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Guest Anglesault

When it's all said and done...

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Guest Brian

Everyone's doing that, but when people look back that's how they will remember him. They'll remember the achievements and they'll remember highlights of his matches. It's the strong-point of nostalgia.

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Guest CanadianChris
Angle isn't near Benoits level.  Benoit has worked great matches in 4 different companies and has managed to produce a MOTYC in almost every year in a span of a decade.

Five, if you count Stampede. Angle isn't anywhere close to Benoit in those terms.


I don't really agree with the Rude comparison, either...remember, Rude was a HORRIBLE worker back in the day. Angle seemed to pick it up from day one.


EDIT: A really good non-wrestling analogy would be Fernando Valenzuela...someone who just hit the scene with a bang, then flamed out in a short period of time.

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