentioned on that board...


- Bill Goldberg signed his WWE contract over the weekend and will debut shortly. Apparently, when the deal was done, WWE asked him not to tell anyone. But several people have confirmed the signing. Specifics of his contract are not known yet, but it is believed he will not debut until after WrestleMania, and could very well wrestle The Rock at Backlash. If he is at WrestleMania at all, it will be in the form of an appearance rather than a match.


- I am 99% sure Ultimo Dragon has signed with WWE as well, but he will wrestle a more limited schedule (not be on all house shows - will do around 10 shows per month as opposed to 15). He will begin on the Smackdown roster shortly after WrestleMania.

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Guest bob_barron

Ummmmmmmmm who are you and why you couldnt you put this in the another Goldberg thread?

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Guest Nevermortal

[in 6 months.]


"This is Ultimo Dragon....Raw...NUMBER ONE ANNOUNCER!"

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Guest Lightning Flik
[in 6 months.]


"This is Ultimo Dragon....Raw...NUMBER ONE ANNOUNCER!"


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Guest Eagan469



Oh wait, it's just another newbie posting news without a source

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Guest hb2k_buzzsaw

Newbie - on this board, yes.


And trust me, this isn't an idiot posting false news, I posted this earlier on in the week, and if it was false, then the news of hs signing wouldn't be the talk of wrestling right now. And next week, you'll know I'm telling the truth, because it'll all over the net.

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Guest Downhome
Newbie - on this board, yes.


And trust me, this isn't an idiot posting false news, I posted this earlier on in the week, and if it was false, then the news of hs signing wouldn't be true. And next week, you'll know I'm telling the truth, because it'll all over the net.

I believe you, it's been reported at various site anyhow, so it's not all that far fetched.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Buzzsaw, here's some tips to being liked.


1. Don't start threads advertizeing your arrival.

2. Get an avatar and a funny sig. It shows you're here for the long haul.

3. Don't start new threads when you can post in the old ones about the same topic.

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Guest bob_barron

I wish he would agree to job to Brock.


That's all I would use him for. Have Brock make him his bitch, kick out of everything and just destroy Goldberg.


I'd mark out for that

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Guest bob_barron

I wonder if him and Triple H will be able to get along.


When he recovers have Goldberg face Regal again. :-)


Bring him in, give him a win over someone (Rock?) and just have him go to SD! and put over Benoit and Brock.


I know that's wishful thinking. The only bright side of this is that after this there is no one left for Vince to bring in.

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Guest Brian

Just to clarify you're sig buzz, Meltzer broke news of Goldberg's signing technically on Wenesday even though thenewsletters hadn't arrived yet.

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Guest hb2k_buzzsaw
Maybe... hb2k_buzzsaw = Kevin Kelly?

If I was Kevin Kelly, I'd sue my parents for that body.

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Guest bob_barron

Is the crowd going to even respond to him?? The guy hasn't drawn in almost 5 years and has the stigma of being Mr. WCW so I think he may have to be a heel.


And if Rock, Hogan, Flair, Austin, Nash, Hall, HBK and Bischoff all can't jump start the ratings then I don't see how he can.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Is the crowd going to even respond to him?? The guy hasn't drawn in almost 5 years and has the stigma of being Mr. WCW so I think he may have to be a heel.


And if Rock, Hogan, Flair, Austin, Nash, Hall, HBK and Bischoff all can't jump start the ratings then I don't see how he can.

Good point. They should sign Sting too!

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Guest bob_barron

Here's something I looked up at.


In 2000 WCW's top two PPVs were Souled Out and Spring Stampede which both did .25 buyrates.


Both those shows did not have Goldberg on them.

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Guest Downhome
Here's something I looked up at.


In 2000 WCW's top two PPVs were Souled Out and Spring Stampede which both did .25 buyrates.


Both those shows did not have Goldberg on them.

What is your source? My source(s) say that the two top PPV's in 2000 for WCW were Mayhem and Starcade, pulling in 0.45 and 0.32 respectively, and both DID have Goldberg on them.

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Guest bob_barron



According to that site-

Mayhem drew a .12

Starrcade drew a .11

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Guest Downhome


According to that site-

Mayhem drew a .12

Starrcade drew a .11

Is that the right address? I can't get it to come up for me.


After looking this up, I have found half of the sites list what you say, and half list what I say.



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Guest bob_barron

Mayhem 99 did a .45

Starrcade 99 did a .32


The shows in 2000 did considerably worse

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Guest Downhome
Mayhem 99 did a .45

Starrcade 99 did a .32


The shows in 2000 did considerably worse

Damn then, a lot of sites are fucked then. Still, you can't point the finger at Goldberg himself. Look at the difference in the product at the time, the overall cards, and who was main eventing in the two years...


Mayhem 99 --- Bret Hart vs Chris Benoit


Mayhem 00 --- Scott Steiner vs Booker T


Starcade 99 --- Bret Hart vs Bill Goldberg


Starcade 00 --- Scott Steiner vs Sid Vicious


...the fans were obviously more interested in what they were pushing in 99, what with Bret, Benoit, Goldberg, and other such stuff. I've never realized it untill now how much of a failiere having Scotty on top and the main focul point of the show hurt the company. The fact remains that after Goldberg lost in 98, after he was demoted, after they apparently went a totally new dirrection, fans lost interest. The ratings were never the same after Starcade 98.

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Guest bob_barron

otherarena.com also confirms those buyrates numbers.


The top two were Souled Out and Spring Stampede.

The bottom two were Mayhem and Starrcade.

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Guest bob_barron

I'm just pointing out that Goldberg IS not a draw and there is no point in signing him when you could easily elevate someone else

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Guest razazteca

Will Goldberg get Sgt Slaughter and a bunch of road agents to be his posse as he walks to the ring and will Goldberg breath pryo just like he did in WCW?

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Guest Downhome
I'm just pointing out that Goldberg IS not a draw and there is no point in signing him when you could easily elevate someone else

But by stating that it doesn't prove anything, it's how he (and everyone else in WCW) was used as to if they drew or not. If WWE wised up and actually used someone right for a change, then it's more than possible he'll prove of use, in terms of drawing. Goldberg did draw, when he was used the right way, the way the fans wanted. It was only when they fucked him (and WCW) up at Starcade 98 when the fans totally gave up as a whole.

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Guest bob_barron

Why did Meltzer have to confirm it??


After he bombs there's no one else they can sign so maybe then they'll have to push new stars

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Goldberg did draw, when he was used the right way, the way the fans wanted. It was only when they fucked him (and WCW) up at Starcade 98 when the fans totally gave up as a whole.

And by saying that, it proves that the fans wanted the streak, which just won't happen in WWE.


Remember how they tried recreating the streak in 2000-2001?

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