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Guest Karnage

Worst Movie Concept You Can Think Of

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Guest Karnage

Let's post the crappiest movie concept we can think of.


Mine is a remake of Game Of Death except it stars Hulk Hogan. He could be called Brother Lo or something and wear a red and yellow jumpsuit. In the movie he will always do the crane technique like he did in Santa With Muscles against the bad guys.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Roger Corman stays true to his low budget horror roots, yet tries to cash in on the teen movie craze...


Dude, Where's My Carnosaur?

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Jimmy Walker is a blind man who knows kung fu who travels to the Mohave desert to meet up with his brother played by Jeff Goldblum who has no arms, but can channel the ghost of Sam Kenison. They meet up with Billy Jack who informs them of a golden bowling ball in a temple made of headcheese that is their birth right, but they must defeat their mother to claim it, namely a four armed Anna Nicole Smith with a John Deere lawnmower base where her legs should be.

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Guest Zack Malibu
Jimmy Walker is a blind man who knows kung fu who travels to the Mohave desert to meet up with his brother played by Jeff Goldblum who has no arms, but can channel the ghost of Sam Kenison. They meet up with Billy Jack who informs them of a golden bowling ball in a temple made of headcheese that is their birth right, but they must defeat their mother to claim it, namely a four armed Anna Nicole Smith with a John Deere lawnmower base where her legs should be.

I think I'd actually watch that.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Oh yeah, the name of the movie will be Ass of Fury, with the tag line of "Don't show us your ass, just show us your fury."

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

Wow Deacon, you really got this all planned out.


Will there be a sequel?

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Guest WrestlingDeacon
Wow Deacon, you really got this all planned out.


Will there be a sequel?

I came up with that concept in about two minutes. You should see what I can think of when I'm trying. I'm a FUGK. Fucked Up Guy to Know.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

See, it's insects, only with Sylvester Stallone, and virtual reality. None of the insects can talk, but they buzz and stuff. It's pretty cool.

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Guest saturnmark4life

Let's see...it would HAVE to have Hogan in it, expect playing a cop who was a martial arts expert and had a black partner (probably Martin Lawrence). Cue HILARITY. Throw in some aliens and cameos by all of Hogan's pals (Hacksaw, beefcake etc) and a Nickelback ballad for the theme song.

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Guest the pinjockey

A buddy flick with Fred "Rerun" Berry and Hulk Hogan as they go after a gang that killed Reruns midget cousin all while trying to break into the Adult film industry.


It can be called "Planet of the Gapes"

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Guest crandamaniac

Paul Hogan (of Crocodile Dundee fame) finds out that his parents aren't really his Australian Parents, but his really parents are from South Central. He then moves back to his "home" and immerses himself into the culture in the movie titled "Brotha from Down Under"

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Guest J*ingus

Worst ever? Uh, I dunno, maybe a merry musical comedy about hardcore pedophilia or something.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

200 years in the future, the sole survivor of a mining vessel, who survived encounters with a deadly creature until her third encounter with them (and is also carrying a creature inside of her), is cloned back into existence using DNA found in a test tube where she died. Somehow, the creature she was carrying inside of her has been brought back as well, and a group of space pirates board a military science vessel as friendlies to deliver live cargo.


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Alien Resurrection

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Guest The Czech Republic

The worst movie concept would be to remake Tom Sawyer to take place in modern times.

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Guest Downhome
A remake of the Odd Couple starring John Rocker and Spike Lee!

I would like to see that, only staring George W. Bush and Saddam.

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Guest RevEvil
The worst movie concept would be to remake Tom Sawyer to take place in modern times.

what would be so bad about that?

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Guest BorneAgain

A down-on-his-luck hair cutter played by Rob Schneider is sent back in time to the Norse Viking era. Then, through a series of wacky misadventures ends up becoming the leader and uses his haircutting skills to lead them to victory.


The name of the movie... The Barberian

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

How about D level celebrity Jamie Kennedy as a single father raising a child with a mask that gives it superhuman powers?

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Guest godthedog
Worst ever? Uh, I dunno, maybe a merry musical comedy about hardcore pedophilia or something.

i think that's todd solondz's next project, actually.

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