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Guest TonyJaymzReloaded

Hogan vs. Vince

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Guest TonyJaymzReloaded

Okay so all the WM stuff going around is hypin g the Vince/Hogan match as being 20 years in the making. What i dont get is...since when did Vince and Hogan just starting hating each other? I mean, back in the day, Vince was a hulkamaniac...and wasnt Vince the one who brought back the NWO?


ARGH! ...now my head hurts

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Guest Showstoppa Icon

*slaps TonyJaymzreloaded in the head for questioning WWE logic* seriously man, thinking about it too long is what causes aniarisms

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

It's best not to think about stuff like that.


You could seriously damage your psyche.

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Guest bob_barron

Vince hates Hogan for abandoning the nWo and not going away.


Vince was ready to forgive Hogan if he brought in the nWo, destroyed Ric Flair and killed the WWF but when Hogan reneged on that plan- THAT'S when Vince got pissed off.


See- it isn't that confusing

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Guest Blue Bacchus

[Mark Mode] The way I understand it is that during the 80s Vince was the evil promoter who made *GASP* money off of Hogan's Success and they cast him aside to that 2nd Rate Promotion WCW. Then Vince brought Hogan back as part of the nWo to kill his creation. [/Mark Mode]


In reality I'm sure they both enjoy each others company and drink strawberry daiquiris while watching Pedro, the Cabanna Boy, Poolside at a tropical resort.

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Guest creativename

Hey yo!!!! I miss Chris Latta too!!


"Wait, I still function..."


"Wanna bet?" :firedevil:


...er...and uh...Hogan vs. Vince makes no sense </on topic>

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Vince says he created the WWE and was responsible for it's success.


Hogan says that he (and the hulkamaniacs) helped to create the WWE and were partially responsible for it's success.


Somehow this has led to 20 years of tension. Apparently, both men don't like the fact that they each made eachother a whole lot of money...

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Guest razazteca

Fools the hatred started back in the day when WWF or Vince went to court for the 'Roid case. Also when Vince tried to make Hogan into a movie star but all of the films were just failures and never really made big profit margin.



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Guest Choken One

The set-up of the match isn't that bad but what IS confusing is...Why? Who asked for this?


It seems this match has two different kayfabe reasons


A). As Raza Said...It stems from Hogan testifying at the trials


B). RRR Said, Each want to be called the reason WWF was a success...


Real Reason...


Vince always wanted to do a storyline with Hogan and wanted to do at Mania...



What IS good about this? Keeps Hogan away from Good wrestlers...

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The Real reason is: Vince and Hogan think too much of themselves.


Vince: "I'm the biggest promoter ever!"


Hogan: "I'm the biggest wrestler ever!"


Vince & Hogan: "Our match will be the biggest match of all time!"

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Guest Brian

Vince claims he created Hulkamania and the company while Hogan makes the same claims.


Hogan pissed Vince off when he testified at the steroid trial even though he gave no incriminating evidence for McMahon, but the testimony would have had little bearing on the actual case since McMahon to that point had already been aquitted on two of the three charges.


Hogan jumped to WCW, later joined up with the NWO attempting to kill his company.


Hogan, when asked to perform as part of the NWO to get back at Flair, turned his back.


And last of all, based on the myth te two have around them, Vince thinks he's creating something bigger than Austin/McMahon.

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Guest Sykotic2002

How could casual fans thik about this being 20 years in the making? I mean were you thinking 20 ears ago, "Damn, I'd love to see Hulk Hogan go against the annopuincer Vince McMahon."

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Why is everyone so down on this match? It's not going be great wrestling wise, but it's going to be entertaining and the crowd heat should be great for these two. (Be better in Canada) The storyline makes sense why these two are feuding. Clash of Ego's.


Plus, it's not gonna be the Main Event, the match won't be longer then 15 minute tops, and the PPV is 4 Hours long so it won't take time away from the matches we're expecting to be above average.


So quit ya bitchin'

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Guest NoCalMike

I don't doubt the entrances by Hogan/Vince will generate lots of heat, but 2 mins into the match, when both are winded like never before and they are just flopping around like dead fish, hopefully the crowd turns on the both of them and just begs for the match to end.

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Guest bob_barron

I don't think so. Both guys are experts at working matches, doing their comebacks and all that.


So the match will suck but both guys are experts at making sure when Hogan should do his comebacks and all that.

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Guest Brian

People are pissed because it's getting the build over two of their future stars in the SmackDown title match.

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This match will suck and on top of that nobody wants to see this wrestlecrap candidate for their hall of shame.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

This match is happening because Hogan suggested that it would be the biggest match of all time back when he was campaigning for a WWF contract.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Is anyone else really surprised at the push this feud is getting? I mean, we all know Hogan and Vince's egos so them putting their match in heavy focus is not surprising - but the simple fact that they have it as the HEADLINING match is just ridiculous even for them.

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Guest humongous2002

That's why wrestling is in such a bad shape, instead of pushing new young blood into the business we are still getting the same old novelty wrestlers.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

And we know the match won't deliver. So what you have hear is wasting time that could be used to hype up a match that WILL deliver. But I guess disappointing the crowd is what makes wrestlemania so great.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

I know regardless of whether or not the match will deliver, we'll be hearing how it was the best thing ever and it was worth the price, etc. etc. etc.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Michael Cole: "And how about that EPIC match between Hulk Hogan vs. Vince McMahon?!"


Tazz: "Oh brutha, the 20 year wait was well worth it to see those two legends go at it at wrestlemania! A classic no doubt!"


It will be classic number hyping. Hogan + McMahon + Wrestlemania = greatest thing since sliced pie.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Remember when Tazz said that he'd be able to choke out Hogan in a New York minute?


Yeah, me neither....

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Remember when Michael Cole said he loved bob holly? I do. He's so gay.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

You damn near made me spit orange juice all over the monitor and keyboard!


Anways, when was that? Or should I say, during which "Give me a mini-push because I've been in the company for so long and I'm pissed off and redneck and I'm so tough even though my punches are laughable" period did it take place?


(Kinda off-topic, apologies...)

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

It was on Velocity some time ago. It was hilarious because there was a complete silence for like 5 seconds before Cole said something else. Mark Lloyd was either terrified or over-joyed at the proclamation of Michael Coles sexual attraction to Bob Holly.

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