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Guest Retro Rob

WrestleMania XIX

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Guest Retro Rob

Does anyone know what time the show should be over by? I thought 11:30, but my friend is saying mid-night (EST).

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Guest Retro Rob

Why did I ask?


Because I wanted to know how long I would be staying out that night since I need to get up early the next day.

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Guest jimmy no nose

It probably won't be over long after 11:30. Normally PPVs say they go until 11, but end between 10:30 and 10:45, so it should probably be over between 11:30 and 11:45. I'm not sure what the reason is for this.

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Guest Choken One

What reason? It's Wrestle Mania...That is good enough reason. It's odd...10 matches but it's going 4 hours...Before the Angle injury I would've thought they were giving it 40 minutes...


Hopefully the xtra hour won't mean an extended performence of Limp Bizkit...

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I got lucky with WMX8. I had to be at work for midnight and thankfully the show didn't use it's entire 4 hour window (just as most PPV's end at 10:45 instead of 11).


Just incase there was some lingering doubt, Josh said on Velocity last night it was "extended" to 4 hours.

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Guest bob_barron

I'm gonna be in a movie theatre for 5 hrs next week- I'm gonna be so drained come midnight

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Guest Youth N Asia

I don't know when they started the 4 hour deal, but it was the same time as the price hike.


They buy 4 hour blocks now for Mania and can fill them how they like.

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the really weird thing is, in Canada, Cogeco is offering the PPV for $34.99 Canadian. Isn't that the same price as normal PPVs? I haven't caved in to their demands of having digital cable to watch PPV, so I don't know.

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Guest bob_barron

Damn- You gonna watch it at the movie theatre?


It's costing me $29 to see it on the big screen.


Mania X-7 was a legit 4 hrs- it ended at like 11:55. X-8 went until 11:35-11:45 or something.

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Guest bob_barron

I'm not 19 so that option is out of the window.


The theatre is a fun experience since you kinda feel like your at a live event. The Benoit v. Angle matches were awesome since the whole theatre was pro-Benoit and we were going crazy for every near fall and submission hold.


And no one minded my profanity when HBK caused Y2J to be eliminaed

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I won tickets to the first theatre PPV, Rumble 2000, and the place was sold out and it was awesome. I also went to Judgment Day that year as a birthday present, and while good, the theatre attendance had already started dropping.


I've just kinda of assumed that over the past 3 years attendance has been low and therefore not as fun, but I could be wrong.


As for the bar, last year at Mania it was NUTS. It didn't help that the event fell on St. Patrick's Day. Attendance really dropped off around Judgment Day. It was hard to gauge Royal Rumble since 1/2 of the bar was on the "football" side (2 big TVs), but NWO attendance was way up and people were really happy to see Austin back.

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Guest bob_barron

The big 5 shows do really well. Royal Rumble was pretty much packed this year.


No one was at Unforgiven pretty much and No Way Out was pretty good capacity.


Mania should be sold out I think

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Guest Brian

I'm trying to decide whether I should get a friend to order it and tape it or wait for the DVD.

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Guest LatinoHeat

anyone know why for WM 12 they painted the logo on the ring? Why did they do that just for one show?

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Guest bravesfan
anyone know why for WM 12 they painted the logo on the ring? Why did they do that just for one show?


They did cut up the mat post-'Mania to sell it, so that may be one reason.


I remember there was a WM12 plaque shilled by the WWF, costing about $120. It had a 8x10 of Shawn's title celebration in-ring, as well as a swatch of the mat.

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