Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted March 24, 2003 Seeing as this show is EIGHT HOURS long, I decided to chop it into three parts, otherwise I'd be having some serious headaches following. WRESTLEMANIA ALL DAY LONG! - Your Hosts for EIGHT Hours are Michael Cole & Ivory. Hopefully Cole won't screw up like he did on the Survivor Series tape released in 1998. - Kevin Kelly & Lillian Garcia are backstage to have interviews with Superstars through out the broadcast. WRESTLEMANIA 1: (as a special bonus, for every match they show MAJOR highlights off, (that being several minutes or the whole match) I will insert a review of the whole match, because the clippings don't justify enough for matches like Steamboat/Savage.) - Vince Mcmahon apparently came up with the idea of Wrestlemania when he and Linda (his wife obviously) were on vacation in the Caribbean. - Vince Mcmahon talks about how everyone thought he was crazy for his idea of Wrestlemania, by having to rent out hundreds of arenas for closed circuit shows, production, etc., If Wrestlemania I didn't come out successful, you wouldn't be watching WWF right now. - Gerald Brisco (WWF Senior Official) Thought it was a bold move, but everyone was skeptical about the idea. He went around to various arenas to use for the Wrestlemania broadcasts, having to persuade the owners to allow them to use the arenas and says you had to be a business man to be successful. - Howard Finkel remembers being in an office meeting hearing Vince talk about having the first Wrestlemania. Again, everyone thought he was nuts, but when Vince has his mind set on something, he'll do it. Finkel didn't realize back in 1984 it would be the start of a sports entertainment phenomenon. - Wrestlemania 1 Highlights. Quick Clips from all the matches. King Kong Bundy's squash is the center of attention to begin with. Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff winning the tag team titles, and the bodyslam challenge match between Andre The Giant and Big John Studd. - Michael Cole mentions he saw Wrestlemania on closed circuit television in Syracuse, New York. Mention of the Rock n' Wrestling era of the WWF. - Gerald Brisco says old school guys think it was an embarrassment to professional wrestling to have celebrities come in. He says he didn't know if it would work, but Vince convinced everyone it would work, and it did. - WWF-Womens Championship Match: Leilani Kai © (Hawaii...162lbs.) Vs. Wendi Richter (Dallas, TX...145lbs.): Wendi's original theme song from the show is dubbed over with some generic crap. Wendi was kind of hot...for 1985 WWF. Leilani is just a dog, and got uglier for Wrestlemania 10. David Wolf is also at ringside with Lauper & Richter. Lockup and they fight in the ropes. Richter sends Kai across the ring and takes her over by the hair. Mule kick by Kai breaks out, and she gets a hip toss, and they reverse hammerlocks, with Kai tapping out! But its 1985 so it means shit. The camera man is stuck on Wendi's BUTT a lot, which is no argument here. Several snapmares by Kai gets a two count. Kai works the arm some more, and Wendi fights back briefly, but is sent to the turnbuckle. Leilani with a choke hold and they have a sex position going on in the middle of the ring. Kai pulls Wendi up by the hair but....something happens for two. Kai works the hair some more as this is getting Brutus/Samartino boring. Wendi kicks Kai in the face for two and shoves the referee! Moolah works over Richter until Lauper makes the save. Boot to the midsection by Leilani, and Richter fights back again. F5!!!!! Nevermind it was a vicious slam. Wendi runs into the knees of Kai and she works her over again. Back breaker by Kai gets two. Kai with a slam, and she goes to the top rope. Cross Body Press is reversed and Richter turns her over for the win at 6:11! * Richter & Lauper celebrate in the ring after the match after beating up on Moolah a bit. Bad Match that I thought was OK from the first viewing. A few months later, Wendi Screwed Wendi. - Cyndi Lauper reminds Ivory of Jeff Hardy. OUCH! Three years before he was thought of being gay and he's being ragged on. - Retro Moment: Roddy Piper & Paul Orndorff/Mr. T & Hulk Hogan video package. Includes footage from Tuesday Night Titans, Television news broadcasts, and Saturday Night Live. Footage of Mr. T & Hogan training for the match. Roddy Piper & Orndorff are meditating, and when Gene bothers him, he roars at him in a hilarious spot. Both men share eating a picture of Orndorff. - The Fink introduces Billy Martin as the special ring announcer. Liberace is announced as the guest time keeper, who comes out with four rockettes, and they do some kicking action. Next Up, Muhammad Ali is the guest (outside) referee. - Hulk Hogan (Venice Beach, CA...302lbs.) & Mr. T (Chicago, IL...225 lbs.) Vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper (Glosgow, Scotland...232lbs.) & Paul Orndorff (Tampa, FL...252lbs.): Martin final introduces the participants. Piper & Orndorff, with Orton, come out to a band of bag pipes and drums playing. Hogan & Mr. T have Real American (dubbed over Eye of the Tiger). The heels are pelted with garbage and someone even has to sweep it out of the ring! Lberace rings a tiny bell...and well, enough said. Pat Patterson is the inside referee here, and Orndorff starts with Hogan. Piper tags in before anything happens. Mr. T tags in too. They go nose to nose in an awesome moment and exchange some slaps!! Piper calls time out and kicks him, followed by a go behind take down. Mr. T escapes the hold, neither mans with the shove off, and T with a fireman's carry to a big ovation and he slams Piper down hard. Pier-Six Brawl in the corner!!!! Ali comes in, Orton comes in, Snuka comes in and its complete chaos!!! Ali almost nailed Hotrod!! Heels run for a while but return after a while. Double Noggin Knocker to the heels and Hogan nails Piper, and a double noggin knocker again! Atomic Drop to Piper! Hulk rakes the eyes a lot, and they double clothesline Piper!! Scoop Slam by Mr. T and a hip toss to Orndorff!! Another slam to Piper and a headbutt to Orndorff!! Piper gets nailed with the big boot, going to the outside. Orndorff from being clotheslines Hogan out, and Piper nails him with a steel chair!!! Piper gets his arrogant look and kicks Hogan in the face. Mr. T tries saving and Piper chokes out Hogan. Double Atomic Drop by Piper & Orndorff. Orndorff drops a knee across the champ and kicks him in the head. Orndorff with a big suplex on the Hulkster and Piper back in. He unloads on Hogan with big rights and a knee lift for two. Back Breaker by Mr. Wonderful, and he misses a flying knee drop! Mr. T makes the tag and he rakes Pipers eyes! Double teaming puts Mr. T down and Orndorff puts the boots to him. Piper with a front face lock on Mr. T but Hogan with the tag and he unloads on both men again! Back Suplex by Orndorff on Hogan! Piper in but he's restrained! Snuka attacks Orton who comes in the ring!!! Orndorff with a full nelson on Hogan, holding him in place for Piper to hit. Piper winds up...but he's taken down by T! Orton off the top rope with the cast.....and it nails Orndorff!!! Hogan covers! !....2.....3!! Hogan & T win at 13:22!!! *** Awesome match for a celebrity being involved. Mr. T & Hulk Hogan help out Orndorff, who was out after Piper & Orton left, but doesn't know what to think. Orndorff would align himself with Hogan a month or two later. - Long shot of the Axcess set, plus the Kane & Rock race cars. Ivory is already changed into outfit #2. - Pat Patterson talks about how Muhammad Ali wanted to fight someone. Orndorff threatened to hit him, and everything went crazy. - Kerwin Silfies (Sr. Director WWF TV) talks about the celebrities there. He was shocked at how glitzy and entertaining it was. It was more exciting then going to the movies, etc., etc. - Vince Mcmahon speaks about the after Wrestlemania party. Most of the arenas were a tremendous success, but he became depressed afterwards, and he was thinking what will be the next thing we do. He knew he had to top Wrestlemania and was looking forward to it. WRESTLEMANIA II: WHAT THE WORLD HAS COME TO - Vince Mcmahon talks about coming up with the idea of having three locations for the show in three different time zones. - Gerald Brisco speaks on Wrestlemania II and the three locations, and he thought it was total B.S. He thought it couldn't be pulled off. - Video Highlights: The Boxing Match headlined The New York stage, a 20 man battle royal featuring grid iron greats in Chicago, and the steel cage main event in Los Angeles. -Ray Charles sings the national anthem from Wrestlemania II. I always enjoyed his version of the song for some reason, it just sounds much better. - Clips from each portion of the show is shown in a better detail then from several minutes ago. - We Remember those who were at Wrestlemania were are no longer with us. Namely JYD, Andre The Giant, Adrian Adonis, and Gorilla Monsoon. - Fabulous Moolah joins Ivory & Michael Cole. Moolah mentions working for Vince McMahon Sr., talks about the different territories, even mentioning Jim Crockett. Moolah remembers Vince, Jr. wearing diapers. She didn't have doubts in Vince Jr.s abilities to run the WWF like his father did. We take a look back at Wrestlemania II. - WWF-Womens Championship Match: Fabulous Moolah © Vs. Velvet McIntyre: Moolah jumps her from the start with snapmares by the hair and a few forearms. Drop-kick by McIntyre and a big slam. 2nd rope splash misses and Moolah covers her for the win at 0:58. DUD. McIntyre's foot was on the ropes too. - That was quick. Back with Moolah. She comments about how much money she made when she started out. She said she would wrestle maybe 2 or 3 matches a night, and get paid a grand total of $5. And most of that went to transportation, her wrestler license, and food, so she was left with maybe $.50 or $1. Ivory thanks her for starting the Women's wrestling division. - Retro Moment: Highlights of the George Steele/Randy Savage/Elizabeth scenario from 1986. Steele was lusting over Liz, but Savage kicked his ass for it, which set up Wrestlemania 2. - WWF-Intercontinental Championship Match: "Macho Man" Randy Savage © Vs. George "The Animal" Steele: Savage runs away from Steele...alot, to start this match. Steele finally catches him and bites his calf. Savage jumps him but gets choked for his troubles. Savage traps Steele in the ropes and stomps a mudhole in him to the disgust of Susan St. James. Cross Body is botched for two, and Savage is tossed outside. Savage sneaks around the ring from underneath and gives Steele a running knee to the back, but he's once bitten (hehe) again. Savage has some flowers now, but Steele steals them and smacks him with them, which he SELLS. Steele eats a turnbuckle now and rubs the stuffing in Savages face. Savage from he top rope with a double ax-handle on Steele, who was distracted by Elizabeth. Body Slam by Savage and the Flying Elbow only gets two! Savage rolls up Steele in the corner though and wins with extra leverage, at 7:07. -**. TERRIBLE MATCH. Steele chases the referee with some stuffing after the match. - Ivory makes a small rib at Albert for the hairy back look coming back in the WWF. Wrestlemania 2 was the first Pay Per View Wrestlemania. - Retro Moment: Mr. T/Roddy Piper video package. Highlights of the Saturday Nights Main Event from Phoenix when Orton & Piper did a number on him. Mr. T talking at the Wrestlemania 2 press conference, and both men training. Ted Arcidi is helping Mr. T train I notice. - Hilarious interview from Roddy Piper. He says if he would be knocked out, he would not only quick from proffesional boxing, but he would quit professional wrestling, he would quit tiddlywinks, and he would even quit dating girls. But he'd keep Bob Orton around. (Ok this wasn't on the PPV but it's just FUNNY.) - Boxing Match: Mr. T Vs. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper: I REALLY don't know how to recap this fight/match, so I'll give my thoughts on each round. Round 1: Piper seems to have thrown more punches to Mr. T, but nothing really connects good enough. Mr. T got in some good shots as well. I'd give this round to Piper (10-9). Round 2: Both men start off the round pretty even, but the blows seem to be REALLY pulled. Piper knovks Mr. T down for the standing 8 count, and he wins another round. (10-8). Round 3: Mr. T comes back in this round knocking Piper down TWICE. If he is knocked down a third time he loses by TKO, but he remains on his feet. Mr. T's round. (10-7). Round 4: Piper gets pissed off so he shoves the refereeand BODY SLAMS Mr. T for the disqualification at 1:17 of Round 4 (10:17 overall). NR because there is no way to rate this match fairly. WRESTLEMANIA III: BIGGER...BETTER...BADDER - Triple H (WWF Champion) says Wrestlemania is the ultimate show and this is what the business is all about. - Howard Finkel calls it the Superbowl or World Series of wrestling. - Marty Miller (WWF Cameraman) says you can't describe the energy involved in a Wrestlemania. - Michael Cole says Wrestlemania III is his all time favorite one. - Kerwin Silfies says he believed Vince will do anything he believes in, and he felt the same for the filling of Pontiac Silverdome. He says Basil Devito was in charge of selling tickets. - Gerald Brisco says he wasn't as skeptical as he was for the first two, because he believed it was possible for them to fill the Pontiac Silverdome. He remembers getting goosebumps just looking at the crowd. - Pat Patterson says Vince said he was going to roll the dice, and if it didn't work, they'd be out of business. Patterson didn't think he could do it, be they did. - Wrestlemania III Highlights: The announcement of the indoor attendance record of 93,173 people. Clips of the opening tag, JYD/Race, Piper/Adonis, the 6 man tag match, and Jake Roberts & Alice Cooper abusing Jimmy Hart. - Howard Finkel says it was a great moment for Vince to stand in that ring and he was proud of being in there with him. - Vince Mcmahon says he was overwhelmed and that he was proud of Andre and Hogan and all the guys for such a great show. He remembers getting choked up in the ring before welcoming everyone to Wrestlemania III. He says he felt his fathers presence with him and that after that he was fine and everything went smooth. - Aretha Franklin sings America The Beautful after Vince Mcmahon introduces the show. - Kevin Kelly is with Linda Mcmahon backstage. She brings up how Aretha Franklin couldn't get to the arena in time for a sound test before the show started, so she had to go out and do the song without testing if the sound was working. Hype of the Dysfunctional Mcmahon storylines by Kelly. This is a go nowhere interview really. - Retro Moment: Highlights of Randy Savage dropping Steamboats throat over the security railing, then to put the icing on the cake, dropped the ring bell across his throat. - WWF Intercontinental Title Match: "Macho Man" Randy Savage © Vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat: Backstory was mentioned already in the previous statement. Liz is a 9 on the doable meter. Savage with a go behind but Steamboat reverses it to a takedown. Steamboat has a lot of throat to Ventura. Steamboat with a series of deep arm drags and a guillotine choke (see WM 2 & VII). Savage with an ax-handle to steamboat and a kick to the ribs. Randy uses the ropes to clothesline Steamboat and nails a few bionic elbows. Steamer with a leveraged wrist lock and an arm ringer across the top rope. Savage with an elbow to the face takes the advantage and slings him over the top rope. Savage with an elbow across the throat. Savage kicks Steamboat in the back of the head sending him to the floor. Snapmare back in by savage and some more elbows between the eyes for a 2 count. (1). Knee drop gets 2 (2). Steamboat blocks the turnbuckle shot and unleashes some right hands. Savage is tied in the ropes so Steamer unloads on him. Steamer with a high cross body for 2. (3). shoulder block gets 2 (4). Savage with an elbow to the back. Savage with a clothesline sends Steamer over and out. Savage throws Steamer right into the bell table and into the crowd. Savage takes Steamer and again tosses him over the top, followed by a double ax-handle off the top rope. Savage nails another inside the ring and a running elbow for 2. (5). sling him over the top rope for 2. (6). Atomic Drop gets 2 (7) Suplex by Savage gets 2 (8) Gutwrench Suplex by Savage gets a 2 (9). Steamer reverses an atomic drop and tosses Savage now over the top rope. Steamer nails the flying chop to the head for a 2 count (10). Steamboat with the double chop gets a 2 count (11). Chops to the head send Savage outside. Sunset Flip gets 2 (12). School Boy gets 2 (13). Double leg pin gets 2 (14) Small Package gets 2 (15) Slingshot into the buckle gets 2 (16). Steamer with a reversal gets 2 (17) reversed by Savage gets 2 (18). Savage pillars steamer to end the hot segment of 2 counts. Ref Bump as Savage takes down Steamer with a clothesline. Flying Elbow!! Count of 1.....2........3..........4.........5..........6.........7.....8 and Savage goes outside for the ring bell. Steele takes it but Savage gets it back. Steele heave Savage off the top rope, allowing Steamboat to connect with an inside cradle for the 3 count and the Intercontinental title. 14:36 (19). ***** Easy. Hot match, great great great segment nearing the end. Steamboat sadly went to lose the title 6 weeks later to the Honky Tonk Man and Randy Savage went on and turned face. - Chris Jericho talks about how awesome Steamboat and Savage were at Wrestlemania III. He said he re-watched it over and over again and learned a lot of stuff from it. - JAKKS Action Figure Segment gets the FF button. Andre The Giant Hasbro mint condition can go for $170. WOW. - Vince Mcmahon speaks about how Andre The Giant gave up on his career because of his bad back. He came up with the idea of having Andre vs. Hogan at Wrestlemania. Andre at the time was doing the Princess Bride in England, so Vince called him up for business, and Andre told him to save his airfare. Vince says he was looking for a place to die, and that being a giant, his days were numbered and that his life span was a lot shorter than an average mans. Vince said he had to do the match for himself, his father (Vinces), and the fans, to give back to the company. - WWF-World Championship Match: Hulk Hogan © Vs. Andre The Giant: Most famous stare down ever. Andre shoves Hogan, Hogan shoves andre, punch punch punch Slam........Andre falls on him for a 2 count. Andre looks pissed now. Andre with a club to the back, and another and a knee lift and body slam on the champion. Another slam follows followed by some Irish whips into the turnbuckle, trying to injure Hogans back. Andre with some shoulder thrusts to the midsection of Hogan. And Some BUTT splashes follow. Hogan comes back with some stiff right hands and a big roundhouse, an elbow and some chops across the chest of andre. Turnbuckle SHOTS OF DOOM. Andre with a low big boot takes back the advantage. Andre goes to the Bearhug to kill some time. Andre rams his own head into the ring post by accident and Hogan goes for a piledriver on the concrete. Andre, in the worst reversals ever, sloppily drops Hogan badly. Hogan fights back and clothesline andre down hard!! Hulkamania is running wild. Body Slam!!!!!! Hogan with the Leg Drop!! 1....2......3 Its over and Hogan retains the title. 10:12. *1/2 Not that bad, but it still was almost the hype that made this match a classic. Hogan poses with the belt for a few minutes and the show ends with Hogan leaving in the mini cart. - Kerwin Silfies says that both men had their own aura and that both were larger then life. It was the first time that Vince took the two biggest and most enormous characters and out them against each other on a big show, and made it a traditional good guy vs. bad guy match. He says it was good, not great wrestling wise, and that Andre was very proud of the match, because of the feeling he put the 93,000,000 fans those seats more then Hogan. - Pat Patterson says you don't feel the electricity of the crowd backstage, so he crawled out near ringside for the main event to feel the generation of the crowd. - Ivory is at the Andre The Giant hand print set at Axcess. - Andre The Giant Video Package. Very Well Done by the WWF as always. Very heart warming as it doesn't show Andre as a heel very much from 1988-90, but mainly of him smiling and having fun beating up heels. - Hillbilly Jim (WWF Home Video) says Andre was misunderstood and that he misses him a whole bunch. Everyone called him the Boss, and I hope everyone knows that. He talks about competing at Wrestlemania III. - Hillbilly Jim, Little Beaver, Haiti Kid vs. King Kong Bundy, Lord Littlebrook, Little Tokyo: I'm guessing they all represent different countries. The midgets lock up for most of the match with a double crisscross, then the faces go into the row boat. The midgets lock up in all the matches possible, but it still sucks. Bundy takes a shot by the beaver so he tags in, followed by Hillbilly Jim. Jim nails some clotheslines and shitty elbow drop. Beaver runs in AGAIN, but this time Bundy catches him slams him, and drops a big fat elbow for the disqualification. DUD Hillbilly's team picks up the win at 4:23. - Hillbilly Jim again. He says Little Beaver must have weighed 400 pounds because he was heavy as hell and Hillbilly had to carry him from the ring to the backstage area, and everyone knows how long the entrance was at this show. - Pat Patterson tells a story of a woman who was at Wrestlemania with her kids. She brought a book with her because she didn't like wrestling, and only came because her kids wanted to go. After the show she says she enjoyed the show and didn't even read the book. WRESTLEMANIA IV: WHAT THE WORLD IS WATCHING - The Rock speaks about The Crockett company, and the Superbrawls, but your main objective should be to be at Wrestlemania, being in the main event. It what he works for every day. Chris Tafuri (WWF Cameraman) says Wrestlemania IV was his first and that he didn't know what to do. He remembers seeing the site for the first time and that it was impressive. - Lillian Garcia has an interview with The Kat. Kat threatens to show some exposure at Wrestlemania 2000. She says Blondes have more fun, which is a hint that she isn't wearing a wig tonight. - Michael Cole is with Basil Devito and Bob Collins. Collins first Wrestlemania was IV and that he was blown away by the fans and the action by the superstars. Wrestlemania IV had a fan festival, the first one, but it was a lot smaller. - Clips of WWF Axcess. The first sighting of Stone Cold since Survivor Series when he was ran over, and for The Undertaker for the first time since before Unforgiven 1999. - Basil Devito was writing a book on Wrestlemania (which I own, and it comes with a 2 hour DVD with segments from All Day Long. Basil says the Plaza guys would pay for the event, but WWF had to come up with a fan festival. - Highlights of Wrestlemania IV's non tournament matches. It seems WWF tries to forget about Warrior vs. Hercules because they haven't acknowledged it for a few years now. Clips of each tournament participant. - WWF Championship Tournament: (Finalist's Matches) Hacksaw" Jim Duggan vs. "Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase: Duggan yells like an idiot a lot. Dibiase with a clean break in the corner. HOOOOOOO! I bet Duggan couldn't get women with that chant. Dibiase with cheap shot blocked and some right hands by Duggan. Stalling Atomic Drop sends Dibiase over the top rope. HOOOOOOO! Dibiase with an eye rake and some chops and rights to the jaw. Duggan with a clothesline followed by the 10 PUNCHES OF DOOM!! HOOOOOOOOOO! Dibiase with a boot to Duggan's face and some shots to the gut. Dibiase with his own clothesline and a stomp to the face. Dibiase nails a second rope elbow for 2. Duggan with a series of roundhouse rights, Duggan pulls out a sunset flip. (echoing Voice) Now you believe in. Dibiase with a knee to the midsection. Duggan with a reversed suplex and a hard right to the breadbasket. Powerslam sets up the 3 point stance. andre trips up Duggan. Duggan goes after him and gets hit right in the mouth at the same time Dibiase nails a knee to the back and the fist drop for the win at 5:02. 1/4*. God Dibiase was so good, but Duggan was ZERO help for this one. - "Macho Man" Randy Savage vs. "The Natural" Butch Reed: Like I said for the Muraco/Bravo match, 1 guess who wins here?. Jesse says Monsoon is drooling so much he looks like Matilda. Jesse bashes Vince again tonight, o brother. Liz is a 8 on doable meter. Reed poses, and gets boo'd. Reed takes Savage to the corner and starts kicking him and drops a fist. Savage eats turnbuckle savage reverses the second and reed eats now. Savage cant nail a suplex and reed nails his own. Elbow drop gets 2. Fists galore by the natural. Savage is draped across the top rope sending him to the floor. reed sends Savage to the mat with an elbow and a second rope fist between the eyes. Savage jabs do nothing and reed nails a huge clothesline. Liz distracts Reed while he climbs the ropes, but savage stops and slams him, followed by the academic elbow drop for the win at 4:09. 1/2*. So we saw 3 of the 4 no chance in hell guys eliminated so far. I wonder if a pattern is forming. - "Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase vs. "The Rock" Don Muraco: Winner of this automatically is in the finals. Muraco starts by ramming Ted into the post. Elbow drop and a Powerslam gets 2. Punch to the midsection and elbow put down Ted. Muraco goes up for a second rope fist to the esophagus. Muraco with a suplex and Curt Hennig like snapmare on Dibiase. Standing drop-kick gets 2. Graham threatens to nail Dibiase with a Cain. In 10 years this is how bad Graham got. Dibiase pulls Muraco right into the ring post, turning the tide. Dibiase is choking out Muraco This referee is so annoying. Like the American League umpire who screams everything. Clothesline gets 2 by Dibiase. More chokes to Muraco. Muraco fights back with some punches in the corner and a clothesline. Ted begs then sucker punches Muraco but Muraco takes him down. Muraco off the ropes but is dropped across the ropes for the win at 5:36. ** Not that bad a match, but still nothing that great either. - Greg "The Hammer" Valentine vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage: Savage & Liz come out in color coordinated pink. Its so cool living in Savages hometown of Sarasota, Florida. This match is mainly Valentine to my memory. Savage gets a snapmare and knee to the neck for a 2. Hammer nails Savage and goes up top, nailing an elbow onto savages neck. Valentine with an elbow for 2. shoulder breaker by Hammer gets another 2 count. Valentine follows up by hurling Savage over the top rope and dropping an ax handle off the apron. Reverse Knife-edges by Valentine then rams Savage into the steel barricade. Valentine with more Elbows and stomps. Savage fights off the figure 4. Hammer nails a nice suplex for 2. Savage with an elbow and a scoop slam. Savage goes up and nails the double ax handle for 2. Valentine nails a few more elbows and a suplex is reversed by Savage. Savage goes for another ax handle but is caught this time. Savage misses the rope leg drop and Valentine goes for the figure 4, but Savage turns into a small package for the 3 count at 6:07. **1/2 Great match, for this event at least. I don't believe the show is being carried by Greg Valentine. "Macho Man" Randy Savage vs. One Man Gang: 1 Guess how bad this match is gonna be. God, too many matches for 1 night. Gang looks like me on Drugs right here. One Man Gang punches and kick Savage all over the ring, Savage gets in some shots. Slick chases up Liz onto the apron as One Man Gang starts attempting to nail Savage with a Cain. The referee spots this and calls for the bell at 4:11. DUD. Savage vs. Ted Dibiase in the finals. Savage afterwards drops Gang with a double ax handle squashing Slick underneath him. WWF Championship Match for the Vacant Title: "Macho Man" Randy savage vs. "Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase: It's too late. Bob Ueker is guest ring announcer again. Vanna White gives him a kiss after 4 hours of looking for her. Andre is again with Dibiase and Savage has Liz. Vanna is guest time keeper tonight. Andre trips up savage right away. Both men exchange a number of arm-bars and again andre grabs Savage's leg. Both men work arm ringers again. Savage takes some shots to the sternum. Dibiase nails clothesline for 2. Savage with an Irish whip but Dibiase nails a shoulder-block and goes for an unsuccessful sunset flip. Savage back in control with a running elbow and slinging Ted across the top rope. Followed by a high knee sending him to the floor. Savage goes for an Ax-handle off the tope, but andre stands in his way. Liz leaves and retrieves The Hulkster to be in his corner. Dibiase with the fallen fist drop for 2. Sleeper Hold stalls until Hogan comes out to a huge pop. Savage nails some left jabs then gets punished with slams and suplexes. gut Wrench suplex gets 2. Savage slams Ted off the top then misses his own elbow drop. Dibiase locks the million dollar dream on but Hogan clobbers him with a steel chair. Savage goes up and nails the elbow drop for the win and the world title at 9:18. **. Not bad, but definitely not one of the best main events in Wrestlemania history. - Ivory is onto Outfit #3 by this point. WRESTLEMANIA V: THE MEGA POWERS EXPLODE - Run DMC song performed at Wrestlemania V is played to some video clips of the matches from the PPV. Song isn't that bad, but what does it have to do with Wrestlemania and the WWF? I guess nothing, but its still a decent song. - Clip of the music video of Run DMC's "The King" song for D-Generation X on WWF Aggression Ivory is jamming to the song so corny. - Michael Cole brings up two superstars to be bigger stars after Wrestlemania V were Shawn Michaels & Big Boss Man. - Bruce "Brother Love" Prichard joins us now. He does his trademark "I love you!" line. Bruce says he emulated Roddy Piper, and then brings up how Morton Downey Jr. was obnoxious to everyone by blowing smoke in everyones face and being a prick. He says he knew Shawn Michaels & Boss Man would be stars in their careers. - Jake "The Snake" Roberts Vs. Andre The Giant: Big John Studd is the special referee here, which of course should tell you the results already. Andre The Giant takes off the turnbuckle pad off camera during Jake Roberts entrance and slams his head into it, nearly killing him, or so Jake Roberts sells. Andre with some really slow offense of resting and punching. Jake traps him in the ropes and lays a shit kicking into him for about 10 seconds, but he gets choked out after that. Roberts fights back enough to retrieve his sack of dameon, but Ted Dibiase ambushes him and steal it...for a short time. In the ring, Andre is choking out Studd with his ring attire and Roberts comes in for the save for the Disqualification win at 9:40. -* Awful Match, which is what I was expecting from this one. - Bruce Prichard talks about how Roberts would bring the snake everywhere with him, and it scared a lot of people, and that he wasn't too fond of it. He recalls a time when Jake tore his pants and underwear, and stuffed the snake down his trousers. I don't remember this so it must have been a house show. - Warrior/Rude is clipped to about 30 seconds so putting a 10 minute rant for this is unnecessary, besides the match sucked anyway. - Michael Cole brings up Rick Rude passing away, and Bruce Prichard says he was one of his favorite friends. More Axcess hype by all three of them. We got one more "I love you!" and it's extra long and loud, like the one he did at Wrestlemania X-Seven. - Retro Moment: Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage video package. At Survivor Series Savage took an ass kicking and Hogan cleaned up for him. Savage was jealous of Hogan/Liz's friendship, and finally at The Main Event in February 1989, Savage snapped when he slapped Hogan for helping Liz backstage for medical attention, then Attacking him with the belt. Liz promo saying she hopes that neither man is seriously injured from the match. - WWF World Championship Match: "Macho Man" Randy Savage © Vs. Hulk Hogan: The champion enters first, which is odd, and thus pisses off Jesse Ventura, while he rants on Hogan's ego, which is what he does for the entire match. Ventura says Savage is the most talented wrestler in the world, which is the case if it was his nickname for the entire WWF's talent at the time. Ventura calls Hogan, Lust Hogan. He calls the Hulksters the Pukesters, ha ha. Savage runs like a scolded log to stall time. Lockup and Hogan wins the shove off. Savage with a side headlock, and Hogan with a shoulderblock. Savage with a headlock and a eye rake, and again. Hogan irish whips Savage and he ducks under the ropes. Hogan chases but Savage holds Liz in front of him. Savage gets back in and offers Hogan the ropes back in, har har. Hogan with a headlock, go behind armbar, drop toe hold and front headlock all in 1 combination!! Savage reverses with a back suplex but misses an elbow and Hogan unloads. Savage with an eye rake and double axhandle and an armbar. Hulk uses the momentum of pulling Savages tights sending him into the ropes to the floor. Hogan sends Savage to the buckle and nails a clothesline followed by two elbows and a foot to the face. Savage back up with a hart attack getting a 2 count then applies a sleeper hold. Hogan is "busted" barely above his eye. Hogan with elbows to the midsection, catches a Savage boot, nails an atomic drop but misses an elbow. Savage with a knee drop sends Hogan to the buckle and rolls him up, hooking the tights for 2. Savage sends Hogan to the buckle again and slaps him around and Hogans up! He slams Savages head in the buckle several times and unloads with a series of rights and a clothesline in the corner, then slams him over the top rope to the floor! Liz to the rescue and Savage almost decks her. Hogan tries sending Savage into the post, but Liz stops him, allowing Savage to send Hogan into it. Hebner afterwards sends Liz from ringside. Savage to the top rope and he drops a double axhandle onto Hogan to the floor. Savage stun guns Hogan and comes back into the ring with a Bossman like splash between the top and middle ropes. Slam by Savage and a knee drop gets 2. Savage uses the tape from his wrist to choke out Hulk and continues choking him with his hands afterwards. To the top rope and Savage with a Elbow Drop!!! 1...........2....HULK UP!!! UH OH. Hogan with 3 roundhouse rights, big boot and leg drop to get the win and his 2nd of 6 WWF Championships at 17:53. **** easily one of Hogan's best matches EVER. Ventura continues to bad mouth Hogan while he poses to Real American. - Vince Mcmahon says Hulk came in first to work for his dad. He wasn't very talented in ring wise but had plenty of charisma and a great presentation. He says he encouraged Hogan to do Rocky III, and says one of our own finally made it. Brings up Hulk Hogan's merchandising, where he would change his T-shirt design every month, and that he could go a lot further with his character where most others couldn't. END OF PART 1...WRESTLEMANIA's I-V. Next Time, we continue with WRESTLEMANIA's VI-X! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites