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Guest edotherocket

Cleaning up DVDs

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Guest edotherocket

I just recently picked up the Royal Rumble 2003, Survivor Series 2002 and No Mercy 2002 DVDs and noticed quite a lot of editing in all three. Off the top of my head:


No Mercy - fixed a spot where Edge clotheslines Angle over the top rope but it took him a couple of gos to do it.


Rumble - fixed production error where they had to cut off a replay when Benoit went for a pin after the 3/4 across the ring headbutt.


SurSer- no more 'Get over here Jeff Hardy goddamit' from Rico



Are you for or against match editing? WWE seem to have different standards in this regard. Rico and Jeff's fudged spot is removed yet they keep Steiner/HHH in all its glory. What gives?


Personally, I'm in the school of thought that matches should remain untouched except for shitty production mistakes.


Don't get me started on the music-changing nonsense on some of the older DVDs (No Way Out 2002 comes to mind).

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Guest ISportsFan

I'm for fixing production errors, but against fixing the matches themselves.



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Guest JHawk

Editing matches sucks. Especially since at some point someone's going to have a tape of the actual PPV feed and go "What the...?"

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Guest bob_barron

I can't believe they cut out C'mon Jeff Godamnit- I missed it the first time.


I agree with ISportsFan said

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Guest AndrewTS

No editing of matches...they should be left as-is. Production mistakes are fine to fix up to me.

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Guest LatinoHeat

Does anyone have a list of all the wwf edits? maybe going as far back as the coliseum video days?

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Guest mace

I treasure my Kazaa-downloaded clip of "C'mon Jeff goddamnit!" Missed it the frist time I watched, but laughed my arse off the second time.


(And yes, it's "a-r-s-e" for Aussies. B-) )

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Guest bob_barron
I treasure my Kazaa-downloaded clip of "C'mon Jeff goddamnit!" Missed it the frist time I watched, but laughed my arse off the second time.


(And yes, it's "a-r-s-e" for Aussies. B-) )

I was there live and I was wondering why Rico was taking so long. I must've turned my head or something because the next thing I hear was all of MSG laughing their asses off. Damn them for cutting off that blooper

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Guest Mole

You can't blame them for editing it, Jeff was so doped up on PKs, he forgot what to do.

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Guest bob_barron

And you know this how?


It wasn't all of Jeff's fault. It was a stupid spot to plan since he basically would've had to dove over there to break it up.

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Guest Slapnuts00

Chris Jericho falling flat on his face from the top rope is edited out of his match with Rhyno on Summerslam 2001 :( His botched moonsault is still in though, since it led to a pin attempt...

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Guest notJames
I'm for fixing production errors, but against fixing the matches themselves.



Wrestling matches are fixed? Since when?!?


Oh wait, you meant...



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Guest ISportsFan
I'm for fixing production errors, but against fixing the matches themselves.



Wrestling matches are fixed? Since when?!?


Oh wait, you meant...



I'm still laughing at that.



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Well that blows. And it's cheating! Knowing this, they could add Bradshaw / Trish vs. Nowinski / Gayda to a Raw DVD and cut it down so that it looks like a MOTY candidate.


Chalk it up to the WWE revising history...again.

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Guest MillenniumMan831

Yeah, I remember watching Jericho/Rhyno from SS2001 for the first time a few months ago and remember thinking it's not THAT bad. I figured some stuff had to of been clipped out.

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Guest Bruiser Chong

It was clipped, the two blown spots were neatly edited out of the match. WWE's been editing their stuff forever now, going as far back as the first Wrestlemania. They just don't make the edits so obvious now and usually only edit out blown spots and not chunks of the match to cut down on time, which is what was done with the older shows.

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Guest Slapnuts00
Well that blows. And it's cheating! Knowing this, they could add Bradshaw / Trish vs. Nowinski / Gayda to a Raw DVD and cut it down so that it looks like a MOTY candidate.


Chalk it up to the WWE revising history...again.

No amount of editing short of listing the match as Gayda/Nowitzki vs. Trish/Bradshaw and showing Flair/Steamboat could make that match watchable, let alone a MOTYC.

Although it should never be on a best of RAW DVD, it would fit in well if they release "Funniest Moments 2".

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Guest The Metal Maniac

The WM 2000 VHS (And I'll assume the DVD) cuts out most of Test being stuck in the ropes, and Eddy falling.



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