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Guest Steve J. Rogers

Another horrible recent Chick Flick film: Bounce

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Guest Steve J. Rogers

Not to try to top the Family Man thread but I have to mention Bounce as one of the worst mass-marketed Chick Flicks in recent memory:


Oddly enough I saw this because I consider myself a fan of Ben Affleck and Gwen Paltrow, but I swear this made me want to go : :throwup: about 5 different times:
















Okay, first off, they play the guy who dies off as a Woddy Guthrie style anti-capitalist to the point where Gwen's character said he DIDN'T want to go sell the Christmas trees that he was "rushing" home to help out with so A) Why doesn't he vehmenitly say this to Ben's character when Ben goes "Hey, go sell some Christmas Trees" (and BTW, shouldn't THAT have given him a free pass at the end? I mean he doesn't know the guy hates to sell things and he's trying to do the right thing after hearing a story like that) and B) Wasn't the sale for a church or a school? What the fuck did the guy have against rasing funds for an organization? Not like his kid was pocketing the money.


Second, how does he not tell Gwen (Yes I've forgotten the characters names, the film was THAT bad) off when she gets all bitchy about finding out that he gave her late husband the ticket before he had a chance to say anything when she's the one lying about her past and making up a new "life" for herself. At least he's honest and just chose not to make that admission at that point in the relationship.


Third. I'd LOVE to know what the writer of the script was thinking of when he made Ben's character the ONLY guy realize that the "Rembering..." ad campaign was a crock of shit for that airline. My God. No wonder that airline when out of buisness, if they're ad agency is giving them THAT bad of a marketing advice, GEEZ!


Fourth. Someone explain to me the whole legality shit? I mean I couldn't follow why the whole ticket issue was involved in the lawsuit. So someone gave up a ticket, why should Ben have been envolved in that situation


Fifth. I swear the ONLY likeable character was killed off and even there I'd love to know why the guy was such an anti-capitalist that he wouldn't help his son with a tree sale (unless his son was selling them for himself ala a lemonade stand)


Sixth. In general I laugh at any bad movie that gets "Romantic comedy of the year!" type of press reviews in its marketing campaign. At least be decent if you are gonna fall far from the mark!



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