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Guest TheGame2705

Watching Confidential I thought of some things

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

What do you expect H to draw with? A racism angle with an upper midcarder? A feud with a guy who rambles on and on about nothing? An angle where he calls someone a necro? I'm not saying it isn't his fault too but they haven't exactly been giving him much to work with.


I'd expect a return on my investment. HHH has gotten a continous push since 99. His return in 2001 popped a rating but that was about it. For the past 8 months he has been put over every superstar that comes his way. What does he give in return? NOTHING.


You don't want the old part to be used anymore except a temporary spare or backup. You just wanna yank out the old part that's fallen out of place put a new one in and use the old one as a backup.


I want the new parts to be actually given a chance to work. The WWE doesn't even do that. They don't even TRY because they are too scared.


Listen, Rock has jobbed to Mark Henry and had a string of matches with Brood Edge and Gangrel. Last I checked, The Rock is one of the most famous pop culture personalities ever.


They weren't as high profile and consistant as Jerichos.


RVD's first go at what? He had already had a world title main event and I believe an IC title run.


RVD's first KOTR - IC title runs haven't meant a thing in a long while, and the World Title Main Event was a joke. He was quickly dropped from the ME scene thus saying to everyone "RVD isn't good enough" .


Kid didn't end up doing anything relevant really ever with that gimmick. He only had two fluke tag title reigns and was remembered as the underdog who never quite could win the big one.


Did you watch at the time? Waltman was nothing and then was something. Cena, on the otherhand, went from nothing to nothing.


He's still a name. That means something.


No it doesn't. Ali is still a name and what would beating him mean?


Yeah and Flair's place wasn't a no-name jobber. It still meant something, maybe not very big, but still something nonetheless and he won the feud.


Ric Flair was/is a name jobber. A step above Barry Horowitz.


It doesn't matter what happens with that situation afterwards if you won though. Mankind's old system of job the whole feud then win the big one always worked for him.


Can you honestly say that Jerichos feud with Ric Flair *helped* him?


They didn't make a new graphic for HHH either and a bunch of others too. That's just nitpicking. I'm sure the last thing on the creative team's mind is a 30 second graphic.


They didn't *paste* the title to HHH.


It's meaningless now because Regal's pretty much done for a while and he's one of the champs. If it means nothing then why did the announcers hype it up so much and what was the purpose of BookDust vs. Jericho and Christian?


That's a very good question.... What WAS the purpose of Bookdust vs. Jericho and Christian. They took the titles off Bookdust WAAAAAY too soon certainly after their horrible chase for the title.


HHH is a strong guy but healthy by no means.


HHH won in the end. He didn't suffer a single bit - the other guys did.


Yeah, the NEXT PPV. Not that one but the next one.


Yes, the end message of SS: HBK is better than Booker, Jericho, Kane, RVD, and HHH. The end message of Arm: HHH is better than HBK. What about the rest of them?


True but Bret Hart ran 1994 and the next year feuded with Hakushi


Bret Hart had a strong title reign and was a legitimate main eventer.


Austin ran 2001 during the Alliance and the next year had an upper mid feud with Scott Hall


Ditto. Besides, Austin actually left because he was treated like shit and being buried by the WWE.


Nash ran 1995 and wasn't even around the next year except for the first few months.


Nash was a failure. And wasn't he in WCW in the next year?


Well if neither matters then the Royal Rumble talk is a moot point.


That's right. A moot point. Pointless. Yep, the guy who beat the Rock a year earlier ended up being pointless.


Pops=\=buyrates and ratings, fans are supposed to want the faces to win.


Were his matches bad? Were his promos bad? Was his 'look' bad? How was he not ready. Fans cheered Jericho VERY loudly.

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